Jiara:He's what

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Context:In the last oneshot Jiara finding out Kiara had a baby girl named Skylar. JJ was in military camp at the time and he hasn't been home since. Now Kiara's getting worried since she hasn't received not one letter from him saying anything. It's been 2 years since the last oneshot so Maddy is 18,Kiara is 23,and Skylar is 2.

"Good morning Sky." Kiara said as she lifted Skylar out of her bed. "Morning mommy." Skylar said. "Auntie Mads over." Skylar said. "She'll be here soon." Kiara said. Kiara placed Skylar in her high chair and grabbed an orange. "Have some peas." Skylar said. "Let me peel it then you can have some." Kiara said. Skylar just clapped her hands and waited for Kiara to give her the orange. "Here eat this while I get you some water." Kiara said. "Tank you." Skylar said. "Hey Kie sorry I'm late I had to get gas and then I—" Maddy said as she was cutoff by Kiara hugging her. "I missed you too why did you text me 911 last night is everything ok? Did you hear about when JJs coming back?" Maddy said. "Everything is fine it's just JJ hasn't sent me a letter in over three years. What if he's dead." Kiara said. "Mommy" Skylar called out. "Yea bubbas." Kiara said. "More" Skylar said. "I'll get you another orange hold on." Kiara said. Maddy saw Skylar and immediately picked her up out of her high chair. "Kie put that orange away I got my niece something way better." Maddy said. "Ooo wanna see." Skylar said. Maddy pulled out a whole rotisserie chicken. "Chicken" Skylar said. "Madison really" Kiara said. "She loves chicken and I love chicken so." Maddy said. Skylar went to go grab a piece of chicken when Maddy stopped her. "Let me cut it Sky and then you can eat it." Maddy said. Maddy grabbed a knife and went to go cut the chicken when a knock at the door scared everyone and made her cut her hand. "Shit" Maddy yelled. "I'll go see who's at the door." Kiara said as she grabbed Skylar who had started to cry. Kiara opened the door and saw a man who locked very pale swaying back and forth. Kiara put Skylar down and told her to go by Maddy. "Can I help you sir." Kiara said. "Papa J is goin down." The man said as he fell into Kiara's arms. "JJ" Kiara said as she placed him on the floor. "Who was at the—" Maddy said as she paused. "Don't just stand there help me." Kiara said. "Give me a minute I need to wrap my hand." Maddy said. Maddy walked away with Skylar on her hip and into the bathroom. "Why are you so heavy." Kiara said as she struggled to drag JJ inside. "I'm calling 911." Kiara said to JJ. JJ was just lying on the floor barely staying awake. "Kie I got the first aid kit." Maddy said as she ran over to JJ. "I'm on the phone with 911 is he breathing." Kiara said. "Yes but his breaths are very shallow." Maddy said. Kiara repeated what Maddy had told her and she tried her best to comfort Skylar who was standing behind her hugging her legs. "We're losing him I'm starting CPR." Maddy said. "The ambulance is like two minutes out." Kiara said. "Come on JJ breathe." Maddy said as she was doing chest compressions on JJ. The front door was still open so the paramedics took over while the firefighters asked Maddy some questions.

"You look familiar are you a nurse?" One of the firefighters asked. "John that's the girl who saved your little girl when she was choking earlier today at the grocery store. Emily told me all about it." One of the firefighters said. "You're right Carl I don't know how I can thank you enough for saving my little Kenzie I mean my wife would've been heartbroken if she died." John said. "It was no problem at all I mean I've been taking the classes to become a nurse so I'm glad I got to put them to good use." Maddy said. "Hey chatty Kathy's can one of you guys help us get him onto the gurney." One of the paramedics said. "Sure Sandra sorry about that." John said. John and Carl helped Sandra put JJ onto the gurney and they took him away in an ambulance. "Miss nurse in training should come with us while you find a sitter for your kid." Sandra said to Kiara. "Kie I'll update you when we get there." Maddy said as she shut the door. "Who's suppose to watch her?" Kiara yelled as she opened the door. "Call mom I've told her everything about Skylar she's so excited to meet her granddaughter." Maddy said right before she shut the ambulance doors. Kiara picked Skylar up and took her upstairs. "Mommy who was on floor?" Skylar said. "That was your daddy he's not feeling good so mommy had to call for help." Kiara said. "Chicken." Skylar said. "You can have your chicken once we get to grandmas house." Kiara said as she finished packing a bag for her and Skylar. Kiara grabbed all of their stuff, the chicken,and headed to her parents house.

