Your my daughter pt2 (Jiara)

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Context:Same as the last chapter? Italics mean flashbacks. TW: Mentions of puking/vomiting

JJ couldn't believe what he had just heard. In his mind he thought of all the reasons why Kiara didn't tell him anything about her being pregnant. "Hey do you want to come in?" Kiara asked while she told Bailey to go in her room. JJ just shook his head and walked in. "Do you want anything to drink or eat." Kiara asked trying to change the subject. "No thank you I'm fine." JJ said. JJ and Kiara sat down at Kiara's dining table. "So umm how's Bailey." JJ said. "Oh she's great. She just had her fifth birthday two days ago." Kiara said. "Wow I I can't believe I didn't reach out to you at all. I'm so sorry Kiara". JJ said. "It's not your fault JJ I was the one who didn't tell you the second I knew." Kiara said.

"Mommy Mommy". Bailey screamed. Kiara got up and ran too find Bailey. JJ also got up out of his seat and followed Kiara. Kiara walked into Bailey's room and she saw her crying. "Bailey what's wrong?" Kiara asked. "My tummy hurts really bad". Bailey said. "Does it hurt really bad because last night you said it hurt as well." Kiara said. "It hurts more Mommy". Bailey cried. JJ looked at Kiara and asked "I know that I don't know Bailey well but maybe you should take her to the hospital. She looks miserable." Bailey just kept crying and holding her stomach while Kiara was comforting her. "JJ can you grab her while I pack a bag for me and Bailey." Kiara said. JJ shook his head and slowly walked towards Bailey. "Hi Bailey I'm your (pauses) daddy. Is it ok if I pick you up". JJ asked. "Hi daddy". Bailey said while she held her hands out. JJ slowly picked Bailey up and he saw her face go from being in pain to I'm about to puke.

In that moment JJ put Bailey down and he grabbed the small trash can that was right by the door. "Daddy my stomach hurts really bad." Bailey cried. "I know Bailey I think it hurts because you need to throw up." JJ said. "I don't like throwing up." Bailey said. "Why?" JJ asked. "Because last time I threw up on my Mommy and she got mad at me." Bailey said. "Well it's ok if you have to throw up again I won't be mad at you". JJ said. "Are you sure?" Bailey said. "I'm sure now I'll go get mommy while you stay here and sit by the trash can." JJ said. JJ got up and was about to get Kiara but he saw her standing in the doorway crying. "Hey hey Kie why are you crying." JJ said while bringing Kiara in for a hug. "I'm a horrible mother." Kiara cried into JJ's arms. "Kiara Carrera you are the best mother in the world why would you say that about yourself." JJ said. "JJ my own daughter is scared to tell me when she's sick how does that make me a good mother." Kiara said.

"Hey Bailey said she doesn't want you to be mad at her so I would just talk to her if I were you." JJ said. "I guess your right." Kiara said. Kiara and JJ went into Bailey's room and they heard what sounded like vomiting so they ran into her room and Kiara ran over to Bailey and held her hair back while she told JJ to get a glass of water. JJ went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water. "here I found a water bottle in the fridge I hope you don't mind." JJ said. "Yea it's fine could you also grab some". Kiara said right as JJ cut her off "new clothes one step ahead of you.". JJ said. Bailey finished vomiting and she just fell into Kiara's arms. Kiara felt Bailey's forehead and she immediately gave JJ a look. "She's burning up I'm gonna grab the thermometer I'll be right back." Kiara said. "Mommy don't go I'm all better see". Bailey said as she quickly stood up. "Bails you know it's ok to be sick. Everyone gets sick." Kiara said. "But I'm not sick." Bailey said as she sneezed. "Ok whatever you say but I'm still taking your temperature." Kiara said. "Well that thermometer thingy is gonna be wrong and I know it." Bailey said. Kiara walked away to go grab the thermometer while JJ stayed and watched her.

"Daddy tell Mommy that I'm not sick please." Bailey said. "Look kid I don't how to tell you but your sick and I've been sick before and its not fun but Mommy is gonna do everything she can to make sure you get better." JJ said. "But what if I throw up on Mommy or what if I sneeze on her and get my snot all over her." Bailey said. "Well if that does happen it was most likely an accident." Kiara said as she walked back in with the thermometer in her hand. She put the thermometer in Bailey's mouth and waited for it too beep. "Ooo 102.3 that's not good if it gets any higher we are gonna have to make a trip to the doctors." Kiara said. "Wait Kie what do you mean we?" JJ asked. "JJ I mean you,me,and Bailey you know as a family." Kiara said. "Oh so now I'm apart of your little family?" JJ said.

"Bailey can you go into the bathroom and take a bath. The water might be a little cold but me and Daddy need to have a grown up talk." Kiara asked. "Ok but what if I throw up again?" Bailey asked. "I put a bucket right but the edge of the bathtub. Just call me when your done ok." Kiara said. "Ok Mommy I'll be back." Bailey said. Bailey walked away and into the bathroom. "Look JJ I know that I didn't tell you about Bailey but I I was scared and I thought—". Kiara said. "I was gonna be exactly like my dad. I get it." JJ said as he started to get up off the floor. "No I didn't think that at all I just thought you were going to leave me." Kiara said. "Kiara Anna Carrera why in hell would I leave you just because I got you pregnant." JJ said. "I don't know that was my first thought when I look at the test and and". Kiara said as she was cutoff by JJ kissing her.

"Ewwwwww". Bailey yelled. "Bails I didn't know you were finished." Kiara said. "Sorry Mommy I just got dress in the bathroom all by myself." Bailey said with excitement. "Daddy why were you kissing mommy. Are you her boyfriend?" Bailey asked. "Umm yes I am her boyfriend and that's why I was kissing her." JJ said. "Ok can we watch a movie please." Bailey said. "We can after I make sure your fever isn't getting worse and you take some medicine." Kiara said. "I hate medicine." Bailey said as she ran away into her room. "Umm so who's giving her the medicine." JJ asked. Kiara pointed her finger at JJ and walked away. "What why do I have to give it to her?" JJ said. "Because I have to go to the store and buy stuff for movie night." Kiara said. "Really Kiara I've only been her for at least two hours." JJ stated. "We'll make yourself at home since you told our daughter that we're dating." Kiara said. "Fine I'm only doing this because I've missed the last 4 1/2 years of her life Kiara." JJ yelled. "Bye JJ and can you tell Bailey I'll be right back please and thank you." Kiara said as she walked out. "Man the things I do for the women I love. Bailey if you take your medicine Daddy will give you 5 dollars." JJ said. "Ooo I want 5 dollars." Bailey said as she ran into the kitchen."

Ok here's part 2 let me know if you guys like it. Lmk if I should do stories with the other couples as parents.

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