Jiara:Still a little sick

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Context:this a continuation of the last oneshot with Kiara,JJ,and Emily. Kiara is feeling a little better while Emily has gotten tiny bit worse.

Kiara woke up to what sounded like JJ calling her name over and over. So she got up an tan to where he was calling her from. "JJ why are you screaming?" Kiara asked. "Emily threw up on me" JJ whined. Emily was sitting in front of JJ crying since she just threw up on him. "I'll clean her up while you clean yourself up." Kiara said as she took Emily into her bathroom. JJ got up and went into the hall bathroom where he tried his best to get all the puke off his shirt. "Emily I'll be right back I need to go grab the thermometer." Kiara said. Kiara walked out of her bathroom and headed to the hall bathroom. When she walked in there she saw JJ with his shirt off. "He is so fine." Kiara whispered as she grabbed the thermometer off the counter. "You know I heard what you said right." JJ said as he turned to face her. "What can I say my husband is the finest man alive." Kiara said as she gave him a kiss. "Thank you the puke didn't all come out but I'll just change my shirt." JJ said. "Ok I'll wash it later today." Kiara said and walked out of the bathroom. As she was walking out she saw Emily standing in the hallway. "Emily? What's wrong bubs." Kiara asked as she kneeled down to Emily's height. Emily just made a I'm going to puke face and she ran past Kiara and into the hall bathroom. Emily puked into the toilet and Kiara rubbed her back. "Mommy" Emily said. "Yea" Kiara replied. "My tummy hurts" Emily said as she laid in Kiara's chest. Kiara didn't know what to do since Emily has never been this sick before. "JJ" Kiara called out. JJ ran into the bathroom and with a glass of water in his hand. JJ gave Kiara the glass of water and sat next to her. "Can you hand me the thermometer please." Kiara said. JJ grabbed the thermometer off the counter and handed it to Kiara.

Kiara placed the thermometer on Emily's head and waited for it to beep. When the thermometer beeped it read 103.0. "JJ grab my keys we need to take her to the hospital." Kiara said as she quickly got up off of the ground. "Babe look at me please." JJ said. Kiara looked at JJ and she noticed that he was helping her calm down a little bit. "Before we take her to the hospital let's try and get her temp down ourselves." JJ calmly said. "Ok your right I'll start—." Kiara said as she was cut off by her migraine. Kiara stumbled a little bit which made Emily move over by JJ. JJ put his arms under Kiara shoulders and sat her down on the ground. "Kie your still sick you need to take care of yourself too." JJ said as he gave her the glass of water he brought earlier. "I know but Emily is my first priority." Kiara said after she took a sip of water. "Let me take your temperature." JJ said as he placed the thermo-meter on Kiara's head. The thermometer read 102.3. "You both have pretty high fevers so I'm going to run a cold bath for the both of you." JJ said. "I can start my own bath just take care of Emily first." Kiara said as crawled over to bathtub. "Babe I got this just sit here and drink the water please." JJ said. Kiara just gave him a thumbs up while he grabbed Emily and took her into Kiara's bathroom.

JJ then started the bath for Emily and let her get undressed. "Emily I'll be right back if you need to throw up you can do so in this bucket." JJ said as he placed the bucket by the side tub. "Daddy can I watch tv?" Emily asked. "Sure" JJ said as he grabbed Kiara's laptop. He logged into Netflix and turned on a movie for her. "I'll be back Em." JJ said as he walked out. JJ walked back into the hall bathroom where Kiara was. He saw that Kiara throwing up so he quickly moved her hair out of the way and rubbed her back. "JJ I feel awful" Kiara said as she stopped vomiting. "I'm sorry." JJ said. JJ then started Kiara's bath and while the tub was filling up he saw Kiara take her shirt off. "Is it hot in here too you?" Kiara said. "No I'm fine." JJ said. JJ then helped Kiara in the tub and quickly walked away. JJ went to go check on Emily and he saw her wrapped up in towel. "Daddy I'm cold." Emily said as her teeth were chattering. "Oh Emily I'm didn't know the bath was that cold let's get you into some warmer clothes." JJ said as he picked her up. "Can I wear my purple jammies?" Emily said. "Yep" JJ said as he placed her on her bed. "Alright you go change while I check on Mommy." JJ said. "Ok" Emily said. Emily then shut the door and got changed. JJ walked into the hall bathroom and saw Kiara shivering. "JJ how how cold is this water?" Kiara said. "I made it go as cold as it could get." JJ said. "Well I'm freezing." Kiara yelled.

