Cleo and Pope:lost voice

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Context:Cleo caught a case of the flu from her daughter Saylor who's 9 anyways they both lost their voices and now Pope can't understand a word they're saying. Cleo and Pope are married in this

"Hey Sickie number one and Sickie number two." Pope said as he walked into Saylors room. "Dad that's not funny." Saylor said very horsed. "Well I made you two some tea it's downstairs in the kitchen. There's also some soup down there as well." Pope said. Cleo just gave a thumbs up and slowly got up. Cleo and Saylor went downstairs to eat some of the soup when Saylor rushed to the bathroom. Cleo went into the bathroom while Pope just stayed back. Cleo texted Pope to get her some water and a hair tie. "Mom my throat hurts." Saylor horsed out. "I know." Cleo whispered. "Here I found this hair tie and I just filled her water bottle." Pope said. Saylor threw up and then threw up again. "Cleo do something." Pope said. Cleo just scoffed and rubbed Saylors back. "My stomach hurts really bad." Saylor said. "Should I call Kie I means she is a nurse." Pope said. "What do you think dipshit." Cleo said. "You can talk?" Pope said. "Yea I just said I lost my voice so I wouldn't have to talk to you for a day. Saylor was the one who actually lost her voice." Cleo said. "So should I still call Kie?" Pope said. "Yes Pope you should still call Kie." Cleo said. Pope went to go call Kiara while Cleo stayed in the bathroom with Saylor. "She's on the way." Pope said. "Mom it really hurts." Saylor said. "Try not to talk so much you don't want to hurt your throat anymore." Cleo said. Saylor just drunk some of the water from her water bottle and curled up against Cleo. "Hey Say Say how you feeling." Kiara said as she walked into the bathroom. "Horrible" Saylor horsed. Kiara took Saylors temperature and it was 101.3. "She has a fever and a very bad sore throat but not strep. So just make sure she takes some medicine and gets a lot of rest she'll be fine within a few days." Kiara said. Saylor threw up once more and Kiara noticed so she made sure it wasn't bad. Saylor got up and walked out of the bathroom. "She's just got the flu and a sore throat. Cleo she'll be perfectly fine." Kiara said. "I know but what if she gets worse?" Cleo said. "Then call me and I can check her out." Kiara said. "Hey Kiara what should we do if Saylor passes out?" Pope said. Kiara and Cleo went over by Saylor and saw how pale she was. "Cleo do you guys have any ice packs?" Kiara said as she went over by Saylor. Cleo went to go get an ice pack while Kiara put a cold rag on Saylors neck. Saylor woke up and Kiara rechecked everything. "Pope can you take her to her room and make sure it's cool in there." Kiara said. Pope helped Saylor up and they walked to her room. "She needs to eat something so try to have her eat some fruit or even some toast." Kiara said. "Alright thanks for stopping by." Cleo said. "Anytime call me if any thing changes or happens." Kiara said. "I will." Cleo said. Kiara left while Cleo made Saylor some toast. "Hey baby you want some toast?" Cleo said as she walked in. "Sure did Aunt Kie leave?" Saylor said. "Yea she went back home but she said you should eat this toast." Cleo said. Saylor ate the toast and then went to sleep. "Cleo did you want something to eat?" Pope said as he came in to check on Saylor. Cleo was asleep next to Saylor so he put a blanket over Cleo and then left. "Now I have to clean the house damn it why couldn't I have gotten sick." Pope said.

Finally a Cleo and Pope oneshot!! Lmk if yall like and go check out my book home.

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