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Context:Kiara is nine months pregnant and she goes into labor.

Here's a little background for everyone. JJ and Kiara had a one night stand which led Kiara to become pregnant with JJs baby. Her parents were furious since their 19 year old daughter slept with a pouge. Not Pope or John B but JJ Maybank the son of Luke Maybank. Luke and Anna had a thing for each other back in the day but that's in the past. Anyways Kiaras parents let her keep the baby but she wasn't aloud to see JJ at all only at doctor appointments. Kiara hated this but it was the only way her parents would let her stay with them until she was financially ready to move out on her own. There were times when Kiara snuck out and saw JJ but her parents never caught on. Except one time when her and JJ met up at the Wreck and her parents found them doing the deed on the counter. (The wreck was closed). That's when Kiara parents banned her from seeing JJ. The only time JJ was aloud to see her was when she was in labor at the hospital.

Fast forward to now. "Kiara where the hell are you going." Mike shouted. "To see JJ." Kiara yelled. "Don't your dare go see that stupid pogue." Mike said. "He is the father of my daughter and I'm going to see him." Kiara said. "Fine but if you better come home." Anna chimed in. "Ugh whatever." Kiara said as she slammed the door behind her. Kiara's water broke two hours earlier but she didn't tell her parents. A big storm was rolling in so Kiara needed to hurry. "Ahh." Kiara screamed as she felt a contraction. Kiara drove up to JJs house, quickly grabbed her bag and, walked to his front door. Kiara knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. "JJ where are you?" Kiara groaned. JJ opened the door and saw a very pregnant Kiara gripping onto the porch beam. "Kiara what are you doing here?" JJ said. "My water broke two hours ago and I didn't want to give birth without you... holy shit this fucking hurts." Kiara said as she felt a very big contraction. "Oh let's get you inside before the storm starts." JJ said as he helped Kiara inside.

"JJ I need to push." Kiara said. "Ok sit down on the towels that are on the floor." JJ said. "Don't push yet." JJ said. "Please tell me you know what you're doing." Kiara said. "I do I took birthing classes." JJ said. "Really I was joking when I told you too.. mmmm". Kiara said as she felt another contraction. "Lay down and spread your legs." JJ said. Kiara laid down on the towel and waited for JJ to come and help her. Right as JJ came back with some flashlights for the power went out. "Crap it's because of the storm." JJ said. "Don't worry I'm here and I know what I'm doing." JJ said. "Ok but if anything happens to me will you make sure I'm ok first." Kiara said. "Of course you are my first priority." JJ said. "Can I push now?" Kiara groaned.

"Yes I can already see the head." JJ said. Kiara pushed with all the strength she had left in her and cries filled the room. "I got her ." JJ said. "Is she ok?" Kiara asked. "She looks ok." JJ said. "Can I hold her?" Kiara said. "Yea here be careful. Make sure you support her head." JJ said as he gave Kiara the baby. "JJ I know how to hold a baby." Kiara said. "She's so cute." JJ said. "Yea she is." Kiara said. "What are we going to name her?" Kiara asked. "We?" JJ said. "Yea we making a baby is a two person job you know." Kiara said. "Umm I like the name Noel." JJ said. "That's cute." Kiara said. "I like Emily." Kiara said. "Wait what about Emily Noel." JJ said. "That's perfect." Kiara said. "Emily Noel Carrera." JJ said. "I like Emily Noel Maybank better." Kiara said. "Ok then Emily Noel Maybank will be her name." JJ said. "Alright what are we going to do about me?" Kiara said. "Well I'm going to take you the hospital once the storm stops and then we are going to go on out surfing trip." JJ said. "Aww and I want us to go as boyfriend and girlfriend." Kiara said.

"Ok then I hope you're ready for our amazing surfing trip." JJ said. "Oh I'm ready so is Emily." Kiara said. "Ok let's get you and Emily to the hospital." JJ said as he picked her up and brought her to the car. "So are we going to tell your parents?" JJ said. "I guess so once we get to the hospital." Kiara said. JJ gave Kiara a kiss and drove to the hospital.

Here's another oneshot for you guys anyways I hope you like it.

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