Jiara:broken ankle

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Context:if you read the Kiara mini family reunion oneshot you know that Kiara has a daughter named Emily. Anyways Emily broke her ankle a few days ago. So Kiara and JJ have been taking care of her.

"Mommy" Emily yelled. Kiara ran into Emily's room and asked her what was wrong. "Cuddles" Emily said. Kiara gave Emily a hug and they were hugging for a pretty long time. "Mommy why does my medicine taste yucky?" Emily asked. "I don't know baby." Kiara said. "Kie are you home?" JJ said as he walked upstairs. "Yea" Kiara said. JJ walked into Emily's room and saw Emily hugging Kiara. "What did I miss?" JJ asked. "Cuddles" Emily said. JJ tried to join Kiara's and Emily's cuddle party but Emily didn't let him. "No boys allowed" Emily said. "What. Why" JJ said. "Because." Emily said. "Fine but i brought home dinner." JJ said. "Alright Emily we are gonna have to pause our little cuddle party so we can go eat." Kiara said. Emily stopped hugging Kiara and waited for Kiara or JJ to help her downstairs. JJ picked up Emily and brought her downstairs. "I got pizza and breadsticks." JJ said. JJ placed Emily down and grabbed some plates. "Emily do you want cheese or sausage?" Kiara asked. "You pick" Emily said. Kiara gave Emily a piece of sausage and then two breadsticks. "Thank you." Emily said and then started eating. Kiara sat next to Emily and ate her pizza too. "Emily when your finished eating I'll help you with your bath." Kiara said. "Ok" Emily said with her mouthful. JJ and Kiara just continued eating and Emily just watched tv on her iPad. JJ finished eating and he took Kiara's and Emily's plate and put them in the sink. Kiara then picked Emily up and took her to the bathroom. Emily got in the bathtub and place her injured foot on the ledge of the tub. "Mommy can we have another cuddle party?" Emily asked. "For sure". Kiara said. Emily finished taking her bath and Kiara carried her to her room. "Can I wear one of daddy's t-shirts?" Emily asked. Kiara went to go get one of JJs shirts and she brought Emily two options. Emily put the shirt on and started to brush her hair. "I'm gonna go shower and when I'm done we can have our cuddle party". Kiara said. Kiara then took a shower and also put on one of JJs shirts. Kiara then walked into Emily's room and saw JJ laying next to her. "Em I thought we were having a cuddle party." Kiara said. "She's asleep." JJ said. "Oh did you she take her medicine?" Kiara asked. "Yes but she wants you to lay with her and I said I would lay with her until you finished your shower." JJ said. "Well I'm finished." Kiara said. "Wait why are you wearing my shirt?" JJ asked. "Because I look hot in it." Kiara said. JJ just got up and walked out of the room. "She might need a trash can. She threw up like twenty minutes ago." JJ said. "That's great. Is it from the medicine? Kiara said. "I think so she's been having stomach problems ever since she started taking it." JJ said. "Mommy" Emily said. "Yea" Kiara said. "My tummy hur—" Emily said but she vomited at the end. Kiara grabbed the trash can but Emily missed it. "I'll grab the mop" JJ said. "I'll take her to the bathroom." Kiara said as she picked Emily up. "Sorry mommy" Emily said. "It's ok." Kiara said as she carried Emily to the bathroom. Kiara placed Emily in front of the toilet and waited until JJ finished mopping the floor. "Babe she can sleep in our room for now." JJ yelled. "Ok just give me a minute." Kiara said. Emily threw up again but this time in the toilet. "Feel better?" Kiara asked as she put Emily's hair in a ponytail. "A little" Emily said and proceeded to lay on Kiara's chest. Kiara then lifted Emily up and brought her to her room. Then she walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a bucket. She came back upstairs and saw Emily laying on top of Kiara's favorite pillow. Kiara placed the bucket on the floor and then cuddled up against Emily. "Cuddle party" Emily said as she was dozing off. "Cuddle party" Kiara said. Both Kiara and Emily were asleep by the time JJ came back into the room.

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