Jiara:Sick day

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Context:When Kiara turned 18 she adopted Bailey. It's been 5 years since the "island baby oneshot" so Kiara is 21 and Bailey is 6 years old. JJ and Kiara are dating in this as well. Anyways Bailey gets sick while Kiara is at work so JJ has to take care of her. Kiara is a nurse and JJ works in the military.

"Daddy" Bailey said as she shook JJ awake. "I'm up Bails." JJ said. "I threw up" Bailey said. "That's not good." JJ said. "I think I'm gonna throw up again." Bailey said. JJ got up and carried Bailey to the bathroom and placed her by the toilet. Bailey threw up into the toilet while JJ rubbed her back. "Daddy I want Mommy." Bailey cried. "She'll be home around ten she's still at work." JJ said. "I want her to come home now." Bailey said. "She'll be home in about an hour Bails." JJ said. Bailey finished throwing up so her and JJ went into the living room. "I'm gonna take your temperature." JJ said as he placed Bailey onto the couch. "Daddy has it been a hour yet?" Bailey asked. "No it's only been a minute since you asked." JJ said. "Oh man." Bailey said. "Your mom needs to hurry up I have to leave once she gets here." JJ said. "Why are you leaving again?" Bailey asked. "We talked about this Bails I'm leaving for 6-9 months to go on a mission for work." JJ said. "But you'll come back right?" Bailey asked. "Yea I'm just going to help out some people in a few different countries." JJ said. "Oh will mommy still be home." Bailey asked. "She'll be home with you when she's not at work." JJ said. "Ok" Bailey said as she got up off of the couch. Bailey went over to the kitchen to go grab a snack. "Bails you better not be grabbing cookies." JJ said. "I didn't grab a cookie." Bailey said with her mouth full. Bailey ended up throwing up the cookie she was eating on the floor. Kiara had just walked inside so she went over to help Bailey. "JJ can you" Kiara said but was cutoff by JJ handing her a paper towel. "You are burning up." Kiara said as she felt Baileys forehead. "Kie do you got this I really have to get going." JJ said. "Yea but give me a hug first." Kiara said. JJ gave Kiara a hug and kiss then did the same for Bailey and walked out. "Come on" Kiara said as she picked Bailey up. Kiara brought Bailey into the bathroom and placed her in front of the toilet. "Mommy I want Daddy to come back." Bailey said. "He won't be back for a few months baby." Kiara said. "Can I call him?" Bailey said. "He's gonna be pretty busy and he's not aloud to have his phone where's he going but he promised to write you a whole bunch of letters." Kiara said.

Bailey threw up again which made Kiara pull her hair back into a ponytail. "You feeling better?" Kiara asked. "No my tummy hurts." Bailey said. "I'm guessing it was from the cookie you ate right before I got home." Kiara said. "Just a little" Bailey said. Bailey stopped throwing up and walked out with Kiara. "I'm gonna grab you some medicine you sit here and don't move." Kiara said as she watched Bailey sit down at the dining table. Kiara grabbed Bailey some medicine,a glass of water,and sat next to her. "That's was disgusting." Bailey said as she took her medicine. "I know but it'll make you feel better." Kiara said. "Mommy" Bailey said. "Yes" Kiara said. Bailey opened her arms signaling that she wanted Kiara to carry her to the couch. "Only because you're sick." Kiara said. Kiara picked Bailey up and brought her to her room. "Mommy don't go" Bailey said. "Honey I'm just going downstairs to clean up theirs a bucket right here just call me if you need me." Kiara said as she gave Bailey a kiss. "Ok but can you stay until I fall asleep." Bailey asked. "Scoot over" Kiara said. Bailey scooted over and Kiara laid next to her. "I love you Mommy." Bailey said. "I love you too Bubs." Kiara said. Bailey ended up failing asleep on Kiara's shoulder which meant Kiara was stuck until she moved or woke up so she just went to sleep herself.

Here's a part two of the last oneshot lmk if you guys like it. Also if you have any requests lmk. I also noticed you guys like the ones where the couples kids get sent away and I leave you on a cliffhanger let me know if you have any requests for a oneshot like that.

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