Kiara & Maddy:stomach bug

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Context:Kiara has a daughter named Maddy. Kiara gets the stomach bug so Maddy takes care of her. Maddy is 13 years old btw.

"Maddy" Kiara called out. Maddy ran to her Kiara voice which was coming from the bathroom. "Mom what is it?" Maddy said. Kiara didn't say anything since she was vomiting in the toilet. "Mom are you ok?" Maddy asked as she moved Kiara's hair out of the way. "Do I look ok Madison?" Kiara said. "You look pale as hell but other than that you look ok to me." Maddy said. Kiara just flushed the toilet and walked out. "Mom come in the kitchen please." Maddy said. Kiara slowly walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dining table. "What do you want Maddy?" Kiara groaned. "I got you some medicine and... a pregnancy test." Maddy said but whispered the last part. "Maddy I'm not pregnant. I just have the stomach flu." Kiara said. "Well you aren't pregnant until you take the test mom." Maddy said. "Fine I'll take your stupid test and if it comes back negative you owe me a plate of cookies." Kiara said. "Deal." Maddy said as she handed Kiara some water. Kiara took the medicine and then walked to the bathroom. "Why is she making me take this stupid test I'm not pregnant." Kiara said to herself. Kiara then peed on the stick and waited for three minutes. As she was waiting Maddy had walked in to check on her. "Mom you good?" Maddy asked. "Yea I just don't know what I'm gonna do if I'm pregnant." Kiara said. "Mom even if you aren't pregnant I wouldn't be so upset about it." Maddy said. "Are you sure? I thought you wanted a little sister or brother?" Kiara said. "I did but now that it's just me and you I'm ok with not having siblings." Maddy said as she hugged Kiara. Kiara flipped over the test and it read negative which made Kiara cry. "It's ok you know you could adopt or foster another kid." Maddy said. "You would be ok with that?" Kiara said. "Yea I think I want a little sister." Maddy said. "Alright well what if I told you I'm adopting a child." Kiara said. "I would say that your crazy and I'm here for it." Maddy said. Kiara was about to say something but she threw up instead. Maddy just held her hair back and waited for her to be done. "This is gonna be a long day." Maddy said. Kiara just flipped her off,got up,and walked out.

Here's another oneshot for y'all!! Should I write one about Kiara adopting her new child??

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