Kiara and Sarah:the flu

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Context:Kiara and Sarah are best friends and they are roommates. Anyways Kiara gets the flu and Sarah takes care of her. TW: mentions of puking/vomiting

The second Kiara woke up her skin was covered in sweat,her cheeks were bright red,and her throat was super sore and scratchy. Kiara just laid in bed and tried to go back sleep but she couldn't since she kept getting hot flashes and the chils at the same time. "Hey Kiara do you want some avocado.. Woah you look horrible... no offense." Sarah said. "I know I'm sick." Kiara groaned "I see that." Sarah said. "Do you want me to help you or do you want to try and take care of yourself like last time?" Sarah said. "I don't need you to take care of me I can take care of myself." Kiara said "ok whatever you say." Sarah said while taking a bite of the avocado toast she made. Kiara then rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. "Ok Kiara just grab the thermometer and take your temperature that's all you need to do." Kiara said to herself. Kiara then grabbed the thermometer out of the drawer and took her temperature. "102.4 that's bad but not bad to where I need to go to the hospital." Kiara said to herself once more. "Kiara come into the kitchen please." Sarah yelled.

Kiara slowly shuffled her way to the kitchen and just sat down at the dining table. "What do you want?" Kiara asked. "Did you take your temperature?" Sarah asked. "Yea why?" Kiara said. "Well is it good or bad?" Sarah asked. "It's 102.4 it's not good." Kiara said. "Here put this on your head for ten minutes." Sarah said while giving Kiara an ice pack. "Thanks but I don't need your help." Kiara said. "Kie will you stop being stubborn and just let me help. You always take care of me when I'm sick why can't I do the same?" Sarah said. "I don't know Sarah maybe it's because I'm always hiding the fact I'm sick or because my parents would coddle me the entire time I had a the smallest cough in the world." Kiara said before going into a coughing fit. "Kiara just because your parents coddled you doesn't mean I'm going to do the same." Sarah said. "I know and I'm sorry that I do this and and." Kiara said while going into another coughing fit. "Well you need to take this medicine but you need to eat before you take the medicine." Sarah said. "I made you some toast and here's a glass of water." Sarah said. "Thanks." Kiara said while taking a bite of the toast Sarah made for her.

"I'm going to get you some new clothes so you can go shower after you finish eating and take your medicine." Sarah said. "Can you grab the shirt JJ gave me please." Kiara said. "Sure and you say I'm obsessed with John B." Sarah whispered to herself. Kiara finished eating her toast,she took her medicine,and she walked to the bathroom. "Sarah I'm taking a shower." Kiara said. While Kiara was in the shower she thought about what Sarah said to her and how it was all true. "Man Sarah's right I never let her help me at all. I wonder how that makes me look as her best friend." Kiara said to herself. Once Kiara got out of the shower she got dressed and just sat on the bathroom floor for a little bit. "Hey Kiara you've been in the bathroom for over thirty minutes now. Are you ok?" Sarah said. "Oh yea I'm fine." Kiara said while opening the door. Sarah noticed that Kiara's face was red and it looked like she had been crying. "Kie what's wrong?" Sarah asked. "Nothing I just have a headache." Kiara said while she quickly wiped her face. "Are you sure. You can tell me anything you know." Sarah said. "I'm a horrible friend." Kiara blurted out. "I always help you out but I never let you do the same. That makes me a horrible friend." Kiara cried. "Kie you are a great friend and yea you never let me help you out but that doesn't matter. I'm helping you now and that's a big step for you." Sarah said.

Kiara was about to say something but her stomach had other plans. Kiara scooted over to the toilet and vomited everything she had ate earlier and the night before. Sarah rubbed her back and held her hair. "It's ok let it all out." Sarah said while rubbing Kiara's back. Kiara finished vomiting and tears were seeping out of her eyes. "Sarah can you help me up please?" Kiara asked. Sarah helped Kiara up off of the floor and they both walked out to the living room. "I'm going to get a bucket just incase you need to throw up again." Sarah said as she grabbed a bucket out of the closet. "Here use this as your vomit bowl." Sarah said while giving Kiara the bucket. Sarah felt Kiara's forehead as well. "Your still a little warm let me get the thermometer." Sarah said. Kiara just grabbed her blanket and wrapped it around herself. Sarah came back with the thermometer and gave it to Kiara. "100.2". Kiara said. "Well it's gone down a lot since earlier." Sarah said. "Hey Sarah." Kiara said. "Yea." Sarah said. "Thanks for taking care of me today. I really appreciate it." Kiara said. "Awww your welcome." Sarah said. "So did JJ ask you out on a date yet?" Sarah asked. "Yea he did. Did John B ask you?" Kiara said. "Yes we should go on a double date." Sarah said. "No offense but I want things to go further with me and JJ and going on a double date with you and John B might ruin it." Kiara said. "Yea your right and besides I don't think John B would like it." Sarah said. "Probably now what should we watch?" Kiara said. "mmmm Spider-Man?" Sarah said. "I was thinking the same thing." Kiara said while she turned on spider-man.

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