Kiara & Sarah:meeting your dads

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Context:If you read Kiara and Sarah:Escape then you know Kiara has a daughter named Bailey and Sarah has a daughter named Emily. Anyways it's been two months since they escaped and today is the day the girls meet their dads. Also Kiara and Sarah are dating in this.

"What if the guys don't like the girls." Kiara said. "I'm pretty sure they will." Sarah said. "Mommy we're ready to go." Bailey said. Bailey ran over to Kiara and so did Emily who was right behind her. "Ok we just have to wait for Sarah to come downstairs." Kiara said. "Mommy hurry up." Emily said. "Yea hurry up Auntie Sarah." Bailey said. "I'm coming I just had to pack extra swimsuits for you two." Sarah said. "Well they're ready to go." Kiara said. "Alright come on John B said he and JJ are outside waiting for us." Sarah said. Sarah and Kiara grabbed all of their bags and walked out. "Let me help." JJ said. "Thanks" Kiara said. JJ grabbed one of the bags Kiara was carrying and put them in his car. John B did the same with Sarah. "Woah your car is big." Emily said. "It is" John B said. "Yea" Emily said. "Mommy where are we going?" Bailey asked. "The beach." Kiara said. "Can we build sandcastles?" Emily asked. "We can." Sarah said. "We're here" JJ said. Emily and Bailey ran out of the car and straight to the sand. "Emily Rose." Sarah said. "Bailey Grace." Kiara said as she ran after them. "So you know they're gay right." John B said. "I knew right after me and Kiara did it." JJ said. "I just wish they didn't get kidnapped." JJ said as he grabbed their bags out of the trunk. Kiara and Sarah caught Bailey and Emily so they took them to a spot on the beach. "You two cannot run away like that." Kiara said. "We wanted to see the sand." Emily said as she started to cry. Emily and Bailey walked over to JJ and John B who were placing the bags under a pavilion. "What's wrong." JJ asked. "Mommy yelled us." Bailey hiccuped. "She only yelled at you because she didn't want you to run away." JJ said. "But we wanted to look at the sand." Emily hiccuped. John B picked up Emily and JJ picked up Bailey. "There you two are." Sarah said. "We went by Daddy." Emily said. "That's fine let me put your sunscreen on." Sarah said. Emily sat next to Sarah while she put her sunscreen on. Bailey and Kiara did the same. "Mommy are you and Daddy gonna get married or are you and Auntie Sarah gonna get married since you guys kissed." Bailey asked. "Me and Auntie Sarah are dating but we aren't married yet." Kiara said. "Does that mean Auntie Sarah is my new mommy?" Bailey asked. "She might be." Kiara said. 

"Let's go play in the sand Bailey." Emily said. "Come on Mama." Bailey said. "We'll be there in a minute you two go play." Kiara said. Emily and Bailey went to find a spot in the sand so they could build their sandcastle. "We need a bucket." Emily said. "Mommy we need a bucket." Bailey said. "Here one for each of you." Kiara said. "Yea" Bailey and Emily said. Emily and Bailey went back to playing in the sand while Kiara and Sarah started to tan. "So you that guy who kidnapped you guys he didn't hurt you guys did he?" JJ said. "He did after we had the girls." Sarah said. "I want his name,what he looks like, and what he did." John B said. "He's in jail now." Kiara said. "Well if he hadn't taken you guys do you think two would've had Bailey and Emily?" JJ asked. "I was going to have her whether my parents liked it or not." Kiara said. "Same my brother said I could've lived with him if my dad and Rose kicked me out." Sarah said. "So where are you guys staying?" JJ asked. "We're staying with my parents until I'm ready to move out." Kiara said. "With my dad he won't stop buying Emily toys." Sarah said. "Mommy look at our sandcastles." Bailey said. "Wow they look great." Kiara said. "Really cool Em." Sarah said. "So however you two want to work out the whole seeing the girls thing you let us know." JJ said. "We will." Kiara said. "That guy didn't hurt the girls did he?" JJ asked. "Why do you keep asking about it?" Sarah said. "If you think being all protective is going to make me fall in love with you it's not gonna work so stop trying." Kiara said. JJ made a face after Kiara said that. "Oh come on you two loved us for a little bit admit it." John B said. "I did I don't know about Sarah." Kiara said. "So would you guys date us if things didn't work out." John B asked. "I don't know." Sarah said. "You guys are bisexual which means you like guys." JJ said. "We know what it means dumbass." Kiara said. "Man you guys are gonna be crushed when another hot girl comes over and starts to make out with us." John B said. "Will you two shut up." Sarah said. "We'll give you both a pass on you know what." JJ said. "That's it I'm calling my mom to come pick us up." Kiara said. "Kie come on we were just messing around." JJ said. "Do not call me that." Kiara said. "Bailey pack your things Grandma's coming to pick us up." Kiara said. "Ok" Bailey said. Bailey started to grab her stuff and said bye to Emily and Sarah.

"Mommy I'm hungry." Bailey said. "Here I packed you a snack." Kiara said as she grabbed out a bag of grapes. "Thank you." Bailey said as she grabbed the grapes. "I want some." Emily said. "Here you can sit next to Bailey." Sarah said. "Sarah why are you packing up your stuff?" John B asked. "Because Kiara's my ride." Sarah said. "Oh so should we meet up again." John B said. "Maybe later I don't know." Sarah said. "Come on girls Mimi's here." Kiara said. "Bye Daddy." Emily and Bailey said as they waved. Kiara and Sarah grabbed there things and got into Anna's car. "How was seeing the guys?" Anna asked. "It was ok." Kiara said. "Yea" Sarah whispered. "Maybe we shouldn't have asked them if they would do it with us." JJ said. "Well at least we tried." John B said. "Yea tried." JJ said with a sad tone. "You're telling me you wanted to actually take things farther with Kiara." John B said. "Yea but she's gay so it's never gonna happen." JJ said. "You don't know that man I mean I kinda wanted to take things further with Sarah but you know." John B said. "Maybe they'll come around and go on a date with us." JJ said. "Yea right bro." John B said.

Here's another oneshot lmk any requests yall have. (They can be with kids as well)

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