Cleo and Pope:Sick day

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Setting:Pope and Cleo's house. TW: mentions of puking/vomiting

Pope and Cleo got married after Pope had finished college and Cleo convinced Pope that they needed to have at least one kid. After one year of trying they had there daughter Samantha. She is an exact replica of Cleo and she just as smart as Pope. Samantha is 5 years old.

Cleo woke up to the sound of her daughters sobbing right next to her. Cleo quickly glanced over at her daughter and saw a puddle of puke on the floor right next to her bed. "Mommy I'm sorry I missed the trash can." Samantha said while sobbing. Cleo called for Pope and asked him to clean up the puke while her and Samantha go to the bathroom. Cleo heard Samantha start to gag again so she quickly grabbed the trash can,placed it in front of her,and rubbed her back. Cleo said "It's ok Sammy mommy's here". Samantha finished puking and scooted towards the end of her bed. She placed her feet on the ground and walked into the bathroom that was across the hall.

Pope saw Samantha walk into the bathroom and he asked her"Sammy why are you going into the bathroom?" Samantha said "Because I threw up and mommy's mad at me". Pope said "why is mommy mad at you?" Samantha just looked at Pope,walked into the bathroom,and sat on the floor. Pope walked back to Samantha's room and saw Cleo on her hands and knees cleaning up Samantha's puddle of puke. "Cleo why are you mad at Sammy?" Pope asked. Cleo said "I'm not mad at her. Why does she think that?" Pope said "I don't know. Maybe you should go talk to her." Cleo shook her head in agreement and walked into the bathroom and saw Samantha with her head dipped into the toilet.

Cleo quickly ran behind Samantha and rubbed her back while she puked all of her dinner she had ate the night before. Samantha finished throwing up but she felt awful and light headed. "Mommy" Samantha quietly said. Cleo said "Yes is something wrong". Samantha said "I feel spiny and yucky". "Oh Sammy let me ask Daddy to get you some water ok". Samantha slowly shook her head and waited for Pope to bring her a glass of water. Cleo yelled "Pope can you get me a glass of water please". Pope yelled "yea give me a minute".  Pope comes rushing into the bathroom and sees Cleo with a very pale Samantha in her arms . "Cleo why didn't you tell me she was this bad". Pope yelled. Cleo screamed "I DON'T KNOW POPE MAYBE I WAS TRYING TO NOT PANIC WHILE MY DAUGHTER IS PASSED OUT ARMS".  Cleo just started sobbing after she yelled at Pope and all she could think about is how Samantha thought she was mad at her. Pope put some water on his hands and started flickering little water droplets onto Samatha's face.

Samantha finally woke up and she saw her tears streaming down both of her parents face. "Sammy thank god your awake" both parents said in unison". Samantha looked around confused but just cuddled into her parents arms and whispered to Cleo that she was sorry. Cleo said "it's ok Sammy I'm just glad you're ok now let's get you in bed." Samantha said"can we watch a movie please". "We sure can". Pope said. Towards the end of the afternoon the whole entire Hayward family was fast asleep on the couch and the movie frozen wasn't even playing yet.

Hey y'all once again let me know if you have requests please don't be afraid to comment.

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