Jiara:finding out

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Context:JJ went off to military camp and Kiara found out she was pregnant and she hasn't told JJ face to face. She wrote him a letter but that was about it. Her little sister Maddy has been helping her a lot. Maddy is 16. Kiara is 21. This will be written like the Jiara firsts oneshot btw. JJ and Kiara are also married.

The first trimester/finding out.
"Maddy did you get the test?" Kiara said. "Yea but the lady who was checking me out called me a whore as I was walking out." Maddy said. "I don't care about that just give me the test." Kiara said. "Did you pee in the cup." Maddy asked. "Yes" Kiara groaned. "Ok here sassy pants." Maddy said. Maddy handed Kiara the bag of pregnancy tests and waited for her outside of the bathroom. "Why are there chips in the bag?" Kiara said. "Because I wanted chips." Maddy said. "Ok I peed on it." Kiara said. Maddy went into the bathroom and saw Kiara panicking. "Kie it's ok. Whatever happens I'm here for you." Maddy said. "I know but Mom and Dad aren't going to let you come over anymore once they find out I'm pregnant." Kiara said. "I live with you they can't say anything. If they do I don't care." Maddy said. "You would help me if-"Kiara said. "Yes I would there with you every step of the way until JJ comes back." Maddy said. Kiara timer rang which meant it was time for her to flip over the test. "Ok are you ready?" Maddy said. "No what if I'm a bad mom" Kiara said. "You're a good big sister I'm pretty sure you'll be a good mom." Maddy said. Kiara flipped over the tests and they all came back positive. "I'm pregnant." Kiara said. "Yea" Maddy said. "Whatever you decide I'll be there 100% of the way." Maddy said. "Promise" Kiara said. "Promise." Maddy said as they made a pinky promise.

Kiara sent JJ an ultrasound picture when she sent him his care package. So she's around 3 months pregnant and she's been sick everyday. "Maddy" Kiara called out. "I'm grabbing your vitamins and water hold on." Maddy yelled. Maddy ran upstairs and saw Kiara sitting next to the toilet. "Kie you look horrible. I'm gonna go grab you some new clothes." Maddy said. "I look horrible" Kiara said as she was about to cry. "You look like that time you had the flu but you're still pretty." Maddy said. "Even though I've been puking for three days straight." Kiara said. "Yes Kie now take your vitamins." Maddy said. "Alright." Kiara said. "You know mom and dad are coming over right." Maddy said. "They can't do they not know I'm sick." Kiara said. "You're pregnant not sick and they're going to find out once your bump starts showing." Maddy said. "I know but they can't know." Kiara said. "Why not?" Maddy said. "Because they're gonna be mad at me." Kiara said. "This is your choice so it doesn't matter to me." Maddy said. Kiara ended up throwing up again in the toilet. "Tell mom and dad you're sick this time." Kiara groaned. "It's good thing I have a headache right now." Maddy said.

The second & third trimester
"Kie did JJ ever write about when he can come home?" Maddy said. "He said next year so after baby girl is born." Kiara said. "Oh so maybe you should finalize who you want in the delivery room." Maddy said. "You and that's it." Kiara said. "Kie you have to have some else in there. What about Sarah." Maddy said. "No she agreed that she would take care of the house while I was in labor." Kiara said. "What is she taking care of the three dishes in the dishwater." Maddy said. "No she's making sure that we have enough clothes,diapers,wipes,and diapers for me." Kiara said. "So she's gonna be another "me" then." Maddy said. Maddy started to walk away and into her room. "Maddy she's only doing the things that you can't do while I'm at the hospital." Kiara said. "Have her help you then." Maddy said. "Go away or else I'm calling mom and telling her you're seven months pregnant." Maddy said. "You cannot use mom for every argument you know." Kiara said. Maddy opened her door and yelled "you can't use the fact JJ isn't here for whenever you're upset about something or if nothing goes the way you want it." Kiara looked at Maddy with tears in her eyes and she walked back into the living room. "Kie I didn't-" Maddy said as her voice cracked. "No I got it I'm just a pregnant woman who doesn't know if her husband is going to come home or not. And I cry too much whenever something doesn't go my way." Kiara yelled. Maddy walked out of her room and ran outside. "Madison get back here." Kiara said as she watched Maddy leave. "Where are you going?" Kiara said. "To see someone." Maddy said. "Who are you going to see?" Kiara said. "Mom and Dad." Maddy said. "Don't you dare." Kiara said. Kiara ran after Maddy and when she got to her Maddy elbowed her in the face. "What the hell Maddy." Kiara said. "Kiara I'm so sorry."
Maddy said as she Kiara's nose start to bleed. "Help me home." Kiara said as she held out her hand for Maddy to grab it. "I'm so sorry I'll help you when we get home." Maddy said. "Your elbow is sharp as fuck." Kiara said. "Thanks are you dizzy at all?" Maddy said. "I don't know." Kiara said. Maddy just kept walking while she was holding Kiara's hand.

