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Context:JJ gets a really bad migraine and Kiara tries to take care of him. (This was a request by someone I forgot there @ but it's fine)

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In the Maybank household there has been some type of virus going around. Kiara was constantly vomiting,having dizzy spells,high fever,chills,and hot flashes. While JJ was just having nausea and migraines. Kiara was trying to sleep but she couldn't because JJ wouldn't stop complaining about his headache. "Why hasn't the advil kicked in yet?" JJ whined. "I don't know now shut up!" Kiara groaned. JJ felt very offended so he got up and walked out of the room... very dramatically. "Finally some peace and quiet." Kiara whispered to herself. Kiara started to get herself situated when she heard gagging from the kitchen. "JJ?" Kiara questioned. Kiara walked into the kitchen and saw JJ vomiting in the sink. Kiara quickly walked over to JJ and made sure he was alright. "Are you ok?" Kiara asked. JJ just gave a sideways thumbs up and sat on the ground. "Your not ok are you." Kiara said. "Yea but I didn't want you to take care of me. When your way sicker then I am." JJ said. "Really" Kiara said. "Yea now help me up." JJ said. Kiara tried to help JJ up but she wasn't successful. JJ ended up picking Kiara up and throwing her over his shoulders. "Bathroom" Kiara quickly said as she placed her hand over mouth. JJ put Kiara down in front of the trash can and watched her vomit everything she ate earlier. "Are you ok?" JJ said. Kiara didn't respond she just sat on her knees trying to not cry. "Do you want some water?" JJ asked. Kiara just shook her head yes as tears were starting come out of her eyes. JJ grabbed two bottles of water,placed one of them on the counter,and gave the other one to Kiara. Kiara drank some of the water while JJ let her lay down in his lap. "Is your migraine gone?" Kiara asked as she put her water bottle down. "Yea I think puking helped." JJ said. "That's good I wish puking would make me feel better." Kiara said. JJ just gave Kiara a kiss and carried her back to there room. "Cuddles?" Kiara asked. "Fine" JJ said. JJ and Kiara cuddled with each other for as long they could... or until Kiara had to puke again.

Here's another oneshot for y'all sorry it's short.

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