Sarah:finding my daughter

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Context:read to find out. This chapter will be mentioning kidnapping so if you don't like that stuff please skip the oneshot.

Sarah was walking back to her apartment after a long day at work. As she walked up to her apartments entry way she saw a little girl sitting outside the door. Sarah walked over to the little girl and sat next her. The little girl scooted closer to Sarah and grabbed her arm. "Are you ok?" Sarah asked. "Hey get your hands off of her." A random man yelled. Sarah noticed the random man was holding something but she couldn't one hundred percent see what he was holding. The random man started waking closer to Sarah and the little girl. The second the random man started moving Sarah scooped up the little girl and ran out the door. "Hey stop." The random man said. Right before Sarah could cross the street a big blue van stopped in front of her. Two guys came out of the van and started attacking her and the little girl. One of the guys grabbed the little girl and threw her in the van. While the other guy threw Sarah in right after. The two guys got into the back seat while the random man got into the front and started driving the van.

Sarah immediately looked around the entire van too see if there were any windows but there wasn't a single window except the ones up front. Sarah then moved by the little girl and saw her purse right next to her. In that moment Sarah looked for her phone. When she found her phone she called 911. While Sarah was on the phone with 911 the little girl started to wake up. The little girl crawled into Sarah's arms and whispered "bad men took me away from you mommy." Sarah knew the little girl looked familiar but once she heard her voice she knew that she had found her daughter who had been missing for over a year. Sarah told the operator that she also found her daughter and that they were both injured. The operator had already tracked Sarah's location so they let the police know where they were going.  "Mommy my arm hurts." The little girl cried. "Amber it's going to be ok. The police are on there way." Sarah said.

The operator had told Sarah to stay on the phone with her. "Please tell me the police are on the way I'm starting to feel lightheaded." Sarah said. "They should be right behind you." The operator said as police sirens started to fill the back of the van. The random man heard the sirens and slammed on the brakes. "Let's get out of here boys." The random man said. As the men were leaving the police were surrounding the van. "Put your hands up where we can see them." Many police officers said in unison. "Mommy." Amber said. Amber saw Sarah passed out so she grabbed her phone and told the operator that Sarah wasn't waking up. In that moment the police had came too the back of the van,opened the doors,and helped Sarah and Amber out. "Hi sweetheart my name is Officer John B. What's your name?" Officer John B said. "My name is Amber and this is my mommy she really hurt." Amber told John B. "I need two ambulances at my location over." John B said into his radio. Another officer walked over to John B,introduced himself to Amber and carried her out of the van. While John B carried Sarah out of the van. "Is my Mommy going to to be ok Officer JJ?" Amber asked. "Hopefully but an ambulance should be here very soon." Officer JJ said.

The ambulance had arrived and the paramedics loaded Sarah inside and Amber was sitting right next to her. While the paramedics helped Sarah Amber was just sitting down and holding her arm. "Where am I is Amber ok?" Sarah said as she woke up. "Ma'am Amber is right here I'm just placing a splint on her arm at the moment." The paramedic said. "Is she ok?" Sarah asked. "Yes she will just need an X-ray of her arm just to make sure it's not broken." The paramedic said. Once they arrived the ambulance arrived at the hospital one of the paramedics wheeled Sarah in and the other carried Amber inside. "Can someone take her for an X-ray we seem to have a broken arm." A doctor said as she grabbed Amber out of the paramedics arms.

"Alright let's get you changed into a cute gown." The doctor said. "Can it be purple?" Amber asked. "You bet. The bathroom is right here so put this on and then I'll examine you." The doctor said. Amber walked into the bathroom and put the gown on. When she walked out the gown was backwards. The doctor chuckled and said "Amber your gown is on backwards." " I couldn't see which way was the right was." Amber said. "That's ok I'll help you." The doctor said. "Alright is that better?" The doctor asked. "Much better!" Amber said. "Your a really pretty doctor." Amber said. "Thank you Amber but your the pretty one." The doctor said. "Thank you Doctor—." Amber said as she looked at the doctor trying to get her to say her name. "I'm Doctor Maybank but my grown up name is Kiara." Kiara said. "That's cool can I see my Mommy now?" Amber asked. "You can after your X-ray." Kiara said. "Ok." Amber said.

After all the tests Sarah and Amber had

"Well Mrs Cameron all the results came back for
you and Amber. Everything seems to be ok but Amber has a broken arm and a minor concussion,while you have three bruised ribs and concussion." Kiara said. "Oh well when can we go home?" Sarah asked. "Within a few days." Kiara said. "Oh ok." Sarah said. "I'll let you two spend some time together." Kiara said as a nurse wheeled Amber into Sarah's room. Amber practically leaped out of her bed and gave Sarah a huge hug. "Hi baby." Sarah cooed. "I missed you so much. Look at my purple gown and my pink cast." Amber said. "Wow they look amazing." Sarah said. "Mommy can Doctor Maybank babysit me?" Amber asked. "I'm not sure honey she's seems to be pretty busy. But I'll ask her." Sarah said. "I'll be glad to babysit Mrs Amber,I have a daughter of my own too. I only work with kids whenever I'm needed." Kiara said. "Alright here's my number." Sarah said as she wrote her number down on a post it note. Kiara wrote her number down and then gave Amber some Jello. "Mommy can I lay with you." Amber asked. Sarah scooted over and let Amber lay next to her. Amber fell asleep on Sarah's shoulder while she rubbed Amber's back. "Everything is going to be ok bubs." Sarah whispered into Ambers ears.

Here's another oneshot for everyone I hope you guys like it.

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