"Why did you run away?" Kiara said as she shut the door. "I wanted to see Mom and Dad." Maddy said. "You think inviting them over here and seeing me seven months pregnant is going to fix everything." Kiara said. "Lean your head back. I don't know I just wanted to see mom because she hasn't stopped texting me." Maddy said. "That's why I blocked her and Dad just stopped texting me after I never responded." Kiara said. "Put this on your nose." Maddy said as she gave Kiara an ice pack. "Maddy I know you miss mom and dad but they were going to send you to kitty hawk me and JJ were trying to save you." Kiara said. "I would've rather gone there than live with you." Maddy said. "Really getting drugged by the random doctors who show up." Kiara said. "Maybe those drug would've made me a better person." Maddy said. "You think mom would've let them drug you." Kiara said. "She'd rather them drug me than you since you're the favorite." Maddy said. "I am not her favorite." Kiara said. "Yes you are she never stops comparing me to you especially when it comes to academics,the people I hang out with,how I always sneak out,and just how I'm not a good daughter." Maddy said. Maddy walked away from Kiara and went back into her room. "Maddy" Kiara said. "Leave me alone." Maddy yelled.

Labor & Delivery
"Sarah stop the car." Maddy said. "We are literally almost there." Sarah said. "Well this baby can't wait that long." Maddy said. Kiara was lying in the backseat holding Maddy's hand as she was in excruciating pain. "I need to push." Kiara said. "Maddy I'm gonna keep driving you're gonna have to help your sister deliver her baby." Sarah said. "Get her out of me." Kiara yelled. "I see the head." Maddy said. "Should I push?" Kiara said as she was trying not to push. "Whenever your body is ready to push just push I'll catch her in the towel." Maddy said. Kiara pushed one more time and the car was filled with the sounds of a newborns cries. "Here she is." Maddy said as she wrapped the baby in a towel. "She's ok right." Kiara said. "She seems perfectly fine and she's not bald." Maddy said as she gave Kiara her daughter. "We're here I'm gonna go get a nurse." Sarah said. "I'm just gonna cover you up with this towel." Maddy said. "You looked down there didn't you." Kiara said. "Yea and that makes me not want to have kids." Maddy said. A few nurses came over to the car and helped Kiara inside. "Do you have a name in mind for this little cutie pie?" A nurse said. "Skylar Madison Maybank." Kiara said. "That's beautiful." The nurse said. The nurse took Skylar to go checked out while another nurse helped Kiara get situated as well. "You helped your sister deliver her baby right?" A doctor said as they sat next to Maddy. "Yes is the baby ok?" Maddy said. "She's fine and your sister wants you to meet her." The doctor said. The doctor got up and took Maddy into Kiara's room. Sarah was already holding Skylar when Maddy came into her room. "Maddy want to meet your niece?" Kiara said. "Yes let me wash my hands first." Maddy said as she ran over to the sink. Maddy quickly dried her hands and sat next to Kiara. Kiara gave Skylar over to Maddy and she immediately fell in love. "She's adorable what's her name?" Maddy asked. "Skylar Madison Maybank." Kiara said. "You named her after me" Maddy said as tears started to form. "Yea I wanted her to know that she's named after the best sister in the world." Kiara said. "We are gonna have so much fun together Skylar just you wait until you can walk and talk." Maddy said. "Do not teach her anything stupid." Kiara said. "Skylar say bitch." Maddy cooed. "Madison" Kiara said. "What. I'm an aunt now so it's only right I teach her these things." Maddy said. "You're lucky you're my favorite sister." Kiara said. "I'm your only sister." Maddy said.

Here's another oneshot let me know if you guys want a part 2. If you do want a part 2 lmk what it should be about.

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