Sarah:sick day

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Context:Sarah is sick so she calls John B to take care of her. John B and Sarah aren't dating in this. Sarah and John B did the deed with each other three months ago.

Sarah woke up too her stomach churning so she ran to the bathroom and threw up. Sarah kept throwing up for about five minutes. She then got up and grabbed her phone out of her bedroom and texted John B. After she texted John B she continued to throw up. Sarah then slowly got up but as she was getting up she felt like she was going to faint. So she quickly grabbed the side of the counter and waited for the dizziness to pass. "Sarah" Sarah heard from the distance. "John B?" Sarah yelled but her voice cracked. "Sarah are you alright?" John B asked as he ran into the bathroom. "I don't feel so good". Sarah said. John B felt Sarah's forehead and realized she was burning up. "Sarah I think you should take a bath ." John B said. Sarah didn't say anything she just sat down on the ground. "John B move" Sarah said as she put her hand over her mouth. John B quickly moved and Sarah threw up. John B grabbed her hair and rubbed her back while she was vomiting. "John B your pretty cute". Sarah said. "Sarah how high is your fever?" John B said. John B started Sarah's bath and as he started it Sarah just took her shirt off. "Ok Sarah your bath is ready I'll be waiting in the hall." John B said. John B helped Sarah into the bath and then walked out. "John B don't go" Sarah whined. "Sarah I'm going to get you some medicine I'll be right back." John B said. John B then went into the kitchen and grabbed some medicine for Sarah. "Here take these" John B said as he gave Sarah the medicine. "Thank you" Sarah said. Sarah then got out of the bathtub and walked into her room. "Do you want something to eat?" John B said. "No I'm not hungry." Sarah said. "I'm gonna get you some fruit ok" John B said. John B walked into the kitchen and grabbed Sarah some fruit. John B came back into Sarah's room and saw her sitting by the toilet again. "Sarah you good?" John B said. "I'm fine I was just feeling a little nauseous." Sarah said. "Sarah do you want to go to the doctor?" John B asked. "No but I did take a pregnancy test." Sarah said. "Oh what did it say?" John B said. "It came back positive." Sarah said. "Oh it's mine right?" John B said. "It's yours." Sarah said. "So is that why you called me?" John B said. "Nooo" Sarah said sarcastically. "Yes it is" John B said. Sarah then got up and walked out of the bathroom. "Sarah I'm sorry." John B said as he sat next to her. "Whatever you decide I'll be here with you a hundred percent." John B said. "Really" Sarah said. "Yea I promise" John B said. Sarah then put her hand over her mouth and gagged. John B grabbed the bucket he had placed by Sarah's side of the bed and he held it up for her. Sarah threw up into the bucket and John B held her hair back. "I think this stomach flu/pregnancy is kicking my ass." Sarah said as she wiped her mouth. "Yea but we're gonna pull through it." John B said as he gave her a kiss. "You smell like vomit." John B said. "And you smell like dirt" Sarah said. John B just rubbed Sarah's back since she vomited again and put her hair into a ponytail. "Can you stay with me please?" Sarah asked. "Don't worry I'll stay for as long you need me too." John B said. Sarah just laid down next to John B and fell asleep.

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