Jiara:A fight between Mother and Daughter

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Setting takes place 10+ years in the future. TW:Mentions of puking

JJ and Kiara had a daughter who was 13 years old and an exact replica of Kiara. There daughter Eloise had came up with an excellent plan to sneak out and go to a party with her friends. Eloise had an to wait until her parents went out on a date for her to execute her plan. She first grabbed her favorite crop top and jean shorts,some extra makeup,and a bottle of her dads beer. Before she left put a whole bunch of pillows under her bed to replicate her body. Then she quickly ran out of the front door and made sure to lock it after. Her friend Sophie yelled "Eloise over here hurry up". Eloise yelled "ok I'm coming". When Eloise and her friends arrived at the party Eloise had noticed that there was a lot of alcohol and boys there. It had been two hours since Eloise and her friends had arrived at the party. Everything was going great until she noticed how many beers she had. So she decided to walk home since the party was only two minutes away from her house. Right as she unlocked the door she saw her parents sitting on the couch waiting for her. Eloise slurred her words by saying "hey mom when did you get home?" Kiara said "we've home for the past hour. Where have you been?" Eloise slurred again "I've been at home the whole time what are you talking about." Kiara was about to yell at her but JJ quickly chimed in "honey how about you go into your room and get changed. We can talk about this later." Eloise slurred once more "ok dad at least I have one fun parent".

Eloise walked into her room and got changed right as she was about to walk out of her room she felt all the beer she had consumed make it's way back up. Eloise ran to the bathroom and heaped her head over the toilet. She had felt her hair being pulled back by her dad. Eloise started sobbing right as her dad started to rub her back. Eloise said " is mom mad at me?" JJ looked at her and said "she isn't mad she's just disappointed in you." Eloise got up off the bathroom floor and ran into her room. JJ walked out of the bathroom and saw Kiara pacing around the kitchen. Kiara kept mumbling to herself about how stupid Eloise was for going out to that party and underage drinking. JJ tried to calm her down but it wasn't working. The more he tried to calm Kiara down the more she got upset. JJ asked Kiara to try to and sleep the whole situation off. Kiara agreed to go to bed and talk to Eloise in the morning.

The next morning
Eloise had woke up with a massive headache and she went to grab her phone off her nightstand to check the time but she heard her parents bedroom door open. So she quickly pretended like she was asleep and didn't hear her mom bang on her door. Eloise kept laying her bed until she felt her stomach churn. She tried so hard to not puke everywhere but right as she was about to puke she saw a bucket right by her nightstand. Kiara ended up hearing her vomit and quickly opened the door to see Eloise's head deep within the bucket. Kiara tried to comfort her but Eloise wouldn't let her come near her. Kiara looked at Eloise took a breath and said "what were you thinking? Sneaking out,going to a party,and underage drinking. Your father and I raised you better than that Eloise". Eloise lifted her head out of the bucket and said "well maybe I wouldn't have snuck out if you made me feel like I couldn't do anything fun with my life." Kiara said "fun you think sneaking out and getting drunk is fun". Eloise said "well it's more fun then anything you've done with me."

Kiara and Eloise just kept going back and forth between each other. Until JJ came in and said "will you two stop fighting it's giving me a headache". Eloise looked at he dad and said "you have a headache I was the one who drank 10 beers last night". JJ and Kiara said in unison "10 beers are you out if your mind Eloise". Eloise said "oops was that out loud. Umm pretend you didn't hear that". "Oh I heard that" yelled Kiara.  "Mom I'm gonna go take a shower now. Bye" Eloise quietly said. Kiara looked at Eloise and gritted between her teeth and said "Eloise Elizabeth Maybank if you take one step out of this room you will be grounded for life. Now sit your ass down on the couch." Eloise immediately sat down on the couch and tried her best to not say anything rude or snarky at her mother. But she is JJ Maybank's daughter so holding a snarky comeback is very hard. Eloise looked her mother in the eyes and yelled "YOU ARE THE WROST MOTHER IN THE WORLD. I don't get why you can't be like dad and let me have fun for once in my life."

Kiara yelled "maybe if I had a daughter who would actually listen to me I wouldn't have to overreact to things like this." Eloise scoffed "this is you overreacting man is it funny,I guess my friends were right about you mom". JJ quickly held Kiara back from slapping the hell out of Eloise and let her run to her room for her own safety. Kiara struggled to break out of JJ's grip but everything she did wasn't working until she just gave up and sobbed in his arms. JJ noticed his wife sobbing into his arms and just rubbed her back and telling her that Eloise didn't mean anything that she had to her and how she was an amazing mother. Kiara ended walking to her and JJ's bedroom but as she was about to walk up the stairs she couldn't help but notice Eloise sobbing right outside of her bedroom door.

Kiara looked at Eloise and said "I'm sorry about what I said. It was very rude an—and mean an—" Eloise cut her off by saying in between her sobs "it's it's ok mom I forgive you and I'm sorry I snuck out to go to that party." Kiara and Eloise rose up from the ground and Eloise just hugged her mom and she heard her whisper "I would've let you go to the party you know". Eloise looked at her mom and said "so I twisted my ankle walking home for nothing." "Looks like it" Kiara said.

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