Jarah:First Period

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Context:Sarah and John B have a daughter named Charlotte who's 13. And she just got her first period but never told John B. Sarah is on a business trip while this happens.

"Char you up?" John B yelled. "Charlotte?" John B yelled. "I'm up calm down." Charlotte said as she came downstairs. "Ok hurry up and eat so we aren't late." John B said. "School starts in half hour why are you rushing me?" Charlotte said. "What's up with this attitude?" John B said. "What attitude?" Charlotte sassed. "That right there." John B said. "I don't know what you're talking about but I'm going to finish my makeup." Charlotte said. Charlotte walked back upstairs and went into her bathroom. "Where does mom keep the extra pads?" Charlotte said to herself. "Here they are. They're a size two I think that should be fine." Charlotte said. "Charlotte Michelle Routledge hurry up." John B said. "I'm coming." Charlotte said as she went downstairs. "Come on you're gonna be late." John B said. "I don't even want to go to school today can't I just stay home." Charlotte said. "It's Friday and you get out at 12 you'll be fine." John B said as he got into the car. Charlotte just rolled her eyes and got into the car. "I'll see you after school. Have a good day." John B said. "Bye" Charlotte said. Charlotte walked inside and went to her class. Charlotte was doing her work when she felt her pad fill up. "Mrs Lee can I go to the bathroom it's an emergency." Charlotte said. "Sure just take the bathroom pass." Mrs Lee said. "Thank you." Charlotte said as she grabbed the pass. When she got to the bathroom she saw that there was a line. "You have got to be kidding me." Charlotte whispered. "Hey girl to girl you bled through your pants." A girl said that was behind Charlotte. "No these are my favorite pants." Charlotte said. "I have some extra ones in my locker there a size 3 I just washed these you can wear them if you want to." The girl said. "Are you sure?" Charlotte said. "Yes I wouldn't want to be seen with a blood stain. We can go to my locker there's another bathroom by it." The girl said. The girl dragged Charlotte out of the bathroom and they walked to her locker. "I'm Lexie whats your name by the way." Lexie said. "I'm Charlotte." Charlotte said. "Wait is your mom Sarah Routledge?" Lexie said. "Yea." Charlotte said as she took the pants from Lexie. "My mom works with your mom." Lexie said as they entered the bathroom. "She does?" Charlotte said. "Yea they've been partners for a while." Lexie said. "How come I've never seen you before?" Charlotte said. "We just moved to this side of town." Lexie said. "Oh you should come over after school." Charlotte said. "I have to walk home since my dad can't pick me up." Lexie said. "Me too my dad said I have to since he got stuck at work." Charlotte said. Charlotte came out of the stall with Lexie's pants on. "Those look really good on you. You can keep them there too big for me." Lexie said. "Thanks here's my snap so we can find each other at the end of the day." Charlotte said. "Alright see you then." Lexie said. Charlotte and Lexie went their separate ways and went back to class. "What took you so long?" Mrs Lee said. "I had a female emergency." Charlotte said. "Oh are you ok?" Mrs Lee said. "Yea Lexie gave me new pants to wear." Charlotte said. Charlotte sat back down and packed up her things. It was now the end of the day so Charlotte went to go meet up with Lexie. "Charlotte" Lexie yelled. "Hey" Charlotte said. "You want some of these chips?" Lexie said.

"Sure" Charlotte said. Charlotte and Lexie were eating the chips when they both stoped in front of their houses. "We're neighbors this day just got a lot better." Lexie said. "Wanna see my room?" Charlotte said. "More than anything." Lexie said. "My dad will be home in about an hour. But how did you tell your dad you got your period?" Charlotte asked. "I just told him but he freaked out." Lexie said. "My dad would probably call my mom and act like he's never known about a women's period." Charlotte said. "He probably would." Lexie said. "Charlotte I'm home." John B said. "Hey dad this is Lexie." Charlotte said. "Hi." John B said. "Char I'm gonna head home we can hang out this weekend." Lexie said. "Do you need a ride?" John B said. "No I live next door." Lexie said. Lexie walked out and walked to her house. "Why are your pants different?" John B asked. "Umm I bled through my other pants." Charlotte said. "Bled through? Like you got your period." John B said. "Yea I got it yesterday." Charlotte said. "Do you need stuff for it?" John B said. "Maybe some pads I don't know text Mom." Charlotte said. "I'll be back you sit here and don't move." John B said. "Dad I just got my period not a whole broken bone." Charlotte said. "Don't move." John  B said as he walked out of the door.

Here's another request lmk when if you guys like this oneshot. Also thanks for the high rankings!! One more thing if I do another mini series what should it be about and which couple should it be with.

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