"Mommy is Daddy okay?" Skylar said. "Hopefully bubbas." Kiara said. Kiara pulled up to her parent's house and she saw them watering their flowers. "Mike Kiara's here." Anna yelled. Kiara got out of her car and grabbed Skylar. "Mommy chicken." Skylar whined. "Hold on Sky let me grab the chicken." Kiara said. "Let me help." Anna said. Anna grabbed Kiara's and Skylar's bag then took them inside. "Maddy texted me about JJ she said he's stable but he just has to be under observation." Anna said. "I'm going to see him can you watch her." Kiara said. "Honey you can't see him right now." Mike said. "Why not" Kiara said. "We think Maddy should be the one to tell you." Anna said as Maddy came into the living room. "Maddy your suppose to be with JJ why aren't you with JJ?" Kiara cried. "He's gone." Maddy said. "What do you mean he's gone?" Kiara hiccuped. "He wanted me to tell you that he loves you so much and that you should go on with your life and marry another man who could be a good dad to Sky." Maddy said. "Madison tell me this is one of your big pranks and that JJ is just sitting in another room waiting for me." Kiara cried. "I—" Maddy said before she broke down. "No he's not gone." Kiara cried as she fell to her knees.

"Hey Anna Hey Mike where do you want me to put this soil?" JJ said. "JJ" Maddy and Kiara hiccuped. "Why are you guys crying?" JJ said. "You're not dead." Kiara hiccuped as she gave JJ a hug. "Who was that guy that showed up at your door?" Maddy said. "That was Ryker he looks just like me so we wanted to play a prank on you two just to see how you would react." JJ said. "Daddy." Skylar said as she ran to JJ."Princess" JJ said as he picked Skylar up. "You tricked me you son of a bitch." Kiara said as she pushed JJ. "Why the hell would you do that." Maddy said. "I got blood all over my hands,my clothes,in my hair, I had to give your stupid friend CPR for over 20 minutes just for the doctors to laugh at me the second I walked out of the room. I'm gonna kill you." Maddy said as launched herself at JJ. "Madison he's not worth it." Anna and Mike said as they tried to hold Maddy back. "Just let me punch him once that'll show him." Maddy said. Maddy kept fighting her parent's grip until there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Mike said. "Madison Carrera you're coming with us." A random guy said at the door. "You're from that cuckoo's nest aren't you." Maddy said. "We've been hunting you down for years that's why we had Ryker pretend to be JJ, we were going to take your sister but she's not as crazy as you are. Oh and all those letters you wrote to JJ while he was in camp we took them and hid them from him." The guy said. Madison started to run over to the back door when two other guys stopped her. "You're coming with us whether you like it or not." The guys said as they grabbed Maddy. "No you can't take me to that cuckoo's nest. I'm not crazy anymore I'm perfectly fine tell them guys please tell them." Maddy said. "Kie you'll save me right." Maddy said. "I promise." Kiara said. "Here's a little something to calm you down." The guy who was holding her said as he stabbed a needle into Maddy's arm. Maddy ended up falling asleep and the guys carried her out. "Ryker how could you do this to my family." JJ said. "Here you'll see her in about six months or in a casket whichever one comes first." Ryker said as she gave JJ a piece of paper. Ryker shut the door and Kiara broke down. "Kie" JJ said. "We're going to find her and bring her back I promise." JJ said. "She's gonna die and it's all your fault." Kiara yelled. Kiara grabbed Skylar out of JJs arms and took her back to the car. "Kiara wait." Anna said. "What." Kiara yelled. "Stay here let JJ go back home." Mike said. "I'm only staying because Skylar deserves to see her grandparents that's it." Kiara said. "Kie just let me—" JJ said. "You don't get to say a word to me until my little sister is here safe in my arms do you understand." Kiara yelled. "Yes ma'am." JJ said. JJ walked upstairs while Kiara sat on the couch and cried. "Chicken" Skylar said. "Here Sky." Anna said as she placed a plate of chicken down on the table. "Chicken" Skylar said. Skylar sat on Anna's lap and ate her chicken while Mike tried his best to comfort Kiara.

Here's a part 2 of the last oneshot lmk if yall like it.

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