Kiara:Thriteen years later

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Context:Kiara and JJ have twin daughters Bailey and Olivia who are 13 anyways ever since Kiara's had the girls she's had stomach problems so she gets sick a lot. Kiara also has been having nightmares from when she was taken to the hospital after having the girls and hasn't been telling anyone. Italics are flashbacks/nightmares.

"Get your hands off of me." Kiara said. "Look at your kids they're dying and it's all your fault." A voice said. "No it's not I had them right on time and everything. How could this be my fault." Kiara said. "But you never wanted to have kids in the first place. They were accidents big accidents and now your body is torturing you with all of this stomach pain." The voice said. "What are you gonna do now throw up." The voice said. In that moment Kiara woke up and threw up all over the floor. "It's ok Mom breathe." Bailey said. Kiara was sitting there hyperventilating over and over. "Here's your water and then a snack for when you're done." Olivia said. "There's no blood in it right." Bailey asked. "Did mom eat something red earlier?" Olivia asked. "The cupcake she had was red." Bailey said. "It looks more pink than red so it's not blood." Olivia said. "You guys can go back to bed I'm perfectly fine." Kiara said. "Mom you just threw up you're not fine." Bailey said. "And you've been having nightmares every night it's scaring us." Olivia said. "I know you miss dad but-" Bailey said but was cutoff by Kiara. "Do not bring your dad into this conversation." Kiara said. "He's dead and there's nothing you can do to bring him back." Bailey said. "Bailey Rose Maybank." Kiara yelled. "It's the truth. I mean it might've been our fault that Dad got hit by a drunk driver just because he was trying to save us." Bailey yelled. Olivia was cleaning the floor while their argument was going on so she didn't have to say anything to Kiara. "I can't take this anymore I'm going for a walk." Bailey said. "Wait for me." Olivia said. "No it's 5 in the morning you two are not going on a walk." Kiara said. "We are now." Olivia sassed. Olivia and Bailey walked out of Kiara's room and headed downstairs. "Don't you dare take your bikes either." Kiara yelled. The girls were outside revving their bikes engines when Bailey said "helmets." "Almost forgot." Olivia said. Then they drove off. Kiara got up went downstairs and just cried. As she was crying Isabella called her. "Hello" Kiara hiccuped. "Why are my nieces here crying over an argument you had with them." Isabella said. "Can you bring them back over please." Kiara whispered. "I'll send them back later. You feeling alright?" Isabella said. "I'm fine I have a doctor's appointment today to see if this new medicine will help with my stupid stomach issues." Kiara said. "Ok let me know if you need me to drive you." Isabella said. "I'll probably have mom or dad take me." Kiara said. "You sure you don't sound to good." Isabella said. "That's why we're here Aunt Bells Mom sounds off." Olivia said in the background. "You two go ride back I'll be over there in about twenty minutes." Isabella said. "Wear your helmets please." Isabella said. "We know." Bailey said. "The girls are on their way back I'll see you in a half hour at the most." Isabella said. "Bye Isabella." Kiara said. "Bye Kiara." Isabella said. Kiara hung up the phone and went over by the sink. "Not again please." Kiara said. Kiara was head deep within the sink when Bailey and Olivia walked in. "Mom" Olivia said. Olivia went over by Kiara who was throwing up in the sink. "Bails can you get Mom water and call Doctor Carly." Olivia said. "Yea" Bailey said. "Here's the water." Bailey said. "I'm gonna call Doctor Carly." Bailey said. "She said to have Mom sit down on the couch and make sure she doesn't pass out or anything." Bailey said. "Mom are you dizzy or anything?" Olivia asked. "No you two are worrying too much." Kiara said. "No weren't not Doctor Carly is on her way with the medicine." Bailey said. Kiara went back to throwing up while Olivia rubbed her back. "Mom you should really sit down." Bailey said.

"Hey sorry I'm late I was talking with Doctor Carly outside." Isabella said as she walked into the living room. "Hey Kiara how are you?" Doctor Carly said. "I feel horrible." Kiara said. "Yea let's try out this medicine and see how it works." Doctor Carly said. "Is it like the last one I had?" Kiara groaned. "No it's similar." Doctor Carly said. Doctor Carly took out a needle and Kiara immediately back away. "No get that thing away from me." Kiara said. "Kie it's ok I'll hold your hand." Isabella said. "Don't let go." Kiara said. "I won't." Isabella said as she held Kiara's hand. "Three two one." Doctor Carly said as she stuck the needle into Kiara's side. "See it wasn't that bad it should kick in within a few seconds actually." Doctor Carly said. "Try eating something that always made you throw up." Doctor Carly said. "Here Mom it's the other half of the subs we got." Bailey said. Kiara took the sandwich and took a bite of it. "This is really good." Kiara said with her mouthful. "You feel ok?" Doctor Carly said. "Yea I can actually eat this sandwich without puking after the first bite." Kiara said. "Ok that's good you only have to take the shot once." Doctor Carly said. "Yea this should cure whatever was going on with your stomach." Doctor Carly said. "Really?" Kiara said. "Yes just let me know if you have any of these symptoms." Doctor Carly said. Doctor Carly left while Kiara was still eating her sandwich. "Mom slow down." Olivia said. "Yea you don't want to choke." Bailey said. "So I can leave then right I need to get home." Isabella said. "Why what's so important." Kiara asked. "It's none of your business." Isabella said. "I'm your older sister it is my business." Kiara said. "I have to go check on my girlfriend alright." Isabella said. "Ooo is she cute?" Kiara said. "You sound just like JJ." Isabella said as she walked out. "What does she mean I sound like JJ?" Kiara said. "Mom are you stupid or something." Olivia said. "Yea how do you not know what she's saying by that." Bailey said. Bailey and Olivia walked upstairs while Kiara sat on the couch confused.

Here's a part two to the other oneshot let me know if yall like it.

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