Jarah:a sick jb

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Context:John B is sick and Sarah takes care of him. TW:mentions of puke/vomit

"John B come take your medicine please." Sarah yelled. John B rolled out of bed and walked slowly to the kitchen. "John b you have the flu you don't need to be so dramatic." Sarah said as she gave John B the medicine. "What I'm not being dramatic. I'm just cold." John B said as he drank the medicine and wrapped himself in his blanket. "Ok whatever you say drama queen." Sarah says and walks over to the couch. John B followed her and laid down right beside her. "Do you want to watch a movie?" Sarah asked. "Yea but I'm hungry can you make chocolate chip pancakes please." John B said with puppy dog eyes. "Fine but I'm only doing this because your sick." Sarah said as she got up. "Thank you." John B said. Sarah made her and John B chocolate chip pancakes and even add some whipped cream on top of the pancakes as well. "Here are you happy now." Sarah said as she brought John B his plate of pancakes. "Very thank you." John B said as he ate his pancakes. "Don't eat them to fast or else you might..." Sarah said as John B threw up all over the floor." Sarah rubbed John Bs back as he continued to throw up. "You done?" Sarah asked. "Yea I'll clean it up." John B said. "John B I'll clean it up you go take a shower so you don't smell like puke." Sarah said. "Are you sure I can't help you." John B asked. "John B get your ass in the shower." Sarah said as she walked over to laundry room to get the vacuum. John B walked into his and Sarah's bathroom and took a shower. While Sarah vacuumed up all of John Bs vomit.  Once Sarah finished cleaning up John Bs vomit she laid down on the couch and turned on a movie. Then Sarah walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and put some fruit in it. At that moment John B had walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. "Oh your out of the shower. Do you want some fruit?" Sarah said. "No I just want to cuddle my wife." John B said. "Alright then." Sarah said as she sat down on the couch beside John B. "Now do you feel better?" Sarah asked. "Totally." John B said as he curled up besides Sarah.

This is kind of short but I hope you guys like it also we have over 9k reads wow that's a lot of people anyways let me know some family oneshots you want to see since I really want to write some.

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