Jiara:baking a cale

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Context:JJ and Kiara are bored so they decide to bake a cake but there's a hiccup towards the end.

Kiara and JJ were super bored since they've gone on a whole bunch of dates this past week. "JJ I'm bored." Kiara whined. "Me too. What should we do?" JJ said. "We should bake a cake!" Kiara said. "Oooo I've been a chocolate cake for weeks." JJ said. "Well let's make it. I'm pretty sure we have some box cake mix in the cabinet." Kiara said. JJ and Kiara got up off the couch and went into the kitchen. JJ grabbed the cake pan and bowls while Kiara grabbed the cake mix,milk,and eggs. "Alright the first step is to add the powder in the bowl." Kiara said. JJ then added the powder into the bowl. "Do we have any icing?" Kiara asked. "I think so." JJ said. JJ looked in the fridge and he saw some vanilla icing. "We have vanilla and that's it." JJ said as he placed the vanilla icing on the counter. JJ and Kiara continued to follow the directions on the back of the box. "Ok now we have to put it into the pan." JJ said. "That's easy." Kiara said. Kiara poured the batter into the cake pan. JJ saw that he had a little bit of batter on his hand so he booped Kiara's nose. Kiara then took the batter she had on her hands and booped him right back. They kept doing this until they both had batter all over there faces. "JJ we need to clean this up." Kiara said. "Fine but you look so cute with chocolate all over your noise." JJ said as he gave Kiara a kiss. "Whatever" Kiara said as she went into the bathroom. Kiara washed her face while JJ took the cake out of oven. "Kie I'm putting the cake in the fridge so it can cool." JJ said loud so Kiara could hear him. "Ok" Kiara said. Kiara came back from the bathroom and just sat down on the couch. "Hey you seem upset. You alright?" JJ asked. "I'm fine." Kiara said. "You sure?" JJ asked. "I'm just tried ok!" Kiara said. JJ just walked away while Kiara grabbed the cake out of the fridge. Kiara then started to put the icing on the cake but when she finished she decided to wash the dishes. As she was washing the dishes she was had to wash a knife. The blade of the knife cut her hand pretty bad. "Shit!" Kiara yelled. JJ came running out from there bedroom and he saw Kiara wrapping her hand in paper towel.

"JJ" Kiara cried. JJ held the paper towels against the cut so the bleeding could stop. "Hey I'm right here." JJ said as he saw Kiara starting to cry. JJ took Kiara to the bathroom and ran her hand under water. "I'm gonna get the peroxide and wrap I'll be right back." JJ said. Kiara just kept holding the paper towels on her hand while she waited for JJ to come back. "JJ hurry up please." Kiara yelled. "I'm coming." JJ yelled. JJ then cam back into the bathroom and saw the amount of paper towels that were everywhere. "Kie I think we should go to the emergency room." JJ said. "No I'm fine." Kiara said. "Kie your cut looks pretty deep I just want to make sure your ok." JJ said. Kiara was going to agree but she passed out since she was losing a lot of blood. JJ caught her before she fell to the ground and he took her to there car. "Babe you gotta wake up." JJ said as he was speeding down the road. JJ arrived at the emergency room and he carried Kiara inside. "Can you help me please. My girlfriend was washing the dishes and she cut herself with a knife." JJ said. "I need a gurney" A doctor said. "What's her name?" The doctor asked. "Kiara Carrera." JJ said. Kiara started to wake up since there were many lights flashing in her eyes.

"Where am I?" Kiara asked. "Your in the hospital." A nurse told Kiara. "My hand really hurts." Kiara told the doctors. The nurse took a look a Kiara's hand and told her she might need stitches. "Let's get and x ray of her just to make sure her nerves aren't damaged." A doctor said. "Kiara we need you too put this gown on". A nurse said as she hand her the gown. The nurses left the room and Kiara put the gown on. "Kie I'm gonna head home real quick I think I left the oven on." JJ said. "Ok I'll be here . I'll text you." Kiara said. JJ gave Kiara a kiss and then walked out. "Alright Kiara you ready to go." The nurse said. "Yea." Kiara said as she sat in the wheelchair the nurse brought. The nurse wheeled Kiara to the x ray room and the doctors did the rest. When JJ got home he actually didn't leave the oven on he just wanted to ice the cake he and Kiara made. JJ was going to put the icing on the cake but he saw that Kiara had already iced the cake. While he was reading the cake he heard his phone ringing.
K:Hey did you actually leave the oven on?
K:Well did you see the cake?
K:can you read it to me?
JJ:Baby girl coming this summer?
JJ:No way! Your pregnant?
JJ:And it's a girl!!
K:JJ are you gonna come back?
JJ:yea just give me a second
K:ok well I need you to pick me up
JJ:I'm on my way
K:ok bye

JJ drove back the hospital and he saw Kiara standing outside. "So what did the doctor say?" JJ asked. "I didn't need any stitches and nothing was damaged." Kiara said. "That's great so should we head home and eat the cake we made?" JJ said. "Yea I'm craving it." Kiara said. JJ drove back home and when they arrived Kiara ran inside. JJ ran after he and he saw her shove  a handful of cake in her mouth. "This cake is really good." Kiara said with her mouthful. "Save some for me." JJ said. JJ walked over and shoved  a handful of cake in his mouth as well.

Here's another oneshot for you guys I hope you like it!!

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