Jiara:Car sick

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Context:Kiara,JJ,and their daughter Eloise are on a road trip and both Kiara and Eloise get sick. Eloise is 6 in this

"Mommy my tummy hurts." Eloise whined. Kiara didn't hear Eloise but she was feeling very queasy. "JJ could you pull over— please." Kiara asked as she gagged a little bit. JJ pulled over and Kiara and Eloise quickly got out and threw up on the side of the road. JJ got out and rubbed both of there backs. Kiara stopped vomiting and grabbed some water from the trunk. While Eloise was still puking. "Here this for when she's done." Kiara said as she handed JJ a paper towel and small bottle of water. JJ saw Eloise finish and she just waited for JJ or Kiara to help her. "Daddy my tummy still hurts." Eloise cried. "I know baby but we only have 30 minutes left until we get home." JJ said. Eloise just hugged JJ while Kiara sat in the car. "Eloise do you want Mommy to sit with you in the back seat?" JJ asked. Eloise just shook her head and reached her arms out for Kiara. Kiara grabbed Eloise and as she placed her in the car she felt like she had the throw up again. Kiara placed Eloise down and turned behind her and vomited once more. "Kie!" JJ yelled. JJ ran over to Kiara and stayed by her side. Kiara finally stopped throwing up but she felt very exhausted. JJ took note of that and helped her into the backseat with Eloise. "Alright here are some trash bags for you two and a little snack." JJ said as he handed both Kiara and Eloise there snacks. "Mommy are you?" Eloise asked. "Yea I'm just a little tired." Kiara said as she laid her head on Eloise's lap. Eloise just played with Kiara's hair while JJ drove the rest of the way home. "Ok girls we're home" JJ said. Of course right as the car stopped Eloise and Kiara threw up. "Aww shit" JJ yelled. "Daddy put five dollars in the swear jar." Eloise said as she wiped her mouth with a paper towel. "Do I have to?" JJ whined as he held up Kiara's trash bag. "Just do it so we- I can go inside and shower." Kiara groaned. "You could've went inside like 5 minutes ago." JJ said. "Well I was waiting." Kiara said. "Why?" JJ asked. "Because I wanted you to carry me and El inside." Kiara said. JJ just made a face and put Eloise on his back while he carried Kiara like a bride on there wedding day.

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