Kiara:stomach flu

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Context:Kiara has a girlfriend named Maisie and they've been dating for a little over two years. They both live in a apartment together. Setting:Kiara's and Maisie's bedroom and bathroom. TW:mentions of puke/vomit

The time was 2:30am Maisie and Kiara were sleeping peacefully in bed. Kiara woke up about an hour ago to go to the bathroom because she felt like she had throw up. This time when she woke up and went to the bathroom she threw up. Kiara tried to be as quiet as she could so she didn't wake up Maisie. Maisie ended up waking up since she had a nightmare. "Kiara Kie where are you?" Maisie said. "In here". Kiara said weakly. Maisie walked towards Kiara's voice and saw her leaning over the toilet and vomiting once more.

"Oh Kie let me get you some water". Maisie said. Maisie grabbed Kiara a cup of water and hair tie from there room. "Oh babe why didn't you tell me you were sick". Maisie said. "I I didn't want to wake you up." Kiara said. "You know you could've waken me up. You are sick you are my first priority right now". Maisie said. Kiara was about to say something but she puked once more. Kiara then started to sob since her stomach was really hurting and she felt really bad for puking in the middle of the night. "Babe why are you crying?" Maisie said. "My stomach hurts really bad and I want to stop throwing up". Kiara said while sobbing.

Maisie grabbed the hair tie off of her wrist and tied Kiara's hair back into a ponytail. "Ok let's get you back in bed". Maisie said. Maisie picked Kiara up off the bathroom floor and walked back into there bedroom. Maisie placed Kiara down and pulled the blanket over her. "Try and get some sleep ok". Maisie said. Kiara rolled over to her side,closed her eyes,and tried to fall asleep. Maisie then went into the kitchen and made herself some breakfast.

Maisie made herself some pancakes and Kiara some soup. "Kie I made you some soup". Maisie said. Maisie didn't hear Kiara say anything so she walked into there room and she saw her passed out with a tissue shoved up her nose. "I guess you can have some soup later then". Maisie said. Maisie gave Kiara a kiss on her forehead and went into the living room ate the pancakes she made for herself and watched tv.

This is so bad but comment some requests you have. (They can be oneshots, sickfics,or family oneshots/sickfics)

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