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Setting:JJ and Kiara's apartment

Kiara woke up bright and early to surprise JJ with his favorite breakfast...chocolate chip pancakes. Kiara went into the kitchen and got out the supplies to make the chocolate chip pancakes. Kiara was just about to get the pan out of the cabinet then she heard JJ groan. She first thought he was just stretching but then he groaned again but it was a louder and sounded very painful. Kiara put the pan down on the ground and saw JJ in there bed with the covers over his head. Kiara asked JJ"what's wrong. Why are you groaning so loud?" JJ said "I have a really bad migraine". Kiara scooted over towards JJ and lightly gave him a kiss on his forehead and went back into the kitchen to finish making pancakes.

Kiara was just about finish with JJ's chocolate chip pancakes she heard small footsteps coming towards her. She realized it was JJ. He was wrapped around in his favorite blanket that Kiara bought him for there anniversary. Kiara started laughing when she saw JJ wrapped in his blanket. While she was laughing she said "why are you wrapped in a blanket? You have a migraine not the flu." JJ faked sneezed and said"I do to have a cold and you hurt my feelings Kie". Kiara rolled her eyes and just passed him his plate of pancakes. "I'll be right back babe I'm gonna go to the store real quick". Kiara quickly told him. Kiara grabbed her keys,gave JJ a kiss,and walked out of the door. JJ saw Kiara walk out of the door and he ran to grab his phone and he called her.
The Phone call
J:Hello,why did you leave me?
K:Babe I have to go to the store. I'll be back I promise.
J:Can you come back now.... Please
K:No babe. I have to buy some stuff for the bathroom.
J:Ok but when you come back can we cuddle please.
K:Yes,we can cuddle when I come back.
J:Ok I love you Kie.
K:I love you too.

JJ was sitting down on the couch eating his pancakes when his head started throbbing way more then earlier. He decided to try sleep off the pain but the pain kept taking over. The only thing he could do was just cry. JJ never really cried all the time but when he did it was because he couldn't kept hiding the pain anymore. The tears just kept slipping and slipping down his face. The only thing that kept him from crying was Kiara. He then decided to shut his eyes and think of Kiara. Right as he shut his eyes he felt her body slowly come down and rest up against his. "Babe your back". JJ said while sniffling. "Aww it's ok babe".

Kiara slowly rubbed JJ's head and kept telling him that everything was gonna be ok. "I promised I was gonna come back. And I did. Now why are you crying". Kiara whispered into JJ's ear. JJ sniffled and said "my head really hurts and your the only person can make better."  Kiara moved onto JJ's chest and "aww babe it's ok. How about you get some sleep and I'll rub your back the whole time." JJ got up and switched spots with Kiara and just slowly snuggled into her. Kiara rubbed his back until they both fell asleep with one another in there arms.

Sorry this is kinda short but it was requested by someone so I hope I fulfilled what you asked for. Don't forget to leave some requests down below with other couples from the show.

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