Kiara and Gracie Maybank Pt2

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This takes place a week after the last chapter like this. Kiara has been taking great care of Gracie and Luke was found and arrested. Today is the day Gracie has to go to court and admit everything he did to her and JJ.

Gracie was almost done getting ready to head the court office. She was wearing a light blue dress and some white sandals. Gracie still had many bruises from the week before and cast on her foot. "G you almost ready to go?" Kiara asked. "Yea can you help me get downstairs please". Gracie said. Kiara walked up the stairs and gave Gracie a piggy back ride down the stairs and helped her get situated to head out the car. "Everything is gonna be ok you know". Kiara said. "I know but I just wish JJ was here so he can see dad finally be put away." Gracie said. "Me too G. He told me he should be coming home sometime next week." Kiara said. "Well that's good. Maybe you two can go on a date or something". Gracie said.

"Yea maybe but there is something I want to tell you." Kiara said. "What is it?" Gracie said with concern. "Umm you know how JJ left 9 months ago.." Kiara said. "Yea what does that have to do with anything? Wait Kie are you pregnant?" Gracie said. "Yea I still haven't told JJ.. so don't say anything to anyone." I haven't even told my parents yet". Kiara said. "I'm not gonna tell anyone but how far along are you Kie". Gracie asked. "I'm eight months I I just started showing now". Kiara said. "Well I'll help you as much as I can ok". Gracie said. "Thanks G." Kiara said. Then the rest of the car ride was silent until Kiara said "I'm having a girl by the way".  "That's great Kie your gonna have a mini me." Gracie said. 

Kiara and Gracie had just pulled up to the court house and there we many police officers,news reporters,and the other pouges waiting outside of the court house. The pouges ran to Kiara's car and helped them both out of the car. "Hey G no matter what happens I'm trusting my gut that you are going to be living with me and JJ for however long you need to." Kiara told Gracie. "Oh thanks Kie I'm just gonna head inside now." Gracie said as she crutched away. Kiara and the rest of the pouges headed inside and sat down while they wait for testimony to start. 

"All rise. We are gathered here today to find out if Lucas Maybank is guilty of physically abusing his daughter Gracelyn Maybank and his son Jackson James Maybank. Will the defendant come to the stand". The judge said. Kiara was the first one to come to the stand. "Mrs Carrera is it true that you've seen Mr Maybank abuse Mr Jackson James?" Luke's lawyer stated. "I didn't see Mr Maybank abuse Jackson. I just saw the many bruises Jackson had on his stomach and arms". Kiara told everyone. "Is this true Mr Maybank?" The judge asked. "Yes your honor but I only hit him a few times we were just playing around. You know how fathers and sons are". Luke said. "Playing around!" You just used him as a punching bag every time you saw him." Kiara yelled. "Silence Mrs Carrera Silence. You've had your chance to speak about Mr Jackson.Now can we please have Ms Gracelyn Maybank come to the stand." The judge said.

Gracie made her way to the stand with Kiara's help. Gracie sat down and waited for the judge to explain what he had to said. "Ms Gracelyn is it true that your father physically and mentally abused you". The judge stated. "Yea your honor a week ago he punched and kicked me until I couldn't take it anymore. Then he stepped on my ankle and gave me a black eye". Gracie said. "That is not true your honor. I did no such thing." Luke said. "Ok Ms Maybank you said you brought photo evidence with you. May I see the photos please". The judge asked. Gracie's lawyer walked up to the judge and handed him the file with everything proving that Luke did what he did. "According to this file here -" the judge said as she was cut off. "I'm sorry to interrupt your honor but I have one more person who would like to make a claim about Mr.Maybank".Gracie's and Kiara's lawyer said. The moment the lawyer said that JJ walked through the door with his flowers in his hands. "Mr Jackson James do you have anything else to say about your father and his physical abuse towards you and your sister." The judge asked. "

"I do actually." JJ said. Then he lifted up his shirt and showed the judge his scars that were all over his back. "Those are not from me boy and you know that". Luke yelled. "Hold on Mr Maybank according to this file it shows pictures of the day Mr Jackson James received this cuts and bruises." The judge said. "Your honor please just hear me out I was just joking around with them both. Please don't send me to jail." Luke pleaded. "I have heard enough Mr Maybank." The judge said. Right as the judge was about to declare Luke's sentence he was cutoff by a loud groaning coming from Kiara. "Ms Carrera are you alright?" The judge asked. "No my water just broke your honor." Kiara said. "Ok ok can someone call 911 NOW!" The judge said. "One more thing Lucas you will be sentenced for 10 years under domestic violence and child abuse". The judge said and banged her gavel.

"Kie your pregnant?" JJ asked. "No shit my water just broke all over the floor". Kiara yelled. "Maybe we should take her to the hospital?" Gracie said. "I don't think the baby can wait that long." Kiara said. "Ok is anyone here a doctor?" Some random reporter asked. "I am". A random women said. Everyone moved away from Kiara,JJ,and Gracie and let the random women do her job. "Ok Kiara my name is Lucy and I'm and labor and delivery nurse. And it looks like the baby's head is out so I'm gonna need you to give me a big push when I say so ok." Lucy said. Kiara shook her head and grabbed JJ's hand while Gracie was giving Lucy one of JJ shirts she found in his bag. "Here will this help?" Gracie asked. "For sure. Thank you and push Kiara". Lucy said. Kiara pushed with all the strength her body had to give and surprisingly the baby just slid right out.

The room was filled with cries and Gracie saying the time of 3:15pm sharp. "Here she is,she seems to be nice and healthy but when the paramedics get here I would have them check her out just to make sure". Lucy told Kiara. "Hi baby what are we gonna name you?" Kiara said. "How about Eloise Noel?" JJ said. "That's so cute. I love it". Kiara said. The paramedics then arrived and JJ lifted Kiara up onto the stretcher and went with her to the hospital". "G can you and Sarah go to the house and get the bag for me please". Kiara said before she was rolled away on the stretcher. "Don't worry Kie I got you." Sarah said. Everyone then went on with there day. Luke Maybank was in jail,JJ and Kiara have a healthy baby girl,and Gracie now has a new niece to hangout with.

Here's part 2 of the Kiara and Gracie Maybank series. I'm going to make a part 3 which will include and time jump to after there Kiara and JJ's wedding. Let me know if you have any ideas for part 3. I was thinking of a girls sick day but let me know if you guys agree with that.

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