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Context:Kiara gets her period and JJ takes care of her. They are dating in this.

Kiara woke up to a wet spot in her bed."shit." Kiara whispered. The wet spot on the bed was blood. "I have to wash the sheets before JJ gets home." Kiara said. Kiara first took a shower and got herself situated before she washed the sheets. Kiara put the sheets in the washer and just laid down on the couch. Kiara just kept getting cramp after cramp. Kiara grabbed her phone and texted JJ.
Texts between JJ and Kiara
K:Hey when are you coming home
JJ:I'm on my way rn
K:ok good
JJ:why is something wrong
K:I got my period when I woke up and my cramps are really bad
JJ:oh well I'm almost home so try to relax
K:ok I love you
JJ:love you too

Kiara put her phone down and went into the kitchen to grab some advil for her headache and cramps. "I hope this works." Kiara said as she took the advil. "Kie I'm home." JJ said. JJ walked in and saw Kiara standing by the kitchen sink crying. "Hey hey why are you crying?" JJ asked. "I don't feel good at all. My cramps are killing me,my head and stomach hurt,and I can't stop crying." Kiara cried. JJ just gave Kiara a hug and just let her cry into his arms for as long as she needed to. "Ok are you done?" JJ asked. "Yea I think I just really needed a hug." Kiara said while JJ wiped the tears off of her face. "Well you should go sit down on the couch." JJ said. "Why?" Kiara asked. "I got you a surprise." JJ said with excitement. Kiara went to go sit down and she waited for JJ to bring her the surprise he had. JJ placed a basket down onto Kiara's lap. The basket was full of Kiara's favorite
snacks,candy,her favorite JJ shirt,and a blanket. "JJ you got this all for me?" Kiara cried. "Well
I knew your period was going to happen sometime week and your always miserable when you on it so I wanted to get you this so you would be less miserable." JJ said. "Thank you I love it." Kiara said. "Good go put on the shirt I got you." JJ said. Kiara got up and went into the bathroom to change her shirt and her tampon.

"Really JJ you got me a shirt that has race cars on it?" Kiara said as she walked out of the bathroom. "Well you said you liked it when I wore it." JJ said. "I was joking." Kiara groaned. "Well you have to wear it for the rest of the day." JJ said. "How wonderful." Kiara said while she rolled her eyes. Kiara just sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. "What movie do you want to watch?" JJ said. "Umm Kie is there suppose to be a blood spot in your shorts?" JJ asked. "Crap I bleed through." Kiara said. "Is it on the couch?" A little I'll clean it up you can go change and stuff." JJ said. "Ok I'll be back." Kiara said. JJ grabbed a towel and started to wipe the spot on the couch and he heard Kiara crying while he was cleaning. So JJ walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Kiara are you ok?"JJ said. "No I hate being a women." Kiara cried. "Can you let me in so we can talk about it." JJ said. Kiara opened the door and just fell into JJ's arms. "At least it's only for 3 days." JJ said trying to lighten up the mood. "Yea but I didn't want to get my period." Kiara said. "Why?" JJ asked. "I wanted to you know." Kiara said. "Have a baby." JJ said. "Kie we are going to have kids someday I know it we just need to be patient." JJ said. "You're telling me that you don't want a mini me running around here." Kiara said. "I do but maybe we can "try" once your period is over." JJ said. "I like that idea. I like it a lot." Kiara said. "Now you're making me want a kid." JJ said. "So can we have one please." Kiara said. "Yes as long as it's a girl." JJ said. "You know it's a 50/50 chance right." Kiara said. "Man well let's go watch some tv." JJ said as he helped Kiara up off the floor. "What are we watching?" Kiara asked. "Up." JJ said. "Really this movie makes cry." Kiara said. JJ and Kiara just laid down on the couch and watched up. Kiara eventually fell asleep halfway through the movie and JJ just cuddled with her until he fell asleep too.

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