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Context:Sarah gets her period and John B takes care of her.

"Sarah wake up you're bleeding." John B said. "What do you mean I'm bleeding?" Sarah said with confusion. "From down there." John B said as he pointed to the huge blood spot in the bed. "Oh no my period came I'm going to go shower." Sarah said. "Ok I'll wash the sheets." John B said. Sarah got into the shower and John B put the sheets in the washer. "John B." Sarah called. "Hold on." John B said as he ran into the bathroom. "What's wrong?" John B said. "Can you help me up please." Sarah said. John B helped Sarah up off the ground and onto her feet. "My cramps were really bad." Sarah said. "That's ok I'm here to help you."John B said. "I'm going to make you some pancakes what else do you want." John B said. "A fruit salad please." Sarah said. "Right always Mrs Cameron." John B said in a fancy accent.

Sarah got up and finished everything she needed to do. Then she walked into her and John Bs room and got changed. As she was changing she smelled the pancakes John B was making for her and she got really excited. Sarah walked out and saw John B plating the pancakes and making Sarah's fruit salad. "Aww this is so cute." Sarah said. "I just wanted to make you feel special since you're in pain." John B said. "Aww I love you." Sarah said and gave John B a kiss. "I love you too." John B said. Sarah grabbed her plate and walked over to the couch and John B joined her. "So what should we watch." Sarah asked. "How about Hell's Kitchen." John B said. "Ooo I love Gordon Ramsey." Sarah said with her mouth full of pancakes. John B put on Hell's Kitchen and both him and Sarah laid down and watched tv together for the rest of the day.

Here's another oneshot sorry it's short but I hope you guys like it.

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