Jarah:the aftermath

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Context:In the last oneshot Emily was reunited with Sarah and John B after getting kidnapped after two years. Now she's been at home and hanging out with Sarah. Emily also got sick from being at the hospital so that's why she's been hanging out with Sarah.

"Mom" Emily croaked out. John B went into Emily's room instead of Sarah since she was downstairs making Emily something to eat. "Dad I asked for mom not you." Emily said. "Emmy I don't get why you don't want me anywhere near you I'm not going to hurt you." John B said. "Dad just stay right there and don't move." Emily said. John B didn't move so Emily just got up and walked out. "Emmy come downstairs and eat." Sarah yelled. Emily went downstairs to get water and her breakfast. "Morning Emmy you feeling better?" Sarah said. "No I still can't breathe out of my nose and my head hurts." Emily said. "Let me check your temperature real quick." Sarah said. Emily went to go eat her breakfast while John B sat next to her. Emily got up and went to go eat in the living room. "Emmy" John B said. Emily didn't answer since she was ignoring John B. "Your fever has gone down but I need to go to work." Sarah said. "Don't leave me with him." Emily said. "Emmy that's your dad he's not gonna hurt you." Sarah said. "Yes he is." Emily cried. John B went over to hug Emily and she started hitting him. "Emmy stop he's not the guy who took you." Sarah said as she tried to pull Emily off of John B. "Ems stop." John B said. John B got up and went into the kitchen while Sarah grabbed her phone and called someone. "Hey can you come over?" Sarah said. "Yea is it fine that I bring Liv?" The person said. "Yea that's fine." Sarah said. Sarah hung up the phone while Emily just attached to Sarah. "Emmy you're ok your dad isn't going to hurt you." Sarah said. "He looks just like him he's gonna go the same thing." Emily cried. "But your dad would never do something like that to you." Sarah said. "Emmy look at me." John B said. "Get away from me." Emily said as she backed away from John B. As she was backing up she tripped over a shoe that was in the middle of the floor. Emily fell on her back and she hit her head. "Emmy" John B said. John B went over by her and she was just crying in pain. "Sarah" John B said. Sarah was getting her first aid kit while John B was making sure Emily wasn't knocked out or anything. "Emmy can you sit up?" John B asked. "Help" Emily whispered. "You want my help?" John B said. Emily shook her head so John B slowly helped her up and she fell into her chest crying. "It's ok" John B said as he rubbed her back. "Hey Sarah sorry it took me forever Liv had to finish her school work." The person said as they walked through the door. "Rafe?" John B questioned. "Hey John B Sarah asked me to come over." Rafe said. "Why is Emmy on the floor? Is she still sick?" Rafe asked. "Emmy look at the butterfly I drew for school." Liv said as she showed Emily the picture on her tablet. "I like the colors." Emily said as she broke out from John Bs grip. Liv and Emily were talking while John B updated Rafe on everything that was happening. "That happened with Liv and Sofia I just gave them their space until they were ready to talk to me again." Rafe said. "But what if she doesn't talk to me again." John B said. "She will don't worry she just has to get use to you again." Rafe said. "Daddy Emmy threw up." Liv said. John B went over and picked Emily up and brought her to the bathroom. Rafe went by Liv and just made sure she wasn't covered in puke. "It's from that stupid medicine the doctor gave her. It makes her throw up and then on top of that she doesn't trust John B right now and I have to go back to work in two days I don't know what I'm going to do." Sarah said as she went over to go clean up Emily's puke. "I don't know Sarah maybe you should send her over to Isabella's I mean they're pretty close so maybe she can help." Rafe said. "Isabella has too much going on right now with the new baby and Charlotte I don't think sending a 10 year old who's not comfortable around her dad is what she needs right now. I just wish Emily wasn't like this." Sarah said. "You don't like how I am right now?" Emily said. "Emmy you weren't suppose to hear that." Sarah said. Emily just took a pair of shoes, her jacket and ran out of the house. "Emily wait" Sarah said. "D a m n Sarah you made your own kid run away." Rafe said. "Daddy you said a bad word I know how to spell." Liv said. John B just went outside to see if he could catch Emily before she got too far. "Emily" John B yelled. "She's gone we gotta find her." John B said. "No shit Sherlock." Sarah said.

Here another part to the babysitting series another part is coming don't worry!!

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