Jiara:stuck with grandpa

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Context:Kiara and JJs daughter Isabella had to go live with Luke because a social worker took her away from Kiara and JJ. Isabella is 13 and Bailey is 12.Kiara and JJ are 29. TW: Mentions of child abuse will be mentioned on this oneshot

"Izzy where are you?" Luke slurred. Isabella was hiding under the bed when Luke found her. "Hey I said no playing hide and seek Izzy." Luke slurred. "Let me go please." Isabella said as Luke dragged her from under the bed. Luke started kicking and hitting her when he stopped because he had to throw up. Isabella got up and grabbed her phone. "Izzy where did you go?" Luke slurred. Isabella went outside and started running. Luke saw her running and he went after her. Luke grabbed her and Isabella started screaming at the top of her lungs. "Hey what are you doing?" A random man said. "Let me go." Isabella screamed. Luke dropped Isabella on the concrete which made her get a cut on the back of her head. Luke then kicked Isabella and screamed at her. The man called 911 and then stopped Luke from leaving. Right as the man went inside to get something for Isabella's head Luke started kicking her in the ribs,her back,and legs. "Grandpa stop please." Isabella groaned as she was holding her stomach. "You little shit you're a disgrace to the Maybank name with all that kook blood inside you. No wonder why your parents haven't come to visit you." Luke said as he took the knife he had in his pocket and cut Isabella's side. Isabella screamed as the police pulled Luke off of her. The paramedics took Isabella to the hospital and as she was getting into the ambulance Luke told Isabella he hopes that her parents never come back for her. "Please tell my mom that I love her. And my dad too." Isabella chocked out before she started to flatline. "No Isabella stay with me." The paramedic said as he started to do CPR. "James turn the sirens on." The paramedic yelled. James turned the sirens on and raced to the hospital. "Come on Isabella stay with me you gotta fight." The paramedic said. Isabella's heart started to beat again right as the paramedics pulled up to the hospital. "Mom" Isabella mumbled. "We called your parents they're on the way." A nurse said. The nurses touched one of Isabella's cut and she screamed. "Let me go" Isabella screamed. Isabella started hitting and swinging at the nurses when Kiara walked in with her scrubs on. "Belly stop and focus on me." Kiara said. "Let me go" Isabella said. Isabella got out of the bed and she ran into the open hallway. There were security guards on one side and JJ on the other. "Bells the doctors are just trying to help you. Go back in there please." JJ said. Isabella started running again so JJ grabbed her and carried her back to the room. "Isabella are you in any pain at all?" The nurses asked. "Dizzy" Isabella said. "Her pupils are two different sizes we're getting her to a head CT and then a MRI." One of the nurses said. "Mom" Isabella said. "I'll be in the viewing room." Kiara said. The nurses took Isabella to get a CT scan right then Kiara broke down. "She's gonna be ok honey." Another nurse said. "No it's just she's covered in bruises,cuts,and she's never like this I swear. She's gonna get taken away from us again." Kiara cried. "Who's gonna take her?" The other nurse said. "CPS who else would all because I yelled at her once and then she ran away to my parent's house." Kiara hiccuped. "I don't deserve to be her mom I can't even protect her from her abusive grandfather." Kiara cried. "Kie you -woah why are you crying." JJ said as he went to go check on Kiara. "Bells is all covered in bruises and I can't do anything about it." Kiara said. "Kie it's not your fault." JJ said. Kiara was having trouble catching her breath so JJ kissed her. "Take a deep breath and breathe Kie." JJ said. Kiara took a breath and then walked away. JJ went to go get Isabella something to eat while she was getting work done by the doctors.

