Jarah:five more minutes

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Context:Sarah and John B have a three year old daughter and she loves waking up at the crack of dawn. But this particular morning she doesn't wake up super early.

Sarah and John B were sleeping until they woke up to the sound of their alarm. Sarah rolled over and turned the alarm off. "John B wake up." Sarah said. "What time is it?" John B said as he rolled over. "It's 8:30" Sarah said. "8:30? We never wake up at 8:30. We always wake up at 4 because Ellie is always up." John B said. "Oh my gosh...Ellie." Sarah said as she ran out of bed. "Sar wait for me." John B said as he followed Sarah. Sarah ran into Ellie's room and saw her asleep in Kiara's arms. "Kie you actually stayed the night." Sarah said as she tried to catch her breath. "Yea Ellie asked me too I hope it doesn't bother you guys." Kiara said. "It doesn't but Ellie didn't wake you up at all?" "No she did have a bad dream but other than that nope." Kiara said as she stretched. "Wait does this mean we can sleep in?" Sarah said. "Yea I'll take her for the day if you guys want." Kiara said. Sarah then quickly grabbed Ellie's sleepover bag and handed it to Kiara. "You can bring her back tomorrow." John B said. "Alright then see you guys tomorrow I guess." Kiara said as she got up and grabbed Ellie. John B and Sarah ran back to there bedroom and jumped back in bed. "It's feels great to have some peace and quiet." Sarah said. "Well you know what peace and quiet means right." John B said. "Yea... more sleep" Sarah said as she laid down on the bed. "Agreed" John B said as he laid down on the bed. Sarah and John B fell back asleep while Kiara and Ellie spent the entire weekend together.

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