Kiara & Sarah:stomach bug

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Context:Sarah and Kiara are married and they have a 4 year old daughter named Bailey. Bailey catches the stomach flu or bug and they have to take care of her.

"Mommy" Bailey cried. Kiara and Sarah were still asleep so Bailey called for them again just a little louder. Kiara and Sarah jolted up and ran to Baileys room. As they walked in they saw vomit all over the ground,Bailey's clothes,and her bed sheets. "I threw up" Bailey cried. Kiara walked over to Bailey and felt her forehead. "You're a little warm how about I run you a bath while Mama and I clean up." Kiara said. "What if I throw up again?" Bailey asked. "Then me and mommy will clean it up." Sarah said as she gave Bailey a kiss on her check. Bailey got up and as she was getting she threw up again. Sarah rubbed her back while Kiara got up and grabbed the mop. Bailey started crying into Sarah's chest and Sarah just rubbed her back again. "It's ok do you want to go take a bath now?" Sarah asked. "Yea?" Bailey cried. Sarah picked Bailey up stepped over the puke and brought her to the bathroom. "Kie you got the puke?" Sarah yelled. "Yea I'll be fine." Kiara said. Sarah turned on the water for Baileys bath and waited for the tub to fill up. "Mama is Mommy mad at me?" Bailey asked. "No" Sarah said. "Are you sure?" Bailey said. "I'm sure honey." Sarah said. "Alright the water is ready I'm gonna go get you some new pjs. I'll be right back." Sarah said. "Ok Mama" Bailey said as she started to get undressed.

Sarah walked into Bailey's room and saw that Kiara had finished cleaning the floor. "Do you want to put her sheets in the wash while I get her some new pjs?" Kiara asked. "Sure" Sarah said. Kiara grabbed Bailey a pair of pjs and walked into the bathroom. "Mommy look the bubbles are pink." Bailey said as Kiara sat down next to the tub. "Woah that's amazing bubs." Kiara said. "Mommy can I get out now?" Bailey asked. "Let me wash your hair and then you can get out." Kiara said. Kiara started washing Baileys hair while she rubbing the shampoo in Bailey put her hand over her mouth. Kiara noticed and quickly grabbed the trash can. "Sarah"Kiara yelled. Sarah came running into the bathroom. "Help" Kiara said as she was trying to hold the trash can. Sarah grabbed the trash can while Kiara got up and washed her hands. "Bailey are you ok?" Sarah asked. "No my tummy hurts" Bailey said. "I'm sorry Bails" Sarah said. Kiara and Sarah switched spots so Kiara could finish washing Baileys hair. When Kiara finished washing her hair she helped Bailey dry off and put her pajamas on. "Let's go see if mommy found you some medicine." Kiara said as she picked Bailey up. "No medicine." Bailey said. "Bubs the medicine will make you feel better." Kiara said. "But it's ucky" Bailey said. Kiara then placed Bailey down on the kitchen counter and grabbed her a cup of juice. "Drink all of this and then you can have some juice." Sarah said as she gave Bailey the little medicine cup. Bailey took the medicine cup and chugged all of it. "See that wasn't so bad." Sarah said. Bailey didn't say anything since she was a little upset that Sarah made her take the medicine. Kiara gave her the cup of juice and helped her off the counter. Right as Kiara was about to put Bailey down, she started crying. "What's wrong Bails" Sarah said. Bailey just kept crying since that was the only way her brain knew how to deal with pain. "Does your tummy still hurt?" Kiara asked. "Yea" Bailey said. "Does it hurt really bad?" Kiara said. Bailey just cried into Kiara arms. "Should we take her the doctor?" Sarah asked. "I don't think so. I'm pretty sure she has a bad stomach bug." Kiara said. "Mama" Bailey yawned. "Yea" Kiara said. "Can we go to bed?" Bailey asked. "It's only 11:30. That's too early for bed time." Kiara said. "You can take a nap." Sarah said. "Do you wanna take a nap in your room or ours?" Sarah asked. Bailey didn't answer. "Bails" Kiara said. "She fell asleep." Sarah said. Kiara picked Bailey up and brought her to their room. She then placed Bailey down and laid next to her. Sarah laid on the other side of Bailey and turned on the tv. "Let's finish Spider-Man since we didn't get to last time." Sarah said. "Ok just make sure it isn't too loud. I don't want Bailey to wake up." Kiara said. "I know" Sarah whined as she turned the tv down. Once Sarah played the movie her and Kiara just relaxed for the rest of Baileys nap time.

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