The pogues:Island Baby

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Context:This oneshot is inspired by @hockey9866. Anyways the pogues found a baby floating in the water while they were on poguelandia.

JJ and Kiara were fishing when they saw a wooden crate floating in the water. "JJ look." Kiara said as she pointed at the crate. JJ went into the water and grabbed the crate. When Kiara went over by the crate and saw a baby squirming around. "Hi sweetheart." Kiara cooed. "Woah baby it's a baby." JJ said. "No duh" Kiara said. "Here wrap it up in this." JJ said as he handed Kiara a the blanket the baby was laying on. "Is there anything with the name on it in there?" Kiara asked. "Yea her name is Bailey Noel." JJ said. "That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Kiara cooed. "She's supposedly a year old." JJ said. "Why is she so small?" Kiara said. "I don't know but she wants to get down."
JJ said as he pointed at Bailey squirming in Kiara's arms. Kiara put Bailey down and she started walking away. "Hey come back here." Kiara said. Kiara was chasing after Bailey while JJ grabbed the fish they found and Bailey's crate. "Kie why is there a toddler on your hip?" Pope asked. "Me and JJ found her when she washed up on shore." Kiara said as she sat down. Bailey went over by Sarah who was setting up the fire. "No that's hot honey." Sarah said as she turned Bailey in the other direction. "So what's her name?" John B asked. "Bailey Noel she didn't have a last name." Kiara said. "She seems to really like you." Pope said. "Well I like her so it's a win win." Kiara said. "Here Sar put these over the fire." JJ said as she passed her the fish. "Mommy" Bailey said as she looked at Kiara. "I'm not your" Kiara said as she was cuttoff by Bailey crying. "I think she needs to go to the bathroom." Cleo said. Kiara got up and took Bailey to the spot where everyone used the bathroom. Sarah followed her and helped Kiara make a new diaper for Bailey. "All better Bailey." Sarah cooed. "Beber" Bailey said. Kiara and Sarah headed back to the others when a plane started flying over them. Pope and Cleo went to light off the flare they made while John B was screaming. The plane landed by them and started to help them. "Kie you good?" JJ said. "Yea it's just" Kiara said as Bailey started crying. "It's ok baby" Kiara said. Kiara started to comfort Bailey who was crying into Kiara's shoulder. "You two coming or no?" The guy flying the plane said. "Right JJ grab the crate Bailey came in." Kiara said as she walked over to the plane. JJ grabbed the crate and ran onto the plane.

When the plane landed everyone expect Kiara and Bailey got out. "Where's Kie?" JJ said. "JJ" Kiara yelled. Two guys were taking Kiara and Bailey to this random black car when JJ ran over  grabbed Kiara and Bailey when the two men weren't looking and brought them over to the ambulance. "Are you ok?" JJ asked. "Yea" Kiara hiccuped. "Kie don't cry you and Bailey are safe." JJ said. "But what if something would've happened to her. I couldn't live with myself knowing someone's child who isn't even mine is gone." Kiara cried. "Kiara" Sarah said as she ran over to Kiara and JJ. "Your mom and dad are here." Sarah said. "Oh" Kiara said as she wiped her face. Bailey was climbing on JJs shoulders so she wasn't paying attention when Kiara walked away with Sarah. "Alright Bails I'm not a jungle gym go do that with John B or Pope." JJ said as he passed Bailey over to John B. Bailey laughed as John B threw her up in the air. "Guys get over here." Sarah yelled. The guys went over by Sarah and Kiara who were talking to Kiara's parents. "Mommy" Bailey said as she made grabby hands towards Kiara. John B gave Bailey to Kiara and her parents were surprised when a toddler called Kiara mommy. "Kie where did she come from?" Anna asked. "She washed up on shore at the island and she's been calling me mommy ever since. Her name is Bailey Noel." Kiara said. "She seems really small for her age I think we should check her out." A paramedic said. "Here her birthday is May 23 of last year that what her birth certificate said." Kiara said. "Do you have it with you so we can give it to the police?" The paramedic said. "Here" JJ chimed in. "Thanks Maybank." The paramedic said. "Anytime Sam" JJ said. "Can I go with her?" Kiara asked. "You can your parents will just have to follow." Sam said. "Your mother and I will meet you there." Mike said. Kiara got into the ambulance with Bailey and tried to calm her down. "Mommy" Bailey cried. "It's ok Bailey the doctors are just here to help you." Kiara said. The paramedics started to check out Bailey and they noticed how much she waited for Kiara to say something to her. "Bailey do you want a sticker?" Sam said. Bailey made grabby hands at the pink sticker Sam was holding in her hands. "Here you go." Sam said. Bailey smiled while Kiara said thank you. Once they arrived at the hospital the doctors checked out Bailey and tried to find any file of some sort on her. "She's actually not as small as we think she is. She's weighing in the 70th percentile for her body everything else is perfectly fine as well." The doctor said. "Oh that's good right?" Kiara said. "Yes she's just seems a little hungry that's all." The doctor said as she tickled Bailey. "I'll ask a nurse to bring in something for her to eat." The doctor said as she walked out. "Mommy" Bailey said as she saw Kiara sit next to her. "Hey" Kiara said. Anna and Mike were waiting outside when the rest of the pogues came into the room. "Daddy" Bailey said as she saw JJ. "Hey Bails"

JJ said. "When did you start calling her Bails?" Cleo asked as she played with Baileys hair. "Earlier today." JJ said. "Here's her food it's applesauce and some mashed up vegetables." The nurse said. Bailey grabbed the spoon from the nurses hand and started eating the applesauce. "Slow down Bails" JJ said as he stopped Bailey for shoving the spoon in her mouth again. "Op" Bailey said. Kiara took the spoon out of Bailey's hand and wiped her face. "Now you can finish eating." Kiara said. Bailey started to eat once again but stopped once Anna and Mike walked in. "Guys visiting hours are over we'll see you all tomorrow or some other time." Mike said. JJ gave Kiara a kiss on the cheek and did the same to Bailey then walked out. "When we can we go home?" Kiara asked. "Right now I also bought Bailey some clothes,diapers,toys,and food." Anna said. "Ok let me throw the food away." Kiara said. Kiara threw the food away and picked up Bailey. "You bought a car seat right?" Kiara asked. "I bought the safest one they had for toddlers." Mike said. Kiara buckled Bailey in and then sat next to her. "Kie do you want anything to eat?" Anna asked. "They're asleep aren't they?" Mike said. "They are but I think we should try to foster Bailey just until Kiara can." Anna said. "We can try." Mike said.

I hope you all like this oneshot once again this is all inspired by Hockey9876. Let me know if I should do a part two.

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