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Context:JJ has a little sister named Gracie and she's 12 years old. JJ got sent to Military school and Luke came back so she became his new punching bag. And Kiara promised JJ that she would take care of Gracie until he came back. In the end Kiara comes up with a plan to finally save Gracie. (Kiara and JJ are dating in this). TW:mentions of child abuse if you don't like that please don't keep reading. If you read the other Kiara and Gracie Maybank oneshots The only difference with this one is that Kiara isn't pregnant.

It's been two weeks since the whole Luke and Gracie incident. Things have been going ok Gracie woke up after being in a coma for a week but she's just been having nightmares so sleep isn't her best friend at the moment. Kiara and JJ ended up getting eloped at the courthouse since it was cheaper and they didn't want a big wedding. (They had a date planned to get eloped) Kiara and JJ also have full custody of Gracie now. But now they're at home with a teenager who has a concussion. "G come take your medicine." JJ said. Gracie came downstairs with sunglasses on,wearing one of Kiara's shirts,and a pair of black pajama shorts. "Here take your medicine and then you can go back upstairs." JJ said. "Do I have to take it?" Gracie whined. "Unless your head isn't hurting then don't take it." JJ said. Gracie went to go take her medicine but her stomach had other plans which meant she threw up all over the floor. "G you ok?" JJ asked. "JJ she just threw up I don't think she's ok." Kiara said. Kiara walked over and moved her hair out of her face. "I don't feel good" Gracie said. "G this is like the fifth time you've thrown up. I think this medicine is making you sick." Kiara said. JJ walked over and gave Gracie some water. "You good?" Kiara asked. "Yea I'm just dizzy" Gracie said as she stumbled. "I can carry you back to your room if you want." JJ said. "Please" Gracie said. JJ grabbed Gracie and carried her upstairs. JJ placed Gracie in her bed and walked out. "Gracie I brought you a snack." Kiara said. "Thanks" Gracie said. Kiara gave her the snack she brought and fluffed her pillow. "Kie can you pass me the bucket please." Gracie said as she gagged. Kiara passed Gracie the bucket and she threw up again. "My head hurts" Gracie cried. "It's probably because you keep throwing up over and over." Kiara said. "Probably" Gracie said. "Kie I'm going to the store I'll be back" JJ said. "Ok can you get Gracie some medicine please." Kiara said. "Yea" JJ said.

Gracie ended up watching tv with Kiara and eating the fruit she brought for her. "Kie do you think my dad is gonna come back?" Gracie asked. "No he's in jail". Kiara said. "What if he breaks out and then finds me again." Gracie said. Gracie slowly got up but quickly sat down. "Did you get dizzy again?" Kiara asked. "Yes and I want it to stop." Gracie away." Gracie said. Kiara got up and waited for Gracie to get up. "Kie where are you going?" Gracie asked. "Downstairs come on." Kiara said. Gracie got up and walked downstairs. "Kie when is JJ coming back?" Gracie asked. "He should be back soon." Kiara said. "Ok I'm gonna go call Whezzie." Gracie said as she said as she sat down on the couch. "Hey I'm home and I brought back food." JJ said. "Stop yelling" Gracie said as she covered her ears. "Sorry Gracie" JJ said. "It's fine now my head is just gonna start to hurt more." Gracie said. "Ok do you want the pizza I bought for you?" JJ asked. "Sure" Gracie said. JJ gave Gracie the box of pizza he got for her and then sat at the dining table with Kiara. "Gracie do you wanna sit with us?" Kiara asked. "No I'm gonna eat in my room." Gracie said. Gracie walked upstairs with her pizza box and went into her room. "We should go eat with her." Kiara said. "Why she's just gonna tell us to go away." JJ said. "I don't think she will" Kiara said.

Kiara knocked on Gracie's door and waited for her to answer. "Come in" Gracie said with her mouth full of pizza. Kiara opened the door and saw Gracie stuffing her face with pizza. Kiara and JJ started laughing while Gracie got up and went to the bathroom. "Gracie was the pizza good?" Kiara asked. "No shit" Gracie said. Gracie washed her hands and her face then went back to her room. Gracie sat down on her bed went on her phone. "Gracie does your head still hurt?" JJ asked. "Not as bad." Gracie said. "I'm gonna go shower so" Gracie said trying to hint that she wanted them to get out. Kiara and JJ got up and took their pizzas with them as they were walking out. Gracie went into the bathroom and took a shower. While she was getting out of the shower she got really dizzy. "Kiara" Gracie yelled. Kiara walked upstairs and went into Gracie's bathroom. "G you ok?" Kiara asked. Gracie was standing up and kept swaying back and forth. "Kie what's going on?" JJ asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. Kiara didn't answer since Gracie had passed out in her arms. "Gracie" Kiara whispered. "Kie I'm coming in." JJ said. JJ opened the door and saw Kiara sitting on the floor with Gracie in her arms passed out. "We're taking her to the hospital." JJ said. "Wait grab the smelling salts the doctors gave us for just in case this happened." Kiara said. JJ grabbed the smelling salts and gave them to Kiara. Kiara opened them and placed them under Gracie's nose. Gracie immediately woke up and started coughing.

"My head really hurts" Gracie slurred. JJ gave Gracie a hug and helped her up. "Woah G" JJ said as he caught Gracie before she fell once again. "Sorry everything is spinning and it's not nice to see." Gracie said. Gracie was holding JJs hand while Kiara was helping her put her hair up. Gracie felt her stomach churn a little bit which caused her to gag. JJ noticed and he moved out of the way so she could throw up. Gracie threw up into the toilet and felt better but her body was shaking the entire time. JJ rubbed her back while Kiara went to get some water. "Sorry" Gracie whispered. "It's ok Gracie we're not mad at you by the way." JJ said. "I know but it's just dad would get really mad at me whenever I would throw up and it makes me feel bad." Gracie cried. "I brought you one of my shirts,a pair of shorts,and your water bottle." Kiara said. "Thanks can you help me please." Gracie asked. "Yea" Kiara said. JJ got up and walked out of the bathroom so Gracie can Kiara could be alone. As JJ was leaving Gracie was taking off her shirt (she had a sports bra on) JJ and Kiara saw one of Gracie's scars. Kiara gasped so did JJ. "What is there something on my back?" Gracie said. "Gracie who did that to you?" JJ said. "Who do you think can you pass me the ointment." Gracie said. "Gracie that scare looks like it's infected." Kiara said as she gave Gracie the ointment. "I know the nurse gave me this ointment for it." Gracie said. "Does it hurt?" JJ said. "It's been getting better." Gracie said. Gracie put Kiara's shirt on and then she got behind the shower curtain and put the shorts on. Gracie came out from behind the shower curtain and was engulfed by Kiara and JJ hugging her. "Guys I'm ok" Gracie said. "We know" Kiara said. Gracie just gave them a hug back and they stayed like this for a little bit. "JJ did you fart?" Gracie said. "Maybe" JJ said. "It stinks" Kiara said. Kiara and Gracie let go of JJ and walked out of the bathroom.

Here's the part three of the rescuing Gracie series lmk if I should continue it. The other parts are called rescuing Gracie. Also go read my book home a new chapter should be out soon!!!

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