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In the last oneshot JJ and Kiara's daughters Isabella and Bailey revealed some interesting news they also just got home from the hospital.

"Mom can you help me please." Bailey yelled. "I'm helping your sister right now have your dad help you." Kiara yelled. "I'll just wait." Bailey said. "Bails we need to talk about what Isabella said at the hospital." JJ said. "We're still on that. It was like two weeks ago so maybe we can talk about how my ankle is feeling better and I just have a cast on my wrist and not my arm anymore." Bailey said. "You had sex with Tyler." JJ said. "And I'm 16 that's same age you and mom had sex together and then you had me what a shocker." Bailey said. "That's why you can't have sex with him anymore." JJ said. "I can't have sex with my boyfriend anymore because you don't want me to end up like mom." Bailey said. "That is not what I'm saying." JJ said. "It pretty much is." Bailey said. "Hey can you help Isabella upstairs". Kiara said as she walked into Baileys room. JJ left and Kiara sat next to Bailey. "Dad hates me. He thinks I'm gonna end up just like you." Bailey said. "What do you mean end up like me?" Kiara said. "Have a baby at 16 and then another one at 18." Bailey said. "But you're not pregnant right now and I don't think you're gonna get pregnant anytime soon." Kiara said as she pointed at Baileys casts. "We've only had sex twice and he used a condom." Bailey said. "Bails that's not why your dad is upset I don't know why he's upset but he is." Kiara said. "He's never gonna talk to me again." Bailey said. Bailey just cried into Kiara's arms until Isabella and JJ came into the room. "Bails you ok?" Isabella said. "Yea I'm fine." Bailey hiccuped. "Bailey honey can we talk." JJ said. "Not in here." Bailey said. Bailey used her crutches and crutched out of the room. JJ followed her and they went into JJ and Kiara's room. 'I know you're mad at me so just let me have it." Bailey said. "You had sex and didn't tell me. Did you tell your mom at least?" JJ said. "I did tell her and Bells but I couldn't tell you because you over react." Bailey said. "I do not over react." JJ said. "Yea you do. You did when I got my period and then when I started puberty. Dad I'm not a little girl anymore it's time for you to grow up and understand that I'm gonna go out and do things that a few people my age do." Bailey said. "Well I don't want you having sex with some kook." JJ said. "Dad we're kooks we've been kooks ever since Uncle JB and Aunt Sarah found the gold in el dorado and then all of the kids found even more gold." Bailey said. "I'm a pouge and so is your mom." JJ said. "Mom is a kook and you know it. You married a kook,had two kids with a kook,and now you're a kook." Bailey said. "I have straight up pouge blood and you don't." JJ said. "Good I'd rather be a kook than a pouge." Bailey said. "Well then I don't have two daughters anymore I only have one from now on." JJ said. JJ picked Bailey up and took her downstairs. "Dad put me down please." Bailey said. JJ placed her on the couch and went back upstairs. "Why are you going in my room?" Bailey said. "JJ what the hell are you doing?" Kiara said as she saw JJ packing a bag. Kiara went downstairs and gave Bailey her crutches. "Here's your medicine." Kiara said. Bailey grabbed the medicine and took it. "I'm calling your parents they can take care of Bailey I'm not anymore." JJ said as he placed a bag by Bailey. "Dad you can't kick me out." Bailey said. "JJ you can't be serious she's 16." Kiara said. "She's staying with your parents she's lucky she's not staying with my dad." JJ said. "Dad why is Bailey leaving?" Isabella said. "Because" JJ said. "She's not leaving." Kiara said. "Hey Kie" Anna said. "Grandma you brought cookies." Isabella said. Anna placed the basket of cookies on the counter while Anna grabbed Baileys bag. "I guess I'll keep her until." Anna said. "I'll pick her up soon." Kiara said. Kiara gave Anna a bag that had Baileys medicine in it and another one with the things she needs to do for physical therapy. "Bye Belly." Isabella said. "Call me if you need me to come pick you up ok." Kiara said. "I will I promise." Bailey said. Bailey crutched out of the house and she got into Anna's car. "You're staying in a hotel until Bailey's home." Kiara said. "Kie you're joking right." JJ said. "Does it look like I'm joking." Kiara said.

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