Jiara:Mother daughter date (gone wrong) pt 2

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Context:Kiara and Emily were suppose to go on a mother daughter date but there were other plans.

"Rafe you son of a bitch." JJ screamed. Kiara just kept holding Emily in her arms and telling her everything going to be ok. "Sir I need you to step back please." A police office said. "What that's my daughter." JJ said. "Sir I need you to calm down please". The police officer said. JJ just walked away so he could calm down. "Ma'am can you tell me what happened?" The same police officer asked Kiara. "Yea my daughter just ran outside and she wasn't looking where she was going and this guy just hit her." Kiara said before she started crying again. "Did you see what the guy looked like." The police officer asked. "Yes Rafe Cameron." Kiara said. "Alright I will let my supervisor know." The police officer said as he grabbed his walkie talkie to tell his boss.

The paramedics just arrived and they ran over to Kiara with an unconscious Emily in her arms. "We'll take her from here ma'am." A paramedic said. Kiara just let the paramedic take Emily out of her hands and take her to the ambulance. "I'll go with her." Kiara said as she walked over to the ambulance. "St.Mary Hospital is where we are taking her sir." A paramedic told JJ. "JJ quickly ran inside and grabbed the emergency bag him and Kiara kept for themselves put them in his car. Once he put the bags in his car he saw the ambulance speed away.

"Whats her name?" The paramedic asked. "Emily Maybank." Kiara sobbed. "Hey hey hey we are going to do everything we can to make sure little Emily here gets back to normal." The paramedic said. "Ok well she was running outside and the neighborhood is always quiet so no one is out and the street and I was grabbing my purse and the second me and my husband look outside a black Range Rover came out of no where." Kiara said. "She said that her arm hurt before she passed out." Kiara said. "Ok I'm guessing she has a concussion since there is a pretty big bump on her head." The paramedic said. Kiara just held Emily's hand the rest of the way. "Ok ma'am we are here so get ready to get out." The paramedic said.

"Emily Maybank 4 years old, minor concussion,and possibly a fractured arm." The paramedic said as she wheeled Emily into the hospital. "Ok we'll take her from her Paula." The doctor said as the nurses lifted Emily onto the bed. Paula took the gurney back to the ambulance and JJ came rushing in. "Kiara Kiara are you two alright." JJ said. "I'm going to need you both to step out so the doctors can help your daughters." The nurse said. Kiara and JJ walked into the waiting room and just sat down. "I hope Emily is ok." JJ said. "She's going to be ok JJ. She's a fighter you know." Kiara said as she gave JJ a hug. "I know but she doesn't have us to be there with here." JJ said. "It's ok she's going to be alright." Kiara said. JJ just laid his head in Kiara's lap while Kiara played with his hair.

"Mommy what happened." Emily said as she started to wake up. "Emily your Mommy is right here but I'm Nurse Emily." Nurse Emily said. "Well Mrs Maybank Emily does have a concussion and broken arm but other than that she will be ok." Nurse Emily told Kiara. "Mommy what's a concussion?" Emily said. "It's brain injury but you will need a lot of rest." Kiara said. "Oh can we go to target now." Emily asked. "Maybe another day bubs." JJ said. Emily just watched the tv and waited for her parents to come back from talking with the doctor.

"We are going to keep Emily here overnight just to make sure her concussion doesn't get any worse." The nurse told Kiara and JJ. "Ok do whatever you need to as long as our daughter gets all the help she needs." JJ said. "So can we both stay with her overnight." Kiara asked. "Unfortunately not. Only one parent is aloud to stay overnight." The nurse said. "Oh umm I'll stay with her then." Kiara said. "You sure?" JJ said. "Yea I know if something like this happened to me I would want my mom with me." JJ said. Kiara just laughed and hugged JJ goodbye. "Text me when you guys are going to leave." JJ said. "Will do." Kiara said. JJ then walked into Emily's hospital room to say goodbye but she had fell asleep. JJ gave her a kiss on her forehead and whispered "goodnight my little princess." and walked out.

Kiara then got herself situated and laid with Emily. Emily randomly woke since she had to go the bathroom. When Kiara came back from changing she saw Emily's bed empty. "Emily where are you?" Kiara called out. Kiara then heard little snore's coming from the bathroom. Emily had fell asleep on the toilet. "Wow if this doesn't prove your JJ Maybanks daughter then I don't know what does." Kiara said as she carefully picked Emily up off the toilet,brought her back to her bed, and tucked her in. "Mommy sleep with me." Emily said which sounded like she was dreaming. Kiara then laid beside Emily and went to sleep.

Here's part 2 to the last oneshot. Hope you like it.

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