Sarah:Stomach flu

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Context:Sarah has a daughter named Charlotte who's 16 (she's adopted) and she gets a really bad case of the stomach flu and other sickness. Sarah is 23.

"Mom" Charlotte horsed. Charlotte was in the bathroom sitting by the toilet since she felt horrible. Sarah walked into the bathroom and saw how pale Charlotte was. "Char you look whiter than a ghost how long have you been puking?" Sarah said. "An hour maybe I don't know." Charlotte horsed. Charlotte threw up again and just fell into Sarah's arms. "Your body is on fire." Sarah said. "I feel fine". Charlotte said. "Char you are not fine you're changing out of these clothes and taking a cool shower." Sarah said." "No I'm fine." Charlotte said. Sarah got up and put a cold rag on Charlottes head. "That feels nice." Charlotte said. Sarah helped Charlotte up and she started the shower. "Take a shower while I sit outside and wait for you." Sarah said. Charlotte took a shower while Sarah waited outside. Charlotte came out of the bathroom wrapped in her towel. "Here" Sarah said as she gave Charlotte some clothes. Charlotte changed and then went back to her room. "Mom" Charlotte said. "Yes honey" Sarah said. Charlotte wasn't responding so Sarah went to go check on her. Charlotte was puking into the bucket Sarah had left for her by the side of her bed. "Char you poor thing." Sarah said as she rubbed her back. "Hurts" Charlotte croaked. "Your stomach?" Sarah said. Charlotte just shook her head yes and drank her water. Charlotte started to slump over so Sarah laid her back down onto her bed and then she went to find her some medicine. Sarah gave Charlotte the medicine and told her to go to sleep. Sarah decided to clean the house while Charlotte was sleeping. "Mom" Charlotte called out. "I'm coming hold on." Sarah said. Sarah went into Charlottes room and she saw her holding her stomach. "Your stomach really hurts doesn't it?" Sarah asked. "Yea" Charlotte groaned. "Wanna go to the doctor?" Sarah asked. "Yea" Charlotte cried. Sarah helped Charlotte out of bed and they went to the hospital. "Mom this really hurts." Charlotte said. Once they got inside Charlotte was admitted to a room the doctors found out Charlotte needed her appendix removed. "Why can't you keep it in?" Charlotte said. "Because it's hurting you." Sarah said. "You'll be here when I get back right?" Charlotte said. "Don't worry I'll be here waiting." Sarah said. Charlotte went to go have her surgery and Sarah was pacing back and forth in the room. "Sarah?" A voice said. "Kiara" Sarah said. "Hey how are you?" Kiara said. "I'm good just waiting for my kid to get out of her surgery. How are you?" Sarah said. "I'm good. I didn't know you had a kid." Kiara said. "I adopted her right after I graduated." Sarah said. "Oh yea you told me about that." Kiara said. "How's nursing?" Sarah said. "It's good other than the fact I got evicted from my apartment for no reason everything's fine." Kiara said. "Oh my god do you need somewhere to stay I have an extra room." Sarah said. "Really you don't think your kid would like it that I'm staying there?" Kiara said. "She wouldn't mind." Sarah said. "Thank you" Kiara said as she hugged Sarah. Sarah hugged her back and it was a nice hug. "To say thanks I'm taking you out." Kiara said. "On a date?" Sarah said. "If you want to call it that." Kiara said. Kiara said bye and went back to work. Charlotte was wheeled back into the room and she was super loopy from the anesthesia. "Mom look I got a pink bandaid." Charlotte slurred. "That's amazing honey." Sarah said. "Woah who's that pretty lady behind you?" Charlotte slurred. "What lady? Oh hey Kie." Sarah said. "Hey I was just bringing this for Charlotte. It's a puke bag for just in case." Kiara said. "Thanks" Sarah said. "You're welcome I'll see you later this week to move in." Kiara said. "Yea see you later." Sarah said. Kiara held Sarah's hand for a second and then left. "Mom has a crush." Charlotte slurred. "Shut up" Sarah said. "Crushies." Charlotte slurred. "Shh you are being very loud." Sarah said. "Water" Charlotte slurred. Sarah poured Charlotte some water and she drank it. "Mom stay with me." Charlotte slurred. "I'll stay with you baby." Sarah said. Sarah pulled up a chair next to Charlotte and just held her hand until she fell asleep again.

Here's another oneshot lmk if I should end the book and make another oneshot book?

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