Kiara & Sarah:Its just one cut

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Context:Kiara and Sarah are dating and the rest of the pouges are gone they just got up and left the island without saying anything to Kiara and Sarah. Kiara feels like it's her fault so she's been taking it out on herself and sometimes Sarah. Kiara and Sarah also live together now. Sarah has also been taking classes to become a nurse btw. TW:Will mention self harming and starving yourself. If you do not like that stuff please skip.
"Kie are you ok you haven't come out of the bathroom in a few minutes." Sarah said as she knocked on the door. Kiara didn't answer which made Sarah very scared so she opened the bathrooms door and saw Kiara holding a bloody paper towel over her wrist. "Kie what happened." Sarah said. "I cut too deep." Kiara said panicky. "Let me see" Sarah said. "I'm sorry i cut myself I didn't know what else to do." Kiara cried. "Your cut isn't that bad actually but if you want to we can go get it looked at." Sarah said. "It's fine can you just wrap it." Kiara said. Sarah went to go grab her first aid kit while Kiara just waited for her. "Ok I'm gonna clean the first and then I'll wrap it." Sarah said. Sarah grabbed a cleaning wipe and cleaned Kiara's cut. "Babe I thought you were a week clean." Sarah said. "I was but I just needed to cut." Kiara said. "I promise I'll stop." Kiara said. "Kie you keep saying that." Sarah whispered. "I know but this time I'm serious throw away all my razors and everything else." Kiara said. Sarah grabbed Kiara's razor and threw them away. She then grabbed the trash bag and took it outside so she could throw it away in the dumpster. Kiara went into the kitchen to grab some water. "Kie eat something please." Sarah said. "I already ate." Kiara said. "No you didn't." Sarah said. Sarah handed Kiara a bowl of grapes. Kiara ate one of the grapes and she immediately threw up. "Sorry" Kiara cried. "It's ok I'll clean it up." Sarah said. Kiara went into the kitchen and continued to eat the grapes while Sarah cleaned up the puke. Sarah went to go give Kiara a hug and she saw Kiara crying. "What's wrong baby." Sarah said. "I'm a horrible girlfriend." Kiara said. "No you're not." Sarah said. "Yes I am I can't even tell you when I'm feeling horrible about myself. And I can't even open up to you." Kiara cried. "Kie you're struggling mentally and I understand that. I just want you to open up to me whenever you're ready." Sarah said. "Are you sure." Kiara said. "Yes I'm sure." Sarah said. "We also need to putting that bed together in the guest room." Sarah said. "I already put it together when you were at work." Kiara said. "Did you—" Sarah said as she was cutoff by Kiara. "Yes I set up everything for Bella." Kiara said. "Ooo I'm excited to be moms. But what if she finds out that I cut myself." Kiara said. "She probably wouldn't care." Sarah said. "I hope so." Kiara said. "She comes next week right." Sarah said. "Yea" Kiara said. Kiara and Sarah ended up sitting down in the living room and watching tv while they both were eating grapes.

Here's another oneshot lmk if I should make a part two where Kiara and Sarah meet Bella for the first time.

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