JJs little sister Pt3

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This is most likely going to be that last part in the little sister series. (Let me know if I should do this with anyone else from the show.)
Setting:Takes place two years after the last chapter. JJ and Kiara are married and Gracie has been living with them since the last chapter as well. Takes place in the kitchen and Gracie's room.

JJ was woken up by music blasting through the walls. JJ tired to go back to sleep but vibrations of the wall just weren't working out for him. So he just got up and walked out of the bedroom to see where the music was coming from and saw that the music was coming from the kitchen. He saw Kiara and Gracie having a dance party while making themselves some breakfast. JJ yelled "what the heck are you guys doing. It's 8:30 in the morning I was trying to sleep". Kiara and Gracie yelled"Oh hey JJ when did you wake up?" JJ took Kiara's phone and turned the music off. Gracie looked at JJ and said"hey we were dancing to that. Why did you turn if off?"

Kiara said "it's because he's a party pooper".
Gracie looked at JJ and whispered "party pooper". JJ said "I am not a party pooper ok. It's just to early to deal with your guys shenanigans." Kiara rolled her eyes and plated everyone's breakfast for them. "Gracie what do else do you want with your waffles". Kiara called out. "I don't really care". Gracie called back. Kiara ended up giving Gracie some eggs and a few pieces of sausage. Kiara passed Gracie her plate while they were all eating Kiara noticed that Gracie got up and went into her room. "Gracie where are you going?" JJ asked. Gracie just said nothing and the only thing JJ and Kiara heard was her door
slam shut behind her.

"I'm gonna go talk to her she seems upset". Kiara said. JJ said "wait I'll come too I want to be there when she opens the surprise we got her." Kiara said "maybe not I don't want her to feel like she's letting you down or anything". JJ gave Kiara a kiss and said "be careful she's starting to go through puberty". Kiara scoffed and said "I think I'm gonna be fine babe". JJ shrugged with his shoulders and decided to watch tv while he waited for Kiara and Gracie to have there conversation.

Kiara gently knocked on the door and waited for Gracie to open the door. "Gracie said with a sob "go away please". Kiara didn't listen and she opened the door,and she saw Gracie siting on her bed with her knees pulled into her chest and tears streaming down her face. "Oh Gracie what's wrong why are you crying?" Gracie just looked at Kiara and she just kept sobbing into her knees. "Gracie please just tell me what's wrong I just want to help you". Kiara said. Gracie whispered"there's nothing you can do. I don't have parents anymore." Kiara realized what Gracie was talking about and all she could do was push the envelope she had brought with her towards Gracie.

"You can open it if you want too." Kiara said. Gracie slowly grabbed the envelope,looked at for a minute and then slowly opened it. She saw that the envelope had a folded piece of paper inside of it. Gracie took the piece of paper out and unfolded it. The paper stated Gracelyn Nicole Maybank will has been adopted by Kiara Anna Carrera-Maybank. Then Kiara's signature was printed at the bottom of paper.

Gracie started sobbing even more and she couldn't believe what she read. "This is a prank isn't Kie". Gracie said. Kiara said "no this isn't a prank I've been thinking about since the day I met you Gracie". Gracie asked "does JJ know about this?" Kiara said "of course he does. He was the one who pushed me to do this". Gracie said "he's the best brother ever. So are you my mom or big sister?" Kiara said"since I'm married to your brother I'm your sister in law but since I adopted you what you call me is up to you." Gracie said "are you sure?" Kiara said "I'm more than sure. I don't care what you call me as long as your comfortable with it".

Gracie gave Kiara a huge hug and just let out all of her happy tears into this hug. Kiara gave Gracie a hug back and she started tearing up too. They both were hugging each other until Gracie fell asleep in Kiara's arms. Kiara slowly laid down on Gracie's bed and held Gracie while she was sleeping. It had been a hour since Kiara went into Gracie's room. JJ started to get worried so he knocked on the door and he waited for Kiara or Gracie to open the door. He waited for like two minutes until he heard soft snores coming from behind the door.

JJ opened the door and saw Kiara and Gracie sleeping next to each other. He quickly grabbed his phone and took a picture of them. He then grabbed a blanket and gently placed it on top of them and gave both of them a kiss on there foreheads. And slowly walked out of Gracie's room and slowly shut the door behind him.

I believe this is the last part of this little series but let me know if you want oneshots with Gracie,Kiara,and JJ. Don't forget to leave your requests down below.

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