Jarah:taking in a lost kid

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Context:Sarah and John B are married in this and they were taking a walk when they saw a little girl running towards them.

"She's gonna come back." The little girl said as she hid her head in Sarah's chest. "She's not gonna hurt you ok." Sarah said. The little girl just kept crying in Sarah's arms until Sheriff Shoupe pulled up in front of them. "Hey you two haven't seen a drunk woman running around her have you?" Shoupe said. "No just her." John B said. "Alright well JB I need you for a case." Shoupe said. "But it's my day off." John B said. "We'll walk your wife home,help her out and then come in." Shoupe said. "Alright." John B said. "You can't go." The little girl said. "I have to so we can make sure you're safe." John B said. "Promise you'll come back." The little girl said. "I promise" John B said. "What's your name?" Sarah said. "Amelia and I'm seven years old." Amelia said. "Well I'm Sarah and this is John B." Sarah said. "Hi John B" Amelia said as she waved at him. "Hi Amelia." John B said. Sarah and John B continued to walk home until they heard some lady yelling at them. "Amelia come to mommy Princess." The lady slurred. "Call Shoupe while I take her home." Sarah said. "You're not going anywhere cupcake." A random man said as she stepped in front of Sarah who was holding Amelia's hand. "Hand the kid over and I'll let you live." The man said. "Mommy" Amelia said as she hid behind Sarah's legs. "John B" Sarah yelled. "Your husband can't help you." The man said as he threw Sarah on the ground. "Get your damn hands off of her." John B said as he punched the man. "Oh your on copper." The man said. Right as the man was about to hit John B Shoupe and other cops showed up. "Put your hands up where I can see them." Shoupe said. All the cops had their guns out ready to shoot while the man and the women had their hands up. "Damn coppers." The man said. "You two are coming with us." Shoupe said. "Officer please let me go." The women slurred. "No" One of the police officers said. "Sarah are you ok?" John B said. "I think so." Sarah said as John B helped her up. "What are we gonna do about Amelia?" John B said. "Take her in." Sarah said. "Are you sure?" John B said. "Yes I'm sure." Sarah said. "Let's head to the station so we can fill out the paperwork." John B said. "Come on Amelia." Sarah said as she held out her hand. "Can I see a police dog?" Amelia asked. "Maybe they might be working right now." John B said. Amelia grabbed Sarah's hand and they both walked over to John Bs car.

Here's another oneshot. Lmk if you guys like and any requests you have with kids involved.

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