Jarah:A day at the beach

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Context:Sarah and John B hang out at the beach. (They are married in this)

"John B can you put sunscreen on my back please." Sarah asked as she was laying down on a towel trying to tan. "Ugh why do you have to tan every time we come to the beach." John B said. "Because I look amazing when I tan now put the sunscreen on my back please." Sarah said. John B started putting sunscreen on Sarah's back and once he was about to finish he drew a smiley face with sunscreen and walked away. "Did you finish?" Sarah asked. "Yep now I'm gonna go surf so I'll be back." John B said. "Ok I'll be here trying to tan." Sarah said. John B ran into the water with his surfboard and swam to where some decent waves were. While John B was surfing a huge crowd of people started forming right by the edge of the water. The crowd started cheering for him and telling him to do flips and a whole bunch of stuff. "What is with all the commotion?" Sarah said as she got up. "And why is there sunscreen only on the middle of my back? Stupid John B." Sarah said as tried to wipe the sunscreen off her back. Sarah then walked over the crowd of people and saw people talking videos and pictures of John B surfing. "Your doing amazing babe!" Sarah yelled out. Sarah was standing there with her phone in hand recording the whole thing. Once John B finally came back to shore, a whole bunch of people clapped as he walked back to where he and Sarah were sitting. "So how was being "famous" Sarah asked. "It was great everyone loved me" John B said. "I bet they did now why did you draw a smiley face on my back?" Sarah said. "That wasn't me" John B said. "Yes it was no one else was here with me" Sarah said. "Well I thought it was cute" John B said. "Well I think its childish." Sarah said. "Whatever you know you loved it" John B said. "Sure I did now let's go get food because I'm starving." Sarah said. John B just agreed and helped Sarah pack up there things. "So do you think I should become a professional surfer?" John B said. "Whatever your heart desires babe." Sarah said. "Ok but if I become a professional surfer can we have a kid." John B asked. "We'll see." Sarah said.

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