When JJ came back Kiara was had an ice pack on her forehead. "Kie who did this to you? I want a name." JJ said. "Calm down Belly hit me while they handcuffed her to the bed." Kiara said. "Are you ok do you need to sit down." JJ said. "Love I'm fine I got tested for a concussion and it came back clear it's just a small bump." Kiara said. "But there's blood on your hand." JJ said. "It's Belly's blood from trying to draw it. She's in a fighting mood right now and I think she's really confused." Kiara said. "I think so too something happened to her and it's scared her real bad." JJ said. Kiara was going to walk away when she got dizzy and fell into JJs arms. "Kiara" JJ said. "I'm fine I just got a little dizzy." Kiara said. "JJ bring her over here I want her to sit down for real." A nurse said. JJ picked Kiara up and brought her to the room. "Ky I'm fine." Kiara said. "Kiara your dehydrated and I know you haven't really eaten today so your gonna eat the sandwich your husband brought for you and drink this water. While he goes to see Bells." Ky said. "Fine I'm only staying because I'm connected to this IV." Kiara said. "Good I'll check in on you in a" Ky was saying but got cutoff by a loud scream. "Code pink I repeat Code pink if you've seen a 13 year old girl with brown curly hair she's missing from her room. Once again a 13 year old girl with brown curly hair is missing from her room." The front desk lady announced. "Isabella isn't in her room and the handcuffs were broken as well." Another nurse said. "You lost my daughter. Go find her." Kiara said. Ky and whole bunch of other nurses left. Isabella was hobbling down the street when she reached her grandparents house. "Belly your back." Bailey said. "Feel funny" Isabella said as she passed out. Bailey caught her and noticed the cut on her head was bleeding. "Mike get the keys." Anna said as she rushed outside. Bailey tied her jacket around Isabella's head while Anna put her in the backseat. "Belly your gonna be ok once we get back to the hospital Moms gonna help you." Bailey whispered. "Did she run away from the hospital?" Anna said. "I guess so I don't know why." Bailey said. Mike drove to the hospital and noticed the amount of police cars outside. "Bails let me bring her inside." Mike said. "No you're gonna hurt her." Bailey said. "Bailey what are you doing here? And why is your sister is your arms." JJ said. "I found her at grandmas her head is bleeding." Bailey said. JJ took Isabella to the room she was in before while Kiara took Bailey to the bathroom so she could wash her hands. "I want to stay with Belly." Bailey said. "You can't right now." Kiara said. "But she needs me." Bailey said as she tried to run away. Kiara stopped her and Bailey just cried. "He's gonna come back for me I know it." Bailey hiccuped. "No he's not Bails I'm not letting him take you or your sister again." Kiara said. "Bella's gonna die isn't she." Bailey said. "We don't know that Baby." Kiara said. Bailey knew in the back of her mind that Kiara only calls her baby and Isabella bubs when she worried about something. "Bailey Isabella is asking for you." Ky said. Bailey went with Ky to go see Isabella and when she walked in the room she gave Isabella the biggest hug. "I missed you so much." Isabella said. "I know I can tell." Bailey said. "I hurt mom again they're gonna take me away again." Isabella said. "No they're not." Bailey said. Isabella started crying so Bailey just played with her hair. "Look at our girls being sisters." JJ said. "Aww you guys look so cute." Kiara said as JJ wrapped his arm around Kiara. "Mom we're hungry." Isabella said. "Here I made you girls some sandwiches." Anna said as she walked into the room. "Grandma you're the best." Bailey said. "And you made cookies." Isabella said. Isabella and Bailey started eating the sandwiches when Kiara noticed Isabella was about to throw up. "Mom" Bailey said. Kiara held the bucket for Isabella and she threw up. "I think you ate a little too fast Belly." Kiara said. Bailey held Isabella's hair back as she threw up again. "Hey JJ can you press the call button she's throwing up blood." Kiara said. "Mom my stomach hurts." Isabella cried. Everyone exited the room when the doctor came in expect Kiara. "She bleeding internally and her appendix needs to be removed like two weeks ago call the OR. Maybank prep her for emergency surgery." The doctor said. Isabella screamed as she was wheeled away. "Dad is she gonna be ok?" Bailey said. "I don't know but your mom will update us." JJ said. "She can't die I need her." Bailey said. "Bails it's ok." JJ said. Bailey started crying to the point she went outside and just sat on the bench. JJ went after her and he saw her throwing up. "Bails" JJ said as she rubbed her back. "Sorry I just felt like puking after seeing the blood from Bells." Bailey said as she puked again. "It's ok let's go back inside." JJ said. "Just give me a minute." Bailey said. JJ just took a step back and waited for Bailey. Bailey got up and hugged JJ. JJ just hugged her back and then they went inside.

Here's another oneshot lmk if I should make a part two or continue with this oneshot.

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