Cleo and Pope:Date night

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Context:Cleo and Pope have a date night (they are dating in this one)

Pope had this amazing date night planned for him and Cleo. He rented a yacht just for the two of them,got some of Cleo's favorite food and snacks,and he found some of Cleo's favorite movies on YouTube. Pope had texted Kiara and Sarah,he asked them to take Cleo shopping for there date night and to get a swimsuit as well. Pope's parents also helped Pope by getting him the best flowers they could find for Cleo. "You guys didn't have to help me you know." Pope said. "Hey flowers are the way to a women's heart." Mr Hayward said. "Is that true?" Mrs Hayward said. "And being yourself is another way." Mr Hayward nervously said. "I think I got from here Cleo likes me and I like her so I don't think giving her flowers will make her like me anymore than she does." Pope said. "Pope just give her the damn flowers." Mr Hayward said. "Ok Dad I'll give her the flowers and the snacks I bought her." Pope said. "Give her whatever you want." Mr Hayward said. "I think you should marry her so we can have some grandkids running around the shop." Mrs Hayward said. "Woah woah marry her that's seems a little much now they've only been dating for 3 months now." Mr Hayward. "Yea Ma chill out you'll have grandkids one way or another." Pope said. "Ok I atleast want one grandkid. One." Mrs Hayward as she gave Pope the bouquet of flowers.

"Alright I have to go before Kiara and Sarah drop Cleo off." Pope said as he walked towards his car. "Alright you both better be back by tomorrow." Mr Hayward said. "Ok see you guys later." Pope said. "Have fun." Mrs Hayward. "Not too much fun now we don't need grandkids this early now." Mr Hayward said. Pope then pulled his car out of the driveway and drove down to the dock where Kiara and Sarah were going to drop off Cleo. Once Pope had arrived he parked his car,made sure his hair was ok,and got out the car and held the bouquet of flowers waiting for Cleo's arrival. "They should be here any minute now. I hope she likes these flowers and the snacks I got her." Pope whispered to himself. Right as he said that Kiara and Sarah had pulled up. "Pope here is your girlfriend looking gorgeous as always. Now you kids have fun." Kiara said. "But not to much fun and make sure you guys use protection." Sarah said as Kiara started to pull away. Pope just gave flipped them off.

"Oh these are for you I hope you like them my mom picked them out." Pope nervously said. "Wow these are beautiful. What's in the bag?" Cleo said. "Oh just some snacks for our movie night later. Pope said. "Movie night?" Cleo said. "Yes after we take the yacht out for a little swim." Pope said. "Ooo are we going swimming?" Cleo asked. "We sure are come on let me show you the yacht I rented for us." Pope said. Pope practically dragged Cleo onto the yacht and showed her everything. "Wow Pope this is super nice I can't believe you rented this just for me." Cleo said. "Well you deserve it." Pope said. "Now come on I want to go swimming before it get dark out." Pope said. Pope quickly changed into his swimsuit and waited for Cleo to change into hers.

The second Cleo came out the bathroom Popes mouth dropped open. "How do I look?" Cleo said. "You look absolutely gorgeous." Pope said. "Really I feel like this color isn't me." Cleo said. "Any color looks good on you and that is a fact." Pope said. "Thanks I usually don't wea-". Cleo said as she was cutoff by Pope kissing her. "Was that to shut me up." Cleo said. "A little bit." Pope said. Cleo kissed Pope back and pushed him over the edge of the boat. "Hey what was that for?" Pope said. "Because I love you." Cleo said. "Wow." Pope said right as Cleo jumped in. "Thanks for the date night." Cleo said. "No problem so same time next week?" Pope said. "Maybe on our anniversary?" Cleo said. "I have something way better planned for our anniversary." Pope said. "You do?" Cleo said. "I do you will just have to wait and see." Pope said. "Man I hate waiting." Cleo said.

Here's another Cleo and Pope oneshot. I hope you all like it.

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