Jiara:The sick Routledge

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Context:Kiara and JJ have a daughter named Bailey, so does Sarah and John B there daughters name is Eliana. Anyway both Bailey and Eliana get sick at school. Just read to find out. (There daughters are 13)
TW:Mentions of puking/vomiting

"Bailey are you feeling sick too?" Eliana asked. "Yea I feel like I'm going to vomit and pass out at the same time." Bailey said "me too I'm gonna text my mom to see if she can pick me up."Eliana said. "Same." Bailey said as they both walked back to class. "Are you two feeling any better?" There teacher Mrs Gross asked them. "No but I think we both are going to try to pull through until school gets out." Eliana said. "Ok well if you girls need to take a nap or anything let me know since you both finished all of your work for the whole week." Mrs Gross said. "Will do Mrs Gross umm we're gonna head to lunch now." Bailey said. "Alright girl see you after lunch and try to eat a little something please." Mrs Gross said. The girls just gave her a thumbs up and walked to lunch. Right as they entered the lunch room both of the girls felt a trail of vomit making it's way out so they both ran to the nearest trash can and vomited everything they had ate the night before.

"Eliana Bailey are you girls ok". Mrs Gross said as she saw them putting there heads deep within the trash can. "No." Bailey and Eliana said. "Ok let's get you both to the nurses office and call your parents." Mrs Gross said. Mrs Gross and the girls walked to the nurses office and she went back into her classroom to grab there belongings. "Alright Eliana I called your parents and they didn't answer the phone at all but since Baileys parents are your emergency contacts I will have them take you home if that's ok with you." The nurse said. "That's fine with me." Eliana said. "Alright I called them when one of the lunch ladies told me you both puked so they should be here any minute." The nurse said. "Girls here's your stuff and your phones." Mrs Gross said as she gave Bailey and Eliana there backpacks and phones. "Thanks Mrs Gross." Bailey and Eliana said. "Your welcome girls hope you both feel better." Mrs Gross said as she walked away.

"Nurse Oliva Bailey Maybank and Eliana Routledge guardians are here to take them home for the day". The nurse heard over the walkie talkie sitting on her desk. "Ok girls here are some trash bags just incase. And I hope you both feel better real soon." Nurse Olivia said. "Thanks see you later." Bailey said as she helped Eliana up from the chair she was sitting in. Bailey and Eliana walked down to the office where Kiara and JJ were waiting for them. "Hey you guys ready to go?" Kiara asked. "Yea." Bailey said. The girls waved bye to the staff in the office and walked to Kiara's and JJ car. "Alright Elie I called your mom and dad and they didn't answer which means that your gonna be staying with us until they get back from there little vacation." JJ said. "Ok." Eliana said.

Kiara had just pulled up to there house and Bailey and Eliana had fell asleep in the back. "JJ can you get Elie while I get Bailey." Kiara said. "Yea." JJ said as he got out of the car. JJ picked Eliana up while Kiara put Bailey on her back and they both brought the girls inside. "Bailey Elie wake up." Kiara said "Mom shut up please." Bailey said. Eliana just laughed and went back to sleep. "So do we just let them sleep or do we give them medicine and then let them sleep." JJ said.
"Kie what do you think?" JJ asked. Kiara had laid on the couch with girls and fell asleep too. "Really Kiara." JJ said while he put a blanket over the girls.

This was so rushed but I hope you guys like this...

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