Kiara:stomach flu & the flu

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Context:Kiara has the stomach flu and her 13 year old daughter Bailey has the flu. Anyways they have no choice but to call her Mom to take care of them.

"Bailey can you get the door please." Kiara asked. Bailey got up and opened the door. "Grandma what are you doing here?" Bailey asked. "Your mom called me to  help take care of you guys." Anna said. "Ok but why is he here?" Bailey asked as she was looking at JJ. "He's your father and this could be some bonding time for you both. Now where's your mom?" Anna said. "In the bathroom" Bailey said as she started coughing. Anna walked in and went straight to the bathroom while JJ slowly stepped inside. "So how's your summer been?" JJ asked. "It's been good other than the fact mom's been a bitch to me since I snuck out." Bailey said. "How's your summer been going dad?" Bailey said. "Good just wish I could see you and your mom more." JJ said.  "Me too but you're always at military camp." Bailey said. "Yea but I've officially retired now so I can spend the rest of my life with you and your mom." JJ said. Bailey didn't say anything since she had a coughing fit. "You feel a little warm." JJ said. Bailey was still coughing so she got up and went into the kitchen to get some water. At that moment Kiara and her mom walked into the living room Anna sat down but Kiara went into the kitchen. "Hey Kie" JJ said.  "Hi" Kiara said. Bailey was drinking her water when she threw up in the sink. "Bails I thought you had stopped throwing up." Kiara said as she rubbed her back. "Kiara let me help Bailey you go sit down and rest." Anna said as she walked over to the sink.

Kiara went to go sit down next to JJ while Anna helped Bailey. Kiara sat next to JJ and she immediately laid her head on his chest. "When do you go back to work?" Kiara asked as she sniffled. "I retired last week." JJ said. "So you're going to be at home all the time then." Kiara said. "Yea" JJ said. "That's great which means you can take care of me and Bails." Kiara said as she grabbed a tissue. Anna sat down on the other side of the couch and turned on the tv. "Where's Bailey?" JJ asked. "She's probably in her room telling her friends I'm a bad mom." Kiara whispered. "What did you say Kie I couldn't hear you." JJ said. "Oh I just said that she's in her room and that I should probably go check on her." Kiara said as she got up. Kiara walked over to Bailey's room door. "Hey Bails can I come in?" Kiara asked as she knocked on the door. "I guess" Bailey said. Kiara opened the door and saw Bailey lying on her bed with her face in her pillow. "Bails can we talk?" Kiara asked. "What is there to talk about?" Bailey said. "You sneaking out,coming home way later than your curfew,and coming home drunk." Kiara listed. "Well that's all in the past so we can forget about it and move on." Bailey said. Bailey got up and pushed Kiara out of her room. "What a great talk mom but you should really take a nap you look tired." Bailey said as she shut her door. "How was your talk with Bailey?" JJ asked. "It was something I'm gonna go take a nap." Kiara said. "Kie I'm gonna head out since JJ's here." Anna said. "Ok thanks for coming" Kiara said. Anna walked out and shut the door behind her. Kiara went into her and JJs room to take a nap. Kiara sat on her bed and felt someone come up from behind her. "Hi Bails" Kiara said. "How did you know it was me?" Bailey said. "You started coughing." Kiara said. "Oh that reminds me I threw up in the bathroom." Bailey said. "That's nice" Kiara said. Bailey then laid on JJ's side of the bed while Kiara did the same on her side. "Bails you know you're ungrounded right." Kiara said. "I know but I like being at home with you." Bailey said. Bailey rested her head up against Kiara's shoulder and started to doze off. "Great now I'm stuck here." Kiara whispered.

Another oneshot for yall!! Hope you like and if you have any requests feel free to comment them.

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