Jiara:A horrible mother pt1

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Context:Kiara and JJ have a daughter named Bailey. Bailey is 10 years old and she has skipped 5th grade so she is in 6th grade. Anyways her a Kiara get into a fight and just read to find the rest out. Italics mean flashbacks/the past. TW: mentions of blood.

"Bailey Rose Maybank come her right now!" Kiara yelled. "Yes Mom." Bailey said. "Why didn't you clean up your gymnastics room or your room." Kiara said. "I don't know." Bailey said. "I don't know isn't an answer Bailey." Kiara said. "Girls let's now fight please." JJ said trying to calm Kiara and Bailey down. "JJ we aren't fighting I'm just asking Bailey why she didn't clean her rooms." Kiara said. "Well she did have 3 gymnastics meets this week and we just got home yesterday. Kie I think you should give her some time to rest." JJ said. "She had time to rest in the car ride back." Kiara said.  "Kie I know you want her to clean her room but maybe we could clean her room for her it isn't that bad." JJ said. "No we can't keep doing every little thing for her she's ten almost 11 years old. She has to start doing things on her own." Kiara said. "I understand that but why can't she just have another day off." JJ yelled. "Why are you guys yelling?" Bailey asked.

"Bailey just go clean your rooms please." Kiara said. "Nah I'm good I'll clean them when I feel like it." Bailey said. "Bailey Rose go clean your rooms NOW!" Kiara yelled. "Make me." Bailey sassed back. JJ just put his hands on his face and gave Bailey a look. "Clean your rooms!" "No!" Kiara and Bailey just kept going back and forth until Kiara had enough. "Bailey why don't you listen to me? Am I not a good mother?" Kiara said. "Kiara Anna Maybank you are the worst mother in the world. You aren't my mom anymore. You're just the women who gave me life. Therefore you are a HORRIBLE MOTHER." Bailey said as she walked back to her room. Kiara didn't say anything all she did was cry and cry. Then JJ walked over and hugged her. "Hey you are a great mom Bailey is just upset and I know she didn't mean any of that." JJ said. "But but she called me the women who gave her life which means I'm nothing to her JJ. Nothing." Kiara cried. JJ just hugged Kiara and just let her sob into his arms while he rubbed her back.

End of flashback

It's been a week since Bailey and Kiara had their argument. The entire house is filled with so much tension that JJ literally stayed with Sarah and John B for a few nights. "Bailey come downstairs and get your bag. You're going to be late for practice." JJ said. "Coming Dad." Bailey said. Bailey walked down the stairs and gave JJ a hug but she didn't acknowledge Kiara one bit. "I was fixing my hair but I'm all good now." Bailey said. "Ok let's go." JJ said. JJ waved bye to Kiara while Bailey just rolled her eyes at her.

Once Bailey and JJ were in the car and on the way to "practice" JJ just stopped the car in front of the docks. "Umm Dad why are we here? I thought I had practice today." Bailey asked. "Your coach told me that you need to a day off so I thought why don't we spend the day together on the boat." JJ said. "Ok I don't have my swimsuit." Bailey said. "There should be one on the boat go look I'll be there in a second." JJ said as Bailey ran onto the boat. JJ saw Sarah and John B arrive with Kiara. "Why am I here?"
Kiara said. "Because we are going to be having a romantic date out on the boat." JJ said. "Oh is that why Sarah told me to wear a bathing suit." Kiara said. "Yea head out to the boat I'll be there in a minute." JJ said. "Ok whatever." Kiara said as she walked onto the boat. "Hey let me out". Bailey said as she pounded on the door. "What the." Kiara said as she walked towards the door.

"Bailey what the hell are you doing here?" Kiara said. "Dad said we were gonna hangout together on the boat." Bailey said. "Well he told me we were gonna have a date." Kiara said. "Wait he played us." Kiara said. "What do you mean "played" us." Bailey said. "Him and John B are doing the same thing they did to me and Sarah when we weren't getting along." Kiara said. "Dad you better get back here." Bailey yelled. "JJ get your ass over here." Kiara yelled. "I'm not coming back until you two make up." JJ yelled as John B snuck in and started the boat. "Please make up I can't take another week of JJ spending the night with us." John B said as he jumped into the water. Bailey flipped off JJ and John B. "Bailey stop that." Kiara said. Bailey put her hand down and just jumped in the water.

For a second Bailey didn't come back up which made Kiara worry. Kiara took her flannel off and was about to jump in when she saw Bailey come back up. Kiara saw Bailey holding her ankle and a cut on her arm. "Bails let me help you out of the water." Kiara said as she slid into the water. Bailey didn't say or do anything except let Kiara help her out of the water. "Thanks." Bailey said as she limped over to the couch. "I'm going to get the first aid kit I'll be back." Kiara said as she ran to get the first aid kit. "Mom" Bailey cried. "I'm here here." Kiara said as she opened the first aid kit. Bailey had tears streaming down her face and blood all down her arm. "I'm going to clean your cut so it's going to sting." Kiara said as she got a sanitizing wipe out. Kiara quickly wiped Bailey's cut and wrapped her arm up in a bandage. "Mom I'm so sor". Bailey said as she was cutoff by Kiara giving her a hug. "Bails I'm just glad you're ok." Kiara said.

"Mom I'm sorry about not cleaning my room and I didn't mean to call you a horrible mother,the worst mother in the world,and a bitch." Bailey said. "It's ok Bails. Wait you called me a bitch?" Kiara said. "Well I didn't say it your face." Bailey said. "Ok let's just call your dad so we can take you the doctor." Kiara said. "I don't think we need to go to the doctor my ankle is fine." Bailey said. "Bails your ankle is swollen and I already called your dad. He's on the way. "Kiara said. "Ok but when we get to the doctors can you sit with me the whole time." Bailey asked. "Of course come on your dads here." Kiara said. "Hey did you two make up?" JJ asked. "Yea but her ankle is pretty bad." Kiara said. "Alright I'll bring the boat back while you take her to the doctor." JJ said. "Ok give me the keys." Kiara said. JJ tossed Kiara the keys and got onto the boat. Kiara helped Bailey onto their speed boat. Kiara then drove the speed boat back to shore.

Hey everyone there is going to be two or three parts to this oneshot since I don't want it to be so long. Anyways I hope you guys like this and part 2 will be out soon.

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