Kiara & Sarah:Sick day

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Context:in the last Kiara & Sarah oneshot "it's just one cut" Kiara and Sarah were talking about how they were adopting a daughter named Bella. Anyways Bella has been living with them for a month and now she's sick with the flu and stomach flu. Bella is 14 years old.

"Bella you're really warm I'm gonna go grab some ice packs from the freezer." Kiara said. "But I feel really cold." Bella said. "That's because you keep having the chills." Kiara said. "I'll be right back ok." Kiara said. "ok" Bella said. Kiara went downstairs to get Bella an ice pack when she realized she forgot that Sarah should be home in like five minutes. Kiara grabbed an ice pack and went back upstairs. Kiara gave Bella the ice pack and laid next to her. "You're gonna get sick go lay down somewhere else. Bella said. "Bells it's fine." Kiara said. "But what if—" Bella said as she was cutoff by a coughing fit. "That doesn't sound good." Sarah said as she walked into Bella's room. "Here's some water." Kiara said as she handed Bella her water bottle. "Thanks" Bella said. "We're gonna go downstairs call us if you need anything." Sarah said. Bella just gave a thumbs up as Kiara and Sarah walked out. ""She's sounds worse then yesterday. I think we should take her to get checked out." Sarah said. "You sure I mean she could just need some medicine." Kiara said. "Mom" Bella yelled. Kiara and Sarah walked upstairs and went into Bella's room. Bella had just thrown up and it was a lot more than before so Sarah took her to the bathroom while Kiara cleaned up the puke. "Is mom mad?" Bella asked. "Why would she be mad at you." Sarah said. "Because I threw up a lot." Bella said. "You're sick and you can't help that. I'm pretty sure she isn't mad at you." Sarah said. "Want to go downstairs?" Sarah asked. "I guess" Bella said. Bella and Sarah went downstairs while Kiara was still cleaning up the puke.

"I got you some medicine from work my boss said it should help with the symptoms you've been having." Sarah said. Bella sat down on the couch and waited for Sarah to give her the medicine. "Here take one of these it should help with the vomiting." Sarah said. "Thanks" Bella said as she took the pill. "I finished cleaning up the puke you can go back in your room if you want." Kiara said. "I'm ok I'll just stay down here." Bella said. "You still have a fever but it's not as bad as yesterday." Sarah said. "I know mom took my temperature earlier." Bella said. "How about you go shower maybe that will help you feel better." Kiara said. "Ok can you guys wait by the door just in case anything happens." Bella said. "Sure" Kiara said. Bella went upstairs and into the bathroom so she could shower. Bella got in the shower which really helped her headache she was having but as she got out she forgot a towel. "Mom can you get me a towel and something to wear please." Bella said as she slightly opened the door just wide enough for Kiara or Sarah to hear. "Here you go" Sarah said. "Thanks." Bella said. Bella was getting dressed when she felt a little dizzy. "Mom" Bella said. "Yea" Kiara said. Kiara went into the bathroom and saw Bella swaying back and forth. Bella fell into Kiara's arms so Kiara felt Bella's forehead and realized she was overheating. "Sarah how fast can you run to the store and get ice like a lot of ice." Kiara said. "Five minutes at the most." Sarah said. "Can you get some Bells is overheating pretty bad." Kiara said. "I'll be back get some ice packs out of the freezer and put them on her head." Sarah yelled as she walked out the house. "Alright Bells let's get you on the couch." Kiara said as she picked Bella up. Kiara carried Bella downstairs and laid her down on the couch. "When did we move down here." Bella slurred. "I carried you down here." Kiara said. "Put this ice pack on your head." Kiara said. Bella took the ice pack and put it on her head. "I'm hot" Bella said. "That because you're overheating." Kiara said. Sarah came back with two big bags of ice in her arms and a thermometer. "Take her to the bathroom down here since the tub is bigger." Sarah said. Kiara carried Bella into the bathroom and placed her on the floor.

Bella scooted over by the toilet and she threw up. Kiara was filling the tub up with water when she saw Bella throwing up. "I thought the medicine was helping." Sarah said as she brought the ice into the bathroom. "It was while I was in the shower." Bella said as she started to cry. Sarah and Kiara helped Bella into the tub and then they poured a bag of ice into the tub. "Your temperature is 103.5. Stay in here for twenty minutes we'll be back to check on you in a few minutes." Sarah said. "Don't go." Bella said. "Bells were gonna be downstairs just text us if anything happens." Kiara said. "Wait mom can you stay?" Bella asked. "Yea Sar are you ok either me staying?" Kiara said. "Sure I'll just be downstairs cleaning." Sarah said as she walked out. "Why did you want me to stay?" Kiara asked. "If you don't want to you can go downstairs." Bella said. "Bells what's wrong?" Kiara said. "Nothing I just wanted some company." Bella said. "Oh ok wanna watch a movie?" Kiara said. "I'm too tired to watch a movie." Bella said. Kiara scooted over by Bella and let Bella lay her head on her shoulder. "Kie take her temperature." Sarah said. Kiara grabbed the thermometer and took it. "100.3" Kiara said. "Bells get changed and then you can go take a nap." Sarah said. Kiara and Sarah turned around as Bella was getting changed. Once she finished changing Kiara and Sarah made sure she got all comfortable in her bed before leaving. "Why don't we lay in your guys bed since it's bigger." Bella said. They all got up and went into Kiara's and Sarah's room then immediately laid down and went to sleep.

Here's another oneshot I hope you guys like it.

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