Kiara & Maddy:eating disorder

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Context:Kiara has a younger sister named Maddy who's 15 years old and Kiara has noticed she's been losing lots of weight recently. Which is scaring her. (Please note if you have an eating disorder please reach out and find the help you need.)

"Maddy do you want the rest of my sandwich?" Kiara asked. "No I already ate." Maddy said. "Alright I'll save it for you." Kiara said. Kiara wrapped her sandwich up and placed it in the fridge. Maddy then came downstairs in one of her sweatshirts and some shorts. Kiara noticed and just didn't both asking her about it. Maddy grabbed some water out of the fridge and went outside to the porch. Kiara walked outside and sat next to Maddy. "How's my favorite sister?" Kiara asked. "I'm fine" Maddy said. "Are you sure?" Kiara asked. "Kiara I'm fine can you just leave me alone please." Maddy said as she got up and went inside. "Maddy wait." Kiara said as she followed Maddy. Maddy went into her room and slammed her door. "Maddy can't we talk about this." Kiara said. "No just leave me alone." Maddy cried. Kiara went back downstairs and just watched tv. While Maddy was in her room she took her sweatshirt off and went into her bathroom. Maddy was looking at herself in the mirror and she kept saying to herself that she was fat over and over. She then sat in front of the toilet and made herself throw up. This was going on for about ten minutes until Kiara opened the door. "Maddy are you ok?" Kiara said. Maddy kept throwing up until there was nothing left. "Maddy please stop" Kiara said. Maddy stopped throwing up and she just started crying. "Why Maddy?" Kiara said. "Because I'm fat." Maddy cried. "Maddy you are not fat." Kiara said. "Yes I am" Maddy said. Kiara walked out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. Kiara grabbed the other half of the sandwich. She went back upstairs and into the bathroom. "At least eat half of this Maddy." Kiara said. Maddy took the sandwich out of Kiara's hand and took a bite of it. "It's really good" Maddy said with her mouthful. "I know I made it." Kiara said. Maddy finished the sandwich which made her feel better. She then walked out and went into her room. "Hey you know you can tell me anything right." Kiara said. "I know" Maddy said. "Promise me you'll recover from this." Kiara said. "I promise" Maddy said. Maddy and Kiara made a pinky promise and then watched a movie together.

I hope you enjoyed this oneshot and had a nice holiday. But for anyone who needs to seek help whether it's for mental health or anything else. please find the number for wherever you live and call it. Remember that there are people out there who can help you. You just have to find them.

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