Kiara & Isabella:the fight that brought two sisters together

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Context:Kiara has a younger sister named Isabella who's 16. Isabella got into a fight with a group of boys who hated her and she just got home from the hospital so Kiara has to take care of her. Go check out my book home when your done reading this!!

"Bells I brought you some water." Kiara said as she knocked on the door. "You can just leave it at the door." Bella said. "Are you sure?" Kiara said. "Yes I'm sure." Bella said. Kiara left the water at the door and she started to walk back downstairs as she was walking downstairs Bella opened the door and grabbed the water. "Kie wait." Bella said. "Yea" Kiara said. "Nevermind." Bella said as she shut her door. Kiara walked back upstairs and opened Bella's door. "Kiara what the hell." Bella yelled. "What is up with you." Kiara said. "Nothing." Bella said. "That's a lie." Kiara said. "My body is in pain since i got jumped." Bella said. "Do you want me to get you some ice?" Kiara said. "If you want" Bella said. Bella started to get dizzy from her concussion so  stumbled a little bit. "Kiara." Bella said. Kiara went over and looked at Bella. "You good." Kiara asked. "No I want this pain to stop." Bella said. "I know and I'm sorry." Kiara said. Kiara gave Bella helped Bella back into her room and laid next to her. "I still don't get why you got into the fight in the first place." Kiara said. "They were the ones who started it." Bella said. "I get that but why did you let them kick your ass like that?" Kiara said. "I didn't want them to find you and kick your ass." Bella said. "Well the guys could've protected you." Kiara said. "I don't need your boyfriend and his friends to protect me." Bella said. "JJ is not my boyfriend." Kiara said. "I meant husband my mistake." Bella said as she rolled her eyes. "Be careful your eyes might get stuck." Kiara sassed. "Get the hell out of my room now." Bella said. "Why am I bothering you."Kiara said. "Mom" Bella yelled. "Kiara leave your sister alone." Anna yelled. "Mama's girl" Kiara yelled as she got up. "Why are you still bothering her?" Anna asked. "Because she's my sister and that's what sisters do." Kiara said as she grabbed an orange out of the fridge. "You should really stop because she hates it. Mike said. "How do you know?" Kiara said as she started eating her orange. "She told us" Anna said. Kiara didn't say anything since she was eating her orange. "Whenever you get the chance can you get some more of that ointment the doctor said that would help with her cuts." Anna asked. "Sure" Kiara said. "Well we're heading out so call us if anything happens." Anna said as her and Mike walked out. "I know have fun in Mexico." Kiara said. Anna shut the door and Kiara yelled for Bella. "Bella come downstairs please." Kiara yelled. "Isabella I know you heard me." Kiara yelled. "This isn't funny."Kiara said as she walked upstairs. Kiara opened Bella's door saw Bella sitting in her bed with her knees to her chest. "Bells" Kiara whispered. "I can't breathe." Bella said while hyperventilating.

Kiara sat next to her,grabbed her hands,and started taking deep breaths with her. "Just breathe when I do ok." Kiara said. "I can't"Bella cried. "Yes you can just breathe with me." Kiara said. Kiara and Bella were breathing with each other back and forth until Bella calmed down. "You feel better?" Kiara said. "Yea." Bella said. "Did mom and dad leave already?" Bella asked. "They left like ten minutes ago. Anyways what ointment did the doctor say you needed." Kiara said. "This one" Bella said as she gave it to Kiara. "I'm gonna go get you some more I'll be back." Kiara said as she was getting up. "Ok call me when you get to the store." Bella said. Kiara just shook her head and walked downstairs. "Kie" Bella whispered. "Yea" Kiara said. "If I told you the real reason I look like this you wouldn't be mad right." Bella said. "Depends" Kiara said. "You know the guys who beat me up." Bella said. "Yea what about them?" Kiara said. "The blonde one who looks like JJ and John B." "Lucas"'Kiara said. "Yea he fought me because I'm dating Wheez." Bella said. "He said that I shouldn't be dating someone who's the same gender as me." Bella cried. "Bells I'm so sorry" Kiara said. "Did he hurt Wheezie?" Kiara asked. "They didn't even try to fight her since Rafe is her brother." Bella said. "Well I'm glad they didn't do anything worse." Kiara said. Bella just started crying which made Kiara comfort her a lot more than normal. "I can ask Sarah if Whezzie can come over." Kiara said. "You don't have to I just want us to hang out like we use to." Bella said. "Ok wanna go make sundaes and then watch a movie." Kiara said. "I guess but my head kinda hurts." Bella said. "Do you want to take a nap since it's only noon." Kiara said. Bella motioned for Kiara to lay next to her. "Bells" Kiara said. "Yea" Bella said. "I'm glad mom and dad decided to have another kid." Kiara said. "You do you know I was there second anniversary surprise right." Bella said. "Second anniversary." Kiara said. "They had you before they got married." Bella said. "Oh yea" Kiara said. "Do they know you and JJ got married?" Bella asked. "No and you can't tell them." Kiara said. "I promise I won't tell them." Bella said. "Good now scoot over your taking up the whole bed." Kiara said. "It's my bed." Bella said. "Scoot over" Kiara said. "You scoot over" Bella said. Kiara and Bella decided on where they were going to lay in Bella's bed and they both ended up watching a random movie they found on tv.

Here's another oneshot lmk if you have any requests. I do not write Smut.

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