Jiara and Jarah:Babysitting

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Context:Kiara and JJs daughter Isabella who's 16 is babysitting Sarah and John Bs daughter Emily who's 8 while they all are going on a double date night.

"Bella can you help me with my homework?" Emily asked. "Yea let me see it." Isabella said. Emily gave Isabella her homework so she could help her with it. "Oh you mixed up the numbers." Isabella said. "Oh that's why it didn't make any sense." Emily said. "Yea when you finish I can warm up the dinner your mom made us." Isabella said. "Did she make pasta again?" Emily said. "Yea she did." Isabella said as she looked in the fridge. "Aww I don't want pasta again." Emily said. "I could make a pizza or we just eat the pasta." Isabella said. "I guess we can make the pasta." Emily said. "Ok" Isabella said. Isabella went to go downstairs when she heard the sound of glass breaking downstairs. "What was that?" Emily said. "Nothing go into your moms and dads closet." Isabella said. Emily went to John B and Sarah's room to hide in the closet when the person who broke in saw her run into the room. Isabella slammed the door shut and pushed the nightstands in front of the door. "Bella I'm scared." Emily said. "It's ok I'm gonna call 911." Isabella said. Emily just held Isabella's hand while she called 911. "911 what's your emergency?" The dispatcher said. "I'm babysitting my mom's friends daughter and someone broke into the house." Isabella whispered. "Do you know where the person is located in the house?" The dispatcher asked. I think they're downstairs I heard glass breaking earlier." Isabella said. The sound of someone trying to open the door made Isabella stop talking. "If they're trying to get in just make a noise." The dispatcher said. Isabella just sniffled and the dispatcher told her that the police were on the way. Isabella and Emily screamed when the guy came in and opened the closet door. "Let me go" Emily and Isabella said as the guy was dragging them out of the room. The guy saw Isabella's phone and he took it. "No don't hang up." Isabella said. "Too late." The guy hung up the phone and took Isabella and Emily to his car. Isabella and Emily inside the trunk when the guys tied their hands and legs together. "Bella I'm scared." Emily said. "I know but the police should be here soon." Isabella said. "What if they can't find us?" Emily said. "Then we'll just escape ourselves." Isabella said. The guys car stopped and he took Emily out of the car first and then Isabella. Emily and Isabella hopped inside the place and then the guy hit Isabella in her back and then she fell to the ground. Emily went over by her while the guy untied her hands and legs. "Look you two better not make a sound I'll be back." The guy said. The guy left and Isabella just cried while Emily hugged her.
"We couldn't find where the guy went but my men are looking for him right now." The police officer said. "Find our kids please." Sarah said. We're trying our best." The officer said. Kiara and Sarah just cried into John Bs and JJs arms while they walked out of the police station.

Here's another oneshot lmk if yall like it and I'm making a part two to this already!!

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