"I'm so sorry." JJ said as he gave Kiara a towel. Kiara snatched the towel out of JJ's hand and wrapped it around herself. "I'm too cold too move." Kiara said. JJ picked Kiara up and brought her to her room. "Get changed I have to make sure Emily put her pjs on." JJ said. JJ then walked out and went to check on Emily. "Daddy can I go see Mommy now?" Emily asked. "Yea" JJ said. Emily then ran out of her room and into Kiara's room. "Mommy" Emily said as she gave Kiara a hug. "Hi Emily are you feeling better?" Kiara asked. "A little bit but I'm really cold." Emily said. Kiara lifted Emily and placed her on her bed. Emily then got under the blanket with Kiara and then laid next to her. "Daddy made my bath too cold." Emily said. "Daddy did that to me too." Kiara said as she chuckled. "I didn't mean too" JJ said. "Daddy I'm hungry" Emily said. "Ok what would you like to eat?" JJ asked. "Fruit bowl!" Emily said. "Ok one fruit bowl coming up. Kiara would you like anything?" JJ said. "I will also have a fruit bowl." Kiara said. "Ok I'll be right back." JJ said. JJ then walked out and headed to the kitchen. "Mommy can we watch tv?" Emily asked. "Yea but first let me take your temperature." Kiara said. Kiara got up and grabbed the thermometer from the hall bathroom. When she came back she saw Emily eating the fruit bowl JJ brought her. Kiara then placed the thermometer on her head and waited for it to beep. "100.3" Kiara said. "Is that good?" Emily asked. "It's better then before" Kiara said. "JJ can you take mine please." Kiara asked. JJ grabbed the thermometer out of Kiara's hand and took her temperature. "98.3" JJ said. "That's way better then before." JJ said. "Maybe that cold bath helped you guys a little." JJ said. "Yea but I didn't need to freeze to death." Kiara said. "Don't be dramatic now". JJ said. "Daddy it was horrible." Emily said while handing Kiara a piece of fruit. "You know what you guys are no fun I'm going to watch tv in the living room." JJ said. JJ walked out of the room and went to watch tv. Kiara and Emily just sat in bed eating there fruit bowls while watching tv. "Emily is the fruit good?" Kiara asked. Emily didn't say anything since she fell asleep with a grape in her hand. Kiara then took the grape out of Emily's hand let her rest up against her. "Hey Kie I brought you guys some medicine." JJ said. "Oh do you want me to come back?" JJ said. "No I'll wake her up real quick." Kiara said.

Kiara lightly shook Emily to try and wake her up. "Mommy stop." Emily whined as she woke up. "Sorry honey Daddy just brought us some medicine." Kiara said. "I don't want it". Emily said. "Em it will make you feel better." JJ said. Kiara took her medicine and she did make a face. "See the medicine isn't that bad." Kiara said. Emily took the medicine cup out of JJs hand and she took the medicine. "See was that so bad?" JJ said. "Yea it was. I'm going back to sleep." Emily said. Emily rolled over to the side of the bed that wasn't facing Kiara. "Someone's a drama queen." JJ said. "I'm not a drama queen." Emily said. JJ and Kiara just laughed as Emily laid back down.

Here's another oneshot with JJ,Kiara,and Emily. I hope you guys like it!!

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