Kiara:being called mom for the first time.

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Context:Kiara adopted a 13 year old girl named Bailey and she hasn't called Kiara mom yet.(not to her face atleast) Bailey also has the stomach flu in this. So this will mention vomiting/puking.

"Bailey you feeling ok?" Kiara asked as she stood outside the bathroom door. "Yea I'm fine." Bailey said even though she was clearly lying. "Are you sure you don't sound "fine"." Kiara said. "Kie I'm fin-." Bailey said as she was cut off by vomiting. Kiara opened the door and saw Bailey hunched over the toilet. Kiara sat next to Bailey held her hair and rubbed her back. Bailey was throwing up for a long time but Kiara stayed by her side. Once Bailey finished she quickly ran out of the bathroom and into her room. Kiara just wiped the bathroom down and let Bailey sit in her room. Kiara then went into the kitchen and made Bailey a small bowl of fruit and filled her water bottle up. Kiara walked over to Baileys room and knocked on the door. "Come in." Bailey said in a whisper. Kiara opened the door and saw Bailey sitting with her knees to her chest and tears streaming down her face. "Bails what's wrong?" Kiara asked as she placed the fruit bowl and glass of water on Baileys nightstand . "Kiara how many times do I have to tell you I'm fine." Bailey said. "Bailey I understand that but I just want why you ran out of the bathroom earlier or why you've been avoiding me." Kiara said. "I don't want to talk about it." Bailey said. Kiara just got up and left. Kiara slammed the door behind her and went into her room. Bailey then grabbed the fruit bowl Kiara brought for her and started eating it. While she was eating the fruit she felt it all come back up. Bailey ran to the bathroom and threw up all the fruit she had eaten. "Mom" Bailey said with a whisper. "Mom" Bailey said louder. Kiara ran into the bathroom and saw Bailey gripping the toilet bowl. "Bails are you alright?" Kiara asked. "No" Bailey cried into Kiara's arms. Kiara just hugged Bailey while she cried. "Mom my stomach hurts so bad,I can't keep anything,and my head hurts." Bailey cried. "I think there's some medicine in the kitchen. We can try that and see if it works ok." Kiara said. "Ok" Bailey said as she slowly got up from the floor. Kiara and Bailey walked to the kitchen while Kiara grabbed the medicine Bailey took a breath and asked "are you mad at me for calling you mom?" Kiara gave Bailey the medicine and said "no I'm glad your calling me mom it makes me feel happy." "It does." Bailey asked. "Yea" Kiara said as she sat next to Bailey. "Well I'm happy to say that we are now a mother daughter duo." Kiara said. "The best mother daughter duo ever." Bailey said. Kiara and Bailey walked over to the couch and started watching modern family.

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