Jarah:water birth

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Context:Sarah has gone into labor and while she's waiting for the actual birth to start she starts to get nervous.

It's been 4 hours since Sarah's water broke and the time to start pushing was getting closer and closer. "JB can you call Kiara please." Sarah said. John B called Kiara and told her that Sarah needed her more then anything. John B walked over to Sarah and just rubbed her back. "Your doing great you know." John B said. "Thanks but I'm really scared." Sarah said. "I know but your gonna do great. Kiara and I will be right by your side the whole time." John B said. Sarah was about to say something but a contraction took over. At that moment there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." John B said as he ran to the door. When John B opened the door he saw Kiara in a bikini top and shorts. Kiara pushed past John B and ran over to Sarah. "Hey how ya feeling?" Kiara asked. "In pain." Sarah groaned. Kiara looked at John B and whispered "get your ass in that tub." John B got in the tub with Sarah and sat right behind her. "Sarah you need to start pushing." Kiara said. "No thank you I'm fi—ne." Sarah said as she got a contraction. "Sarah I know your scared but you have to push." John B said. "I'm not ready to be a mother I don't even know how to put a diaper on." Sarah cried. "Sarah your going to be a great mother now you need to push." Kiara said. Sarah pushed but quickly stopped. "I can't do it." Sarah cried. "Yes you can... Sarah I know you can do this and you can squeeze my hand as hard as you want to. Now push." John B said. Sarah pushed again and this time she didn't stop she just held John Bs hand. "Your doing great Sarah!" Kiara said. After Kiara said that the baby was out. Kiara grabbed the baby and wrapped it up in a towel. "Here's your baby girl." Kiara said. "John B do you want cut the cord?" Kiara asked. John B was about to say yes but he fainted instead. "John B?" Sarah said. "I guess I'll cut the cord?" Kiara said. Sarah just shrugged her shoulders and continued to watch her baby girl play with her hands. "So what are you gonna name her?" Kiara asked. "I was thinking Samantha but John B liked Claire." Sarah said. "I think Samantha Claire Routledge is cute." Kiara said. "I like that to." Sarah said. "Alright then. Welcome to the world Samantha Claire Routledge." Kiara said as she sat by Sarah. "So what do we do about him." Sarah said as she pointed at John B. Kiara just splashed water on him and he woke up. "What did I miss?" John B said frantically. "Nothing much." Kiara said. "JB meet Samantha Claire Routledge." Sarah said. "She's adorable Sarah." John B said. "Thank you." Sarah said. John B gave Sarah a kiss on her forehead and just held Samantha while Kiara helped Sarah out of the tub.

This was requested by someone I hope that they like it and everyone else likes it.

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