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Context:Sarah is nine months pregnant and obviously she's goes into labor.

Sarah and John B had just finished preparing everything for there daughter to arrive. Sarah was sitting on the couch watching Tangled. "Hey John B is the hospital bag all packed?" Sarah asked. "Yea it's in the car and everything." John B said "ok good." Sarah said as she felt a light contraction. John B walked over to Sarah and gave her a look. "Sarah do you want to go the hospital now?" John B said with a panic. "No it's to early there just gonna send me home like they did on Tuesday." Sarah said. "Are you sure?" John B said with concern. "I'm sure now can you help me up please." Sarah said. John B helped Sarah up off of the couch. "Can we get something to eat please?" Sarah asked. "We have food here you know." John B said. "But our daughter wants a burger from the wreck." Sarah said. "If it's for our daughter then let's go." John B said. Sarah smiled and waddled to the car.

Sarah had already texted Kiara that she was coming by the wreck,so Kiara had already made her order and all that she had to was pick it up. "We're here. Did you get me anything?" John B said. "Umm you can have some of my fries." Sarah said. "So you didn't get me anything then". John B said. "No I'm sorry." Sarah said as she started to cry. "Oh Sarah it's ok I can just eat some of your fries." John B said while trying to stop Sarah from crying. "No that was selfish of me to not get you anything and and." Sarah said as John B cut her off. "Honey right now I just want you and our little girl to be fed and if that means I don't eat anything from the wreck then that's fine with me." John B said. "You can have half of my burger if you want." Sarah said while wiping her face. John B just laughed and kissed Sarah's forehead.

John B then helped Sarah out of the car and walked up to the counter where Kiara was waiting for them with Sarah's food. "Man Sarah you look like your about to pop. You sure you should be out here." Kiara said. "Kie I'm fine why does everyone keep telling me to stay home and do nothing until the baby arrives". Sarah said. "Hey I'm just saying. It happened to me when I had Bailey and child birth isn't fun you know". Kiara said. "No duh Kiara said I'm pushing a baby out of from down there." Sarah groaned. Sarah was eating her burger and while John B and Kiara were chatting she felt a contraction but it was way worse than the ones she had felt earlier that day.

Sarah just kept eating until she felt a liquid running down her thigh. "Guys". Sarah yelled. "Yea what is it." John B and Kiara said in unison. "My water just broke." Sarah said while she felt another contraction. "Holy shit we need to get you the hospital like right now." John B said with a panic. "I don't think the baby can wait that long John B." Sarah said. "Kiara what do I do?" John B said. "Why are you asking me?" Kiara said. "Because you've had a baby before." John B said. Kiara and John B kept arguing back and forth until Sarah let out a loud scream. "John B I think your need to call an ambulance." Sarah said. "Why the baby isn't here yet I can still take you the hospital." John B said. "John B she's in Kiara's arms right now." Sarah said. Some random person who had scene the whole the situation happened had already called an ambulance and told Sarah they would be here in less than two minutes. "Jb come hold your daughter." Kiara said. John B walked over to Kiara and grabbed the baby. "She's adorable." John B said.

The ambulance had just arrived Sarah and John B got into the ambulance while Kiara took John Bs car and met them at the hospital. "What are we gonna name her?" Sarah asked. "How about Clara?" John B said. "I don't really like Clara how about Eliana." Sarah said. "Yea I like Eliana better but she needs a middle name too." John B said. "How about Hope." Sarah said. "That's perfect." "So we now have a daughter named Eliana Hope Routledge." John B said. "I guess we do." Sarah said as she gave John B a kiss.

Here's another Jarah oneshots for all you Jarah shippers hope you guys like